Tag Archives: jounals

Library Hi Tech

Library Hi Tech has issued two calls for papers:

  1. Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems
  2. Green technology in libraries

The submission deadline for the next issue is 15 January 2012. Articles for the following issue should ideally be submitted by the end of March. With enough papers on these topics, LHT will consider doing special issues.

Articles should be between 4000 and 8000 words. References should use the Harvard style. Please submit completed articles via the Scholar One online submission system.

Library Hi Tech is a peer-reviewed, ISI-indexed journal published by Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.

Best wishes … Michael Seadle

Dean, Faculty of Arts I / Dekan, Philosophische Fakult�t I
Professor & Director, Berlin School of Library and Information Science
(Institut f�r Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft)
Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
Editor, Library Hi Tech
Blog: Digital+Research=Blog

Dynamics of Value Reporting



Dynamics of Value Reporting: A Special Issue of Libraries & the Cultural Record

Libraries & the Cultural Record, a peer-reviewed journal of history published by the University of Texas Press, invites submissions for a special issue devoted to exploring historical perspectives on the reporting of the organizational performance and value created by libraries, archives and museums. Contributors are encouraged to consider the topic in diverse ways. Possible themes might include (but are not limited to):


        The historical role of organizational performance and value reporting by agency type, appropriate to a geographical area, or within a segment of time

        Comparison of organizational performance and values being reported in terms of types (i.e. cultural, economic, and social), perceived need, or effectiveness over time   

        Biographical sketches of significant individuals, including organizational  performance and value reporting leaders, innovators, or advocates 

        Relationships between the business sector and libraries, archives, and/or museums regarding organizational performance and value reporting developments and schemas

        Cultural factors influencing the organizational performance or value reporting of libraries, archives, or museums

        Impacts of organizational performance and value reporting by libraries, archives, or museums on rural, diverse or underserved communities

        History of the development and/or implementation of a specific organizational performance or value reporting schema within libraries, archives, and museums

        Comparative histories of two or more agencies using different organizational performance or value reporting schema

        Measuring the value of the library’s or archives’ collections or resources

        Determining the value for / impact on the library or archives over time when its collections and resources are sold for operating revenue

        Successes/failures, and their causes and effects, of value reporting to resource allocators from senior administrators to policy makers (particularly legislators)


Proposal guidelines:

        Submissions should be based on original research utilizing appropriate sources, including relevant archival or museum materials or collections. Articles must provide a coherent narrative and analysis that situate organizational performance and value reporting in the broader historical or social context of the profession and/or culture in which they operate. Submissions should not have been previously published or be currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Completed manuscripts should be approximately 5,000 – 6,000 words including notes. Proposals for articles must include: the author’s contact information, including name, title, e-mail address, telephone number, and institutional address (if more than one author, include information for all authorship contributors and designate which is the primary author for purposes of communication)

        Title of the proposed article

        An abstract of 500 words or less

        Brief list of principal primary and secondary sources that will be used in the research

        A statement on the status of the research and prospect for completion by deadline


Proposals should be prepared using Microsoft Word and submitted electronically to the guest editor, Larry Nash White (whitel@ecu.edu). Proposals must be received by the editor no later than September 1, 2011. Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail, indicating that the proposal has been received. Authors of proposals will be notified by February 1, 2012, regarding the status of their submission. Proposals that are accepted will receive an invitation to submit a manuscript for peer-review by November 1, 2012. Following peer-review, manuscripts will be returned to authors by January 15, 2013, indicating any revisions required. Final revised manuscripts are due to the issue editor no later than March 15, 2013. The special issue will be published in early 2014, as volume 49, number 1 of the journal. For more information about the journal’s submission requirements and peer review process, see L&CR‘s web page for submissions at http://sentra.ischool.utexas.edu/~lcr/submissions/index.php.


About the journal:

Libraries & the Cultural Record (ISSN1932-4855) explores the creation, organization, preservation, and utilization of collections in libraries, archives, and museums in the context of cultural and social history. The quarterly journal publishes historical research from scholars worldwide, along with thoughtful essays and book reviews. In 2010, Libraries & the Cultural Record was rated among the top twenty percent of journals in its field by the Australian Research Council in a ranking of 148 scholarly journals in the field worldwide.  In 2011, it is being added to the “Information Science & Library Science” and the “History of Social Sciences” categories of the Social Sciences Citation Index.  Articles are available in full-text beginning with the winter 2001 issue (Volume 36, Number 1) for subscribers to Project Muse at http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/libraries_and_culture/.


About the guest editor for this special issue:

Larry Nash White is an Associate Professor in the Department of Library Science at East Carolina University. Dr. White is an internationally invited speaker, presenter, and author in the areas of library administration, leadership, organizational performance assessment, and competition for library service. His research interests include competition for library and Information services and resources, organizational performance assessment, analytics, leadership, and strategic information use by library administrators.


Teacher-Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University

Teacher-Scholar explores the history, present circumstances, and possible future of America's hardest working but least studied institutions of higher learning--Regional State Universities or, to use a more recent and revealing title, State Comprehensive Universities (SCUs). With heavy teaching loads and extensive service obligations for faculty and seemingly endless responsibilities for administrators, SCUs are the invisible workhorses of higher education and, in many ways, America's "institutions of the future." Serious study of such institutions is long overdue. How does their story modify the dominant understanding of higher-education history, which is based on more prestigious institutions? What are the benefits of working at an SCU? What kinds of challenges do the faculty and the administration face? How is the education provided by SCUs different from that offered by large research schools or private liberal arts colleges? How do students fare once they graduate from universities that supposedly lack prestige? How can technology best be utilized for teaching and learning at such schools? What is campus culture like at an SCU? What is the real role of research and scholarship at these institutions? What do interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching mean at an SCU? How does internationalization occur on these campuses? These questions and more will be addressed in the pages of Teacher-Scholar. Published annually (both online and in hard copy) and fully peer-reviewed, Teacher-Scholar welcomes submissions for the third issue. The journal publishes reflective essays that explore the satisfactions and frustrations of careers spent at SCUs, studies of specific topics based on quantitative and/or qualitative research, and articles that focus on application. Submissions in the form of electronic attachments (in Microsoft Word) should be sent to Eric Leuschner at edleuschner@fhsu.edu and conform to the most recent edition of the APA style manual with a limit not to exceed 10,000 words (including notes and works cited). Submission deadline for issue 3: August 1, 2011. For previous issues visit: http://www.fhsu.edu/teacher-scholar/