April 20-21, 2020 | Madison, WI
Full details: https://go.wisc.edu/ischool-engage
Do you have ideas to share about engaging your community?
Lead the Way: Libraries at the Heart of Community Engagement is an ideal venue to share your exciting projects and practices! Librarians and staff from all types of libraries are invited to attend and present. The program committee will accept proposals until September 6, 2019.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- community engagement for beginners
- how to be an engaged leader
- service outside the library
- making connections & partnerships within the community
- community engagement and strategic planning
- library as a lead community engagement institution
- community engagement as library advocacy
- services focused on diversity and inclusion
- community engagement related to all forms of accessibility
- teaching as a form of engagement
- leveraging technology to enhance engagement
- community engagement and programing re-boots
- using community data to inform decision making
- how to fund community engagement projects
- administrative strategies to foster community engagement
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Statement
The Program Committee encourages presenters representing a variety of personal and professional backgrounds, perspectives, and voices. We aim for conference presenters to be as diverse as the communities we serve. Submissions are welcome from anyone who is interested in presenting, including students, new professionals, first-time presenters, and representatives of allied professions.
Proposal Evaluation
The committee will evaluate all of the submissions as individual entries, and how they fit within the balance of conference content as a whole. The Program Committee will evaluate all proposals submitted by the deadline using the following criteria:
- Clarity and completeness of the proposal, particularly having well-developed content and sufficient speakers to address all relevant aspects of the topic;
- Originality and relevance of the proposed topic;
- Uniqueness of content in relation to other conference presentations;
- A range of speaker experiences and representations
How to submit a proposal
Please submit a 200-250 word description of your proposed session to Anna Palmer, ahpalmer@wisc.edu, by Sept 6, 2019. Sessions at the conference will be one hour. Please include an additional sentence or two about how this proposal aligns with our diversity, inclusion and equity statement outlined above. Note that the proposal will not be the finalized description for the conference program; the committee will contact selected speakers for a final draft. Panel presentations are accepted.
All selected proposals will receive one complimentary conference registration, which may be divided however the presenters of that session choose.
Questions? Contact Anna Palmer or Meredith Lowe