Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century

Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press

Co-editor: Carol Smallwood, public libraries consultant; Library Management Tips That Work, ed., (ALA Editions, 2011)

Chapters sought for an anthology by practicing public librarians and LIS faculty in the United States and Canada: creative, practical how-to chapters for a handbook on strengthening small and rural public libraries as centers of communities serving populations under 25,000. Possible topics: fostering positive staff attitudes; making an inviting atmosphere; successful living endowments; programming; handling patrons, volunteers, meetings;  using technology; effective networking; staff evaluations; professional development; needs assessment surveys.

Concise, how-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues totaling 3,000-4,000 words, or two chapters that come to 3,000-4,000 words. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; if two chapters they are to be by the same author(s).  A complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word accepted submission as compensation, discount on more.

Please e-mail titles of  2-3 topics each described in 2 sentences by March 31, 2014 with brief biography sketch(s);  place SMALL and Last Name on the subject line to:

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