Category Archives: Staff Training

Academic Exchange Quarterly-Web-based Teaching

Journal Articles are needed for Academic Exchange Quarterly.

Featured Editors: Alys Jordan and Matt Buckley

Manuscripts that address the following questions are sought.

1. What are the best methods to help faculty to successfully teach in
this environment?
2. What are the most effective teaching practices, methods, and
strategies for this environment?
3. What instructional design processes and techniques are the most
successful in developing high quality Web-based distance education
4. How do we support students in this environment to ensure their success?
5. What are the most innovative uses of technology to deliver courses
in this environment?

Who May Submit:
Ideal contributors will be those who teach Web-based distance
education courses or who are responsible for various elements of these
courses. This can include faculty, librarians, administrators,
instructional designers, graduate students, and various other academic
personnel. Please identify your submission with keyword in the subject
heading of your email: DISTANCE-4

Manuscript format and guidelines are available here:

Submit Manuscript to and in the subject
heading indicate:  DISTANCE-4

If you have additional questions contact: Alys Jordan
( or Matt Buckley (

10th International Educational Technology Conference

26-28 April 2010

Albert Long Hall, Bogazici University
Istanbul, Turkey


The convergence of recent technologies, web and mobile technologies, provides unique opportunities and an infrastructure for both face to face and online learning environments. However, specific environments for constructing knowledge are needed. In such environments, knowledge media should bring together the technology and learning theories to form meaningful settings for learners with different academic, administrative and support needs. IETC2010 aims to provide an environment for experts to discuss the current state of the art for learning in schools, industry and universities. Virtual environments, CSCL, m-learning, e-training and e-learning will be topics of particular interest. 
IETC2010 conference is supported by many universities and organizations, and it is venued by Bogazici University where the academic culture has long been a tradition. Further, the SSCI Indexed scholarly Journal TOJET sponsors the event through publishing selected papers. As it is the tenth annual event, IETC2010 has already formed a large, multi-national and friendly community of colleagues who love to share ideas. IETC2010 invites you to submit proposals for papers, panels, best practices, roundtables, tutorials, posters/demonstrations, and workshops. 

Selected papers will be invited to be considered for the SSCI Indexed journal, TOJET.


Proposal Submission: 
10 April 2010 (new)
Full paper submission: 
10 April 2010 (new)
Early Registration: 
05 April 2010 (new)
Late Registration:
After 05 April 2010 (new)


The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to:

  • Asynchronous learning
  • Authoring technology
  • Best practices in ICT classrooms
  • Constructivist perspectives
  • Cooperative/collaborative learning
  • Data mining strategies for e-learning organizations
  • Distance and open learning
  • Educational technology & globalization
  • Human resources in educational technology
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Hypermedia applications
  • ICT integration
  • Improving classroom teaching
  • Innovation and change in education
  • Instructional design
  • Intelligent e-learning systems
  • Intelligent training technology
  • Interactive learning environment
  • Knowledge management in e-learning
  • Learning and content management systems
  • Learning objects
  • Life long learning and technology
  • Mobile learning
  • Network based education and training
  • Pedagogical and practical issues
  • Professional development & teacher training
  • Simulations in education
  • Teaching/learning strategies
  • Video games for learning
  • Virtual classroom, virtual university


Challenges of work and workers in the knowledge economy

Saint Mary’s University
October 29 -31st , 2010
Halifax, Canada

Francais ci-dessus

The traditional manufacturing base of the North American economy has been
studied and theorized extensively. But the world has changed and a post
industrial “knowledge economy” is presenting new challenges.
One area especially neglected is that of work and workers in this new
economy. The typical full-time, full-year, permanent, male-dominated
workforce model in a legal employment relationship with government
regulation based on that model demands to be re-imagined and
re-regulated. These challenges affect all stakeholders – workers and
their organizations, employers and their organizations, governments and
academics. This symposium will present research and thinking on these
questions by international experts and local practitioners.

Our Keynote speaker will be Katherine V.W. Stone, Professor, University
of California at Los Angeles Law School.

Professor Stone is a leading expert in labor and employment law. She was
awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship Award in 2008 and a Russell Sage
Fellowship for 2008-2009 for her work on the changing nature of
employment and the regulatory implications. Her forthcoming book,
Globalization and Flexibilization: The Remaking of the Employment
Relationship in the 21st Century, will examine the changing employment
landscape in Japan, Australia, and Europe. Professor Stone’s recent book,

From Widgets to Digits: Employment Regulation for the Changing Workplace

(Cambridge University Press 2004) won the 2005 Michael Harrington Award
from the American Political Science Association for the
“outstanding book that best links scholarship to struggles for
justice in the real world.” The book was also the finalist (second place)
for the C. Wright Mills Award from the Society for the Study of Social

Please join us in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada) to explore the question:
What are the challenges for all stakeholders in the emerging world of
knowledge work?

Call for papers

This international symposium draws together academics, policy makers,
unions, associations of professionals and artists, employers, and workers
in the global labour market to discuss the nature of the challenges they
face and the possible routes to new institutions and relationships in the
rapidly changing knowledge economy.

Papers are invited on the main symposium theme as well as following
conference subthemes:

Who are the stakeholders in the knowledge economy? How have their roles
been redefined? What new players and institutional forms are emerging?
What kinds of collective organizations work best? What is the state of
citizenship at work in contemporary workplaces? How is the struggle to
organize both work and workers being redefined in a knowledge economy?

Public Policy & Law
How can existing regulatory frameworks cope with the knowledge economy?
Does the regulation of existing institutions adequately serve the needs
of workers and employers/deployers of labour in the knowledge economy?

Working conditions, careers, and the labour process
How are working conditions and the labour process shaped by the
identities, norms and expectations of knowledge workers and the knowledge
economy? How is a career defined and managed when work is intangible,
creative, remote, project-based, and focused on end products rather than
long-term relationships? What is the impact of risk and how is it managed
in portfolio careers?

Immaterial labour and ownership of intellectual property
What impact does the blurring of the production/consumption boundary have
on work control and workplace relations? Who owns the products and
services produced? How is value created and distributed?

Managing knowledge workers
What is changing for employee loyalty, innovation, and motivation?
Today’s (project) managers cope with greater employee autonomy and
creativity across more and more specialized technical fields of
knowledge. How do you manage knowledge workers, or creative workers, or
semi-autonomous professionals collaborating with peers, owners, and
managers?  Where are managers’ sources of power and legitimacy?

Training, education and issues of knowledge management
In networked employment, whose responsibility is training and
development? Who owns the creative power in a knowledge organization?
Where does investment in human capital fit with worker autonomy, global
citizenship, and product value? What are the implications for knowledge
transfer and accumulation when workers can call on the collective
knowledge beyond their organization to solve problems?

Please submit a 300-500 word abstract to
<> by March 31st, 2010 indicating either the general
symposium theme or one of the subthemes.  Complete papers will be due by
September 1st, 2010. Select papers will be considered for publication in
various venues stemming from the symposium. Submissions are welcome in
English or French; please note that some linguistic support will be
available to presenters; however we are unable to provide simultaneous
translation during symposium sessions. The symposium will be preceded by
an industry breakfast, panel discussion, and workshop on October 29th.
Symposium participants are welcome to attend this session

This international symposium draws together academics, policy makers,
unions, associations of professionals and artists, employers, and workers
in the global labour market to discuss the nature of the challenges they
face and the possible routes to new institutions and relationships in the
rapidly changing knowledge economy.

Symposium organizers: Prof. Larry Haiven (902-240-2782),  Dr. Johanna
Weststar (902-496-8770), Shelagh Campbell (902-491-6325)

Sponsored by CRIMT (The Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization
and Work) and Saint Mary’s University

Defis pour le travail et les travailleurs dans l&rsquo;economie du savoir
Symposium international

29-31 octobre 2010
Saint Mary&rsquo;s University
Halifax, Canada

La base manufacturiere traditionnelle sur la quelle repose
l&rsquo;economie nord-americaine a ete abondamment etudiee et theorisee.
Mais le monde a change et l&rsquo;<< economie du savoir >> offre a
present de nouveaux defis. Un domaine particulierement ignore concerne
l&rsquo;emploi et les travailleurs de cette nouvelle economie. Le modele
type de la force de travail masculine occupee a temps plein a
l&rsquo;annee longue et de facon permanente, dans le cadre d&rsquo;une
relation d&rsquo;emploi soumise a la regulation etatique sur une base
legale, necessite d&rsquo;etre repense et re-reglemente. Ces defis
concernent tous les acteurs – les travailleurs et leurs organisations,
les employeurs et leurs organisations, les acteurs etatiques et les
universitaires. Ce symposium permettra de presenter les recherches et
reflexions d&rsquo;experts internationaux et d&rsquo;acteurs de terrain
sur ces questions.

Notre conferencier principal sera Katherine V.W. Stone, Professeure,
Faculte de droit, Universite de Californie a Los Angeles.

La Professeure Stone est l&rsquo;un des principaux experts du droit du
travail et de l&rsquo;emploi. Elle est la recipiendaire, en 2008,
d&rsquo;un Guggenheim Fellowship Award, ainsi que du Russel Sage
Fellowship 2008-2009 pour ses travaux sur les changements de la nature
des emplois et leurs consequences sur la reglementation du travail. Son
ouvrage a paraitre, Globalization and Flexibilization: The Remaking of
the Employment Relationship in the 21st Century, traitera des changements
concernant l&rsquo;emploi au Japon, en Australie, et en Europe. Le recent
livre de la Professeure Stone, From Widgets to Digits: Employment
Regulation for the Changing Workplace (Cambridge University Press 2004) a
recu le Prix Michael Harrington Award 2005 de l&rsquo;American Political
Science Association pour “this oustanding book that best links
scholarship to struggles for justice in the real world”. Cet ouvrage a
egalement ete finaliste (seconde place) pour le C. Wright Mills Award
remis par la Society for the Study of Social Problems.

Rejoignez nous a Halifax pour explorer la question suivante : Quels sont
les defis que doivent relever les differents acteurs intervenants dans le
monde en emergence des milieux de travail du savoir?

Appel de communications

Ce symposium international reunit des universitaires, des responsables
politiques, des syndicats, des associations de professionnels et
d&rsquo;artistes, des employeurs et des travailleurs du marche global du
travail, afin de discuter de la nature des defis auxquels ils font face,
ainsi que des possibles voies conduisant a de nouveaux rapports et
arrangements institutionnels dans une economie du savoir en pleine

Nous vous invitons a presenter des communications sur le theme principal
du colloque – Quels sont les defis que doivent relever les differents
acteurs intervenants dans le monde en emergence des milieux de travail du
savoir? – ainsi que sur les sous-themes suivants :

Qui sont les intervenants de cette economie du savoir? Comment leurs
roles ont-ils ete redefinis ? Quels sont les nouveaux joueurs et formes
institutionnelles emergents? Quels sont les types d’organisations
collectives qui fonctionnent le mieux? Quel est l’etat de la citoyennete
au travail dans les milieux de travail contemporains? De quelles facons
les luttes pour l&rsquo;organisation du travail et des travailleurs
sont-elles redefinies dans une economie basee sur le savoir?

Politiques publiques et droit
De quelles manieres les structures de regulation existantes peuvent-elles
faire face a une economie basee sur le savoir? Les regles regissant les
institutions actuelles du travail desservent-elles de facon adequate les
besoins des travailleurs et des employeurs de l&rsquo;economie du savoir,
y compris lorsque ces derniers ont moins de travail a offrir?

Conditions de travail, carrieres, et les processus d&rsquo;emploi
De quelle facon les conditions de travail et les processus d&rsquo;emploi
sont-ils faconnes par les identites, les normes et les aspirations des
travailleurs du savoir et de l’economie du savoir? Comment definir une
carriere et ses trajectoires lorsque le travail a une base immaterielle,
creative, lorsqu&rsquo;il est realise a distance ou qu&rsquo;il repose
sur un projet, concentre sur des produits finaux a livrer plutot que sur
des rapports a long terme? Quel est l’impact du risque dans ce contexte
et comment est-il pris en compte dans la gestion des carrieres?

Travail immateriel et droit de propriete intellectuelle
Quel est l&rsquo;impact de l&rsquo;effacement de la frontiere entre la
production et la consommation sur le controle du travail et les relations
de travail? A qui revient la propriete des produits et services issus de
ce travail? Comment la valeur creee est-elle distribuee?

Le management des travailleurs du savoir
Quels sont les changements en cours concernant la loyaute des
travailleurs, leur motivation et leur engagement dans l’innovation? Les
(project) managers d’aujourd’hui font face a une plus grande autonomie et
creativite des travailleurs au regard de champs de connaissances
techniques de plus en plus specialises. Comment peut-on controler ces
travailleurs intellectuels ou creatifs, ou des professionnels
semi-autonomes qui collaborent avec des collegues, des proprietaires, et
des managers? Ou sont les sources du pouvoir et de la legitimite des

Formation, education et questions relatives a la gestion des
Dans le domaine de l&rsquo;emploi en reseau, a qui incombe la
responsabilite de la formation et du  developpement? Qui possede la force
creative dans une telle organisation? Dans quelle mesure l’investissement
en capital humain correspond-t-il aux besoins d&rsquo;autonomie des
travailleurs et de citoyennete, ainsi qu&rsquo;a la valeur du produit?
Quelles sont les implications, pour le transfert et l’accumulation des
connaissances, des situations ou les travailleurs peuvent faire appel a
des connaissances collectives, au-dela de leur organisation, afin de
resoudre des problemes?

Veuillez soumettre un resume de 300 a 500 mots de votre proposition de
communication a <> au plus tard pour le 31
mars 2010, en indiquant auquel des themes du symposium, general ou
l&rsquo;un des sous-themes, vous souhaitez participer. Les
communications, dans leur version definitive, seront dues pour le 1er
septembre 2010. Les articles choisis feront l&rsquo;objet de publications
a l&rsquo;issue du symposium.

Les propositions de communication peuvent etre presentees en Anglais et
en Francais; veuillez egalement noter qu’un service de soutien
linguistique sera offert aux presentateurs retenus, cependant nous ne
serons pas en mesure d’assurer une traduction simultanee des differents
travaux du symposium.

La symposium sera precede par des activites organisees autour du theme
Formation et competences dans une economie du savoir, comprenant un
dejeuner avec les differents acteurs, une reunion-debat et un atelier de
travail le 29 octobre. Les participants au symposium sont egalement les
bienvenus a ces activites.

Comite organisateur : Prof. Larry Haiven (902-240-2782),  Dr. Johanna
Weststar (902-496-8770), Shelagh Campbell (902-491-6325)

Commandite par le CRIMT (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la
mondialisation et le travail) et Saint Mary’s University

International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD)





The mission of the International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) is to create awareness of how ICTs can contribute to human development in several areas. IJICTHD describes the link between ICTs and human development (which includes economic, social and political development), identifies the potential applications of ICTs for the development of human beings, and provides insightful analysis about those factors (also contextual and institutional ones) that affect ICTs for human development initiatives. This journal also proposes strategies (to both governments and international cooperation organizations) to move forward and to address future challenges.




Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:


Digital divide

ICTs and agriculture

ICTs and citizen participation

ICTs and commerce

ICTs and culture

ICTs and disasters management

ICTs and economic development

ICTs and education

ICTs and ethics

ICTs and gender equality

ICTs and governance

ICTs and health

ICTs and human empowerment

ICTs and human rights

ICTs and international cooperation

ICTs and poverty alleviation

ICTs and the environment

Knowledge for development

Policy making with regard to ICTs for development


Interested authors should consult the journal’s manuscript submission guidelines at


All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:

Editor-in-Chief:  Susheel Chhabra at


2009 Call for Proposals

Deadline for AECT 2009 submissions is February 16th

This year’s theme is Integrative Approaches: Meeting Challenges. To meet the challenges posed by new developments in educational technology and evolving scholarship on research and practice, we need serious and sustained efforts to (a) incorporate findings from multiple disciplines; (b) involve stakeholders in transforming education and training; (c) integrate technologies into learning, instruction, and performance; (d) interweave research, practice, and theory development; and (e) demonstrate what works when and why. There are six sub-themes:

  1. Transforming Learning and Instruction
  2. Linking Design and Development with Learning and Performance
  3. Establishing the Benefits of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Approaches
  4. Exploring New Media in Learning, Instruction and Performance
  5. Assessing and Evaluating Educational Technology Applications
  6. Integrating Social Networking and Distributed Media

Keynote Speakers:

We have three distinguished keynote speakers: Peter Goodyear (University of Sydney), Andrei Podolskij (Moscow State University), and Daphne Rainey (National Science Foundation) who will address these themes from different perspectives. Several presidential sessions will also address the conference themes, including a presentation by Gráinne Conole of the Open University on new technologies to support effective e-learning and an interdisciplinary panel addressing technology integration in rural schools.
Early-Bird Registration continues. Register Now and Save!

New Presentation Formats:

New presentation formats include (a) integrative panels that include presenters from different disciplines or divisions, (b) reflection papers that allow those with posters to also make short presentations prior to the poster session, and (c) present@distance sessions to allow those unable to present in person to present from a distance using Web-based technology.

Galt House in Downtown Louisville:

The venue is the Galt House in downtown Louisville ( Louisville’s Waterfront Hotel and Convention Complex is the most splendid and accommodating hotel in the city. It is both spectacular and affordable. The Galt House is situated on the Ohio River just 6.5 miles from the Louisville International Airport and within driving distance for many. We have arranged for free Internet access in all guest rooms.
The Louisville Chamber of Commerce has provided a video about their fine city.
Click here to view (320*240 WMV format).

Call for Reviewers :

Conference planners this year are Mike Spector (, Barbara Lockee ( and Miriam Larson ( – address any questions you may to one of them. If you wish to review papers, contact the appropriate division/affiliate indicated in the table below:

Planner Email Affiliation
Adcock, Amy Design and Development
Blatt, Leslie School & Media Technology
Bolliger, Doris Multimedia Production
Carbonara, David Teacher Education
Carr-Chellman, Ali Systemic Change
Hergert, Thomas IVLA
Johnson, Tristan Training & Performance
Kim, Hyunsong KSET
Klein, James Featured Research
Ma, Yuxin SICET
Miller, Chris Leadership Planning
Miller, Wes ECT Foundation
Mizell, Al Distance Learning
Pan, Sam ICEM
Perkins, Ross International
Sikorsky, Eric Training & Performance
Strobel, Johannes Management Division
White, Charlie NEEMA
Wu, Tina SICET
Yamagata-Lynch, Lisa Research & Theory
Young, Particia Minotities In Media

2009 AECT International Convention

‘Integrative Approaches: Meeting Challenges’
Louisville, Kentucky
Concurrent Sessions: October 28-31
Workshop Sessions: Tue. October 27 , Wed. October 28, & Sat. October 31

<!– Proposal Deadline: February 15, 2009 – DEADLINE EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 18TH

–>Invitation To Present

Ongoing developments in learning and instruction as well as in scholarship and research require creativity and flexibility in meeting the challenges posed by emerging technologies, changes in learning and working situations, and new demands placed on education and training. Our professional community exists in an exciting and dynamic world that requires us to do more than merely maintain our knowledge and skills – we must engage in ongoing professional renewal, growth, and transformation.

The AECT International Convention supports our efforts to improve ourselves by bringing together participants from across this diverse nation and from around the world who offer practical applications, high quality research, hands-on workshops, and demonstrations of innovative approaches and developments in learning, instructional and performance technologies. You are invited to present at the 2009 AECT International Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Share your expertise and knowledge with your peers, with those new to the field, and with professional practitioners and researchers representing multiple disciplines.

This year’s convention theme is Integrative Approaches: Meeting Challenges. Given developments in research, technology, and society, professional practice in the various disciplines that comprise the AECT community continue to change and evolve. To meet the challenges posed by ongoing changes, we need serious and sustained efforts to (a) actively incorporate findings from multiple disciplines; (b) involve key stakeholders at multiple levels to transform education and training; (c) integrate technologies seamlessly into learning, instruction, and performance; (d) dynamically interweave research, practice, and theory development; and (e) demonstrate what works when and why with regard to improving learning, instruction, and performance. Meeting these challenges is an ambitious undertaking. The most one can do in a short period of time is to take a few steps. One of those steps can be participation in the AECT 2009 International Convention in Louisville.

In keeping with the convention theme, proposals may be submitted that include the use of advanced information and communications technologies as well as more traditional proposals that present findings and discuss important developments in research and practice. This convention will introduce two innovative kinds of sessions: Integrative Panels and Present@Distance. The former is aimed at involving presenters from multiple disciplines and perspectives to discuss a central and focused issue. The latter is aimed at promoting the use of those very technologies that are changing our lives as designers, developers, media specialists, researchers teachers, and trainers. There are six sub-themes around which this year’s presentations will be organized:

  1. Transforming Learning and Instruction
  2. Linking Design and Development with Learning and Performance
  3. Establishing the Benefits of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Approaches
  4. Exploring New Media in Learning, Instruction and Performance
  5. Assessing and Evaluating Educational Technology Applications
  6. Integrating Social Networking and Distributed Media into Learning and Instruction

General Information

Regular Proposals
Proposals Open – December 15, 2008
Proposals Close – February 14, midnight (EST), 2009

Proposal Process
All proposals must be submitted electronically (see Proposal Submission Process, below) to one primary AECT division or affiliated organization for consideration. Guidelines and principles posted at will assist in preparing proposals for submission. Presenters are expected to follow the AECT Code of Ethics, available at

Presenters are limited to making no more than two (2) concurrent session presentations as key/first presenters during the convention. That is, proposers must select one division or affiliate to receive their proposal and not submit the same proposal (or one that is largely the same) to any other division or affiliate. Each division/affiliate has a Convention Planner (usually the President-Elect). If a Convention Planner and/or the peer review panel feel a proposal is not well suited to their division/affiliate, they may recommend it for consideration by another division/affiliate. This will occur without action by the proposer. In addition, a person may propose no more than two concurrent session presentations on which he or she is key presenter, although that individual may be a co-presenter on other proposals and may propose roundtables/poster presentations.

The intent of (1) not allowing submission of the same (or a very closely related) proposal to more than one division and (2) limiting the number of presentations on which a person may be key presenter is to assure a diverse program in which many strong presentations are included and little duplication occurs.

If you are unsure of the suitability of your proposal to a particular group, we encourage you to contact the Convention Planner for that group or organization.The following list describes particular topics suggested by each group and identifies the planner for each group.

Recruitment, Development, and Retention of Information Professionals: Trends in Human Resources and Knowledge Management


Proposal Submission Deadline: October 30, 2008
Full Chapter Deadline: February 15, 2009

Book: “Recruitment, Development, and Retention of Information Professionals: Trends in Human Resources and Knowledge Management”
A book edited by: Elisabeth Pankl, Danielle Theiss-White, and Mary C. Bushing

With the projected retirement openings in the field of information science and management and the ever growing need for knowledge management, the need for a viable workforce is more pressing than ever before. Our handbook will provide both information professionals and their organizations with the skills and knowledge necessary to strengthen and develop the profession.

Objectives of the book

Our objective is to inform and to expand the current literature on the career development of information professionals by bringing together the expertise of practicing information professionals in the 21st century. This handbook will bring together this disparate yet exciting and vibrant profession by sharing how various information professionals encourage the recruitment, retention and career development of individuals within their organizations whether at a single workplace or on a regional, state, or national level. Thus, this handbook will provide a toolkit for employers, new information professionals, and information organizations.

The target audience

The prospective audience of our proposed text is composed of several distinct groups. Perhaps the most important group is the future information professionals. This group will benefit immensely from the information, real-life experiences, advice, and future developments detailed in the book. Another important group is the employers of information professionals. Employers will be able to use the information in the book to design and implement recruitment, development, and retention policies and procedures that further both the success and longevity of the profession and their own organizations. A third, but not final, group is the teachers and trainers of information professionals. All quality professional training incorporates not only the technical skills required for employment and advancement, but also the myriad of affective elements that shape one’s professional career.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

· Retention and/or recruitment research and/or practices and the information professional

· Retention and/or recruitment research and/or practices and diversity in the workplace or profession

· Mentoring policies, programs, procedures, and outcomes from an individual, organizational, regional, state, or national level

· Mentor/mentee relationships

· Mentoring in the professions/peer mentoring

· State, Regional, National leadership programs and outcomes

· Succession leadership planning

· Trends in Human Resources and the information professional/personnel management

· Career development guidance

· Organizational culture/group dynamics

· Orientation programs

· Continuing education/training/in-service education

· Librarianship as a profession

· MLS/MLIS/Library Media Specialist/Library Certification education programs

· Regional, state, and/or national information professional associations and their involvement with career development, recruitment to the profession, and retention

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 2-5 page proposal clearly explaining the objectives and concerns of the proposed chapter by October 30, 2008. The status of submitted proposals will be communicated by November 15, 2008. At that time, the authors of accepted proposals will be provided with chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by February 15, 2009. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. The book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group, Inc.),, publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formally Idea Group Reference) and “Medical Information Science Reference” imprints.

Inquiries and Submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) to:

Elisabeth Pankl

Humanities Librarian and Assistant Professor

K-State Libraries

Danielle Theiss-White

General Reference Coordinator and Assistant Professor

K-State Libraries

Sofia 2008: Globalization and the Management of Information Resources


12-14 November 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria

On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee, we would like to
invite you to participate in Sofia 2008: Globalization and the
Management of Information Resources, 12-14 November 2008 hosted by The
School of Library & Information Management, Emporia State University,
Kansas, USA; the Department of Library and Information Sciences, St.
Kliment Ohridski❠University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria; the University
of Kansas Libraries, Kansas, USA; Seton Hall University Library, New
Jersey, USA; James A. Michener Library, University of Northern
Colorado, Colorado, USA.

Sofia 2008 is part of an international conference series that has been
hosted in Kansas City, Kansas (1995), Warsaw, Poland (1997) and Sofia,
Bulgaria (2000, 2002, 2004, & 2006). The conference series is devoted
to interpreting trends, patterns of globalization and their effects on
the development of library services, and the development of information

The conference themes this year are:

• Access to electronic networks
• Organization, classification and retrieval in a web environment
• Information industry & knowledge management
• Information literacy and lifelong learning
• Digital and virtual libraries
• Information architecture and knowledge management
• Information policy issues in an electronic environment
• Digital rights management (DRM)
• Education and training in a Web 2.0 environment
• Ethics and the right to access to information
Also, a special session is planned on the role of libraries in the
capture, access, preservation, and use of indigenous knowledge

Please send your submission of contact information, title and abstract
of no more than 500 words by MONDAY, 9 JUNE to the conference e-mail
address: Notification of acceptance to the
program will be made by 30 JUNE, and to include the paper in the
published conference proceedings, the final copy is due by 15 OCTOBER.

Please note that all participants will pay registration. A small number
of stipends are available for East European colleagues to support
conference attendance. Preference will be given to those individuals
presenting papers or reports. For conference support please get in
touch with Dr. Alexander Dimchev. E-mail: or

Participation is also available for students in a special concurrent
poster session. Interested students should submit contact information,
poster title and a brief summary (150 words) to Ms. Perri Parise at by 3 JUNE. Students will be notified of acceptance
by 24 JUNE.

More details about the conference can be found at You may direct
questions to Rebecca Miller Banner, conference coordinator, at

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you’ll be able to
join us in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Chairs Herbert Achleitner and Alexander Dimchev

Herbert K. Achleitner, PhD
School of Library & Information Management
Emporia State University
Emporia, Kansas, USA

Alexander Dimchev, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Philosophy
University of Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Call for Special Issue Papers
Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge
Issue 9(1), March 2009

The editors of the online journal Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal) announce a call for papers for a special issue of the journal on the topic of “Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge.” Accepted papers would appear in Volume 9(1) to be published in March 2009.

Scholarly articles may report research describing (a) teachers or preservice teachers who demonstrate “TPACK” (also known as TPCK) in the K-12 classroom; (b) teachers/preservice teachers in the process of developing TPACK; or (c) teacher education programs with demonstrated success in developing TPACK in their graduates. We have a special interest in articles describing the development of instruments or methods to measure TPACK. Theoretical articles will also be considered, especially if they synthesize the research or development of TPACK thinking in a particular content area.

Additional information specific to each section of CITE Journal follows.

Science Education Section

Papers submitted to the science education section should address TPACK in the context of K-12 science teacher education. To submit your article, go to, click on the Submissions tab, and follow the directions. When you navigate to the page that enables you to select the journal for publication, be sure to select the CITE Journal “Special Issue: Science – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge” radio button. We encourage you to think about the special advantages of publishing online by including media such as digital videos, images, audio and/or links to websites in your manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than September 15, 2008.

John C. Park
Science Section Editor

Social Studies Education Section

This special issue of CITE Journal Social Studies will examine issues and problems associated with the application of TPCK in social studies. Manuscripts for this special issue should focus on one of the following two areas: (1) reports on data-driven research about the application of TPCK in social studies settings, both K-12 and teacher education; (2) theoretical considerations of TPCK, including but not limited to applications in K-12 social studies settings and implications for teacher education. To submit a paper from the CITE Journal submission Web page, select the CITE Journal “Special Issue: SocStu – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge” radio button. Manuscripts must be submitted no later than September 15, 2008.

John Lee & David Hicks
Social Studies Education Section Editor

Mathematics Education Section
Papers submitted to the mathematics education section should address TPACK in the context of K-12 mathematics teacher education. To submit a paper from the CITE Journal submission Web page, select the CITE Journal “Special Issue: Math – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge” radio button. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than October 15, 2008.

Christine Browning & Mark Klespis
Mathematics Education Section Editors

English Education Section
Papers submitted to the English education section should address TPACK in the context of K-12 English/language arts teacher education. To submit a paper from the CITE Journal submission Web page, select the CITE Journal “Special Issue: English – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge” radio button. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than October 15, 2008.

General Section

Scholarly articles addressing content areas not addressed in other sections of CITE Journal should be submitted to the General Section for review. Appropriate content may come from foreign and classical languages, exceptional learners, physical education, music and art education, or general teacher education including technology education/professional development courses that emphasize the development of pedagogical and content knowledge in conjunction with the development of technology proficiency. Authors are encouraged to take advantage of hyperlinks to provide supporting evidence such as course assignments and student-created products to validate TPACK methodologies.

To submit a paper from the CITE Journal submission Web page, select the CITE Journal “Special Issue: General – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge” radio button. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than September 15, 2008.

Matthew Koehler & Judi Harris
General Section Guest Editors

Current Practice Section

Current Practices section of the CITE journal seeks articles for a special issue related to TPACK methodologies that demonstrate promising ideas, teaching practice, implementations, or preliminary/pilot findings from research studies or development projects targeting preservice and/or in-service teacher education. Authors are encouraged to take full advantage of the multimedia capabilities of the CITE Journal to support, illustrate, and provide relevant examples of the issues presented in the article. Papers submitted to the mathematics education section should address TPACK in the context of K-12 mathematics teacher education. To submit a paper from the CITE Journal submission Web page, select the CITE Journal “Special Issue: CP – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge” radio button. Manuscripts must be submitted no later than September 15, 2008.

Natalie Milman & Pete Adamy
Current Practice Section Editors

Collaborative Technologies and Applications for Interactive Information Design: Emerging Trends in User Experiences


Proposals Submission Deadline: 4/30/2008

Full Chapters Due: 8/31/2008

Collaborative Technologies and Applications for Interactive Information Design:
Emerging Trends in User Experiences

A book edited by Scott Rummler and Dr. Kwong-Bor Ng, CUNY Queens College

Collaboration is a form of electronic communication in which individuals work on the same documents or processes over a period of time. The Web is considered one of the first examples of collaboration in the digital age, and today, collaboration is often discussed in the context of Electronic Content Management Systems (ECM) and other content-rich social computing tools. When applied to technologies development, collaboration often has a focus on user-centered design and rapid prototyping, with a strong people-orientation. Common functionalities include Wikis, interactive message boards, social bookmarking, electronic negotiation and collaborative filtering. This book will examine the topic from a wide variety of viewpoints, including Information and Library Science, IT consulting, and education.

Objective of the Book
This will be the only publication that addresses collaboration in all of its forms. It will offer a fresh perspective on the Web by viewing it as basically the response for a need for collaboration. The book will have a wide range of authors whose expertise is assembled in no other place, from emerging IT, to user experience design, to ECM systems.

Most of the major recent IT developments (the Web, the iPhone, ECM systems) have arisen directly or indirectly out of a need for collaboration. Collaboration is now being seen as desirable in itself, so it is likely that the next big thing in the IT space will involve collaborative technologies. This publication will allow experts with diverse backgrounds to combine their expertise for the first time. The authors and their associates will form a natural base for discussing and promoting the book, and can be expected to be enthusiastic.

Target Audience
The book is expected to extend the current audience for research on the topicby attracting business practitioners and a percentage of additional diverse technology readers. Major groups include: scholars in the field of Information Science, business users of ECM systems, educators seeking collaborative learning experiences, IT sociologists, Information Architects, User Experience Designers, experts who study the effect of technology on society, business consultants.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Adaptive Interface


Best Practices in Collaboration

Collaborative Authoring (e.g., Wiki)

Collaboration in Library Settings

Collaboration in Handheld Devices

Collaboration in Manufacturing

Collaboration in Product Design

Collaboration in Research and Development

Collaboration in Smart Appliances

Collaboration in the Healthcare Industry

Collaboration in Usability Engineering

Collaboration in User-designed Content

Collaboration in User-generated Content

Collaborative Technology: Theory, Applications, and Trends

Context Awareness

Designing Spaces for Collaboration

Disruptive Collaborative Technologies

E-Learning Implementations in the New York City School System

Electronic Content Management Systems and Collaboration

Emerging Collaboration Technologies

Emerging technology in Collaboration

Future Directions in Collaboration

Future Trends in Collaborative Technologies

Information Architecture for Collaboration

IT Consulting for Collaboration

Library 2.0 and Collaboration

Models for Permissions in Collaboration

Social Group Theory of Collaboration

Social tagging and folksonomy

The Design of Collaborative Technology Spaces

The history of collaboration

Theoretical foundations of collaboration

Usability Factors in Collaboration

User Experience Design for Collaboration

Web 2.0 and Collaboration

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 30, 2008, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by May 31, 2008 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by August 31, 2008. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the Information Science Reference (formerly Idea Group Reference) and Medical Information Science Reference imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or by mail to: