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Dong Chen, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Professor
Department of Mathematics, Eberly College of Science
Pennsylvania State University
231 McAllister Building, University Park, PA 16802


Research Interests

My research interests are focused on geometry, dynamical systems, and inverse problems. My research is currently supported by the AMS-Simons Travel Grant. Here is my CV.


Publications and preprints

  • “Riemannian Anosov extension and applications” (joint with A. Erchenko and A. Gogolev), manuscript available at Under review.
  • “On the closing lemma for Hamiltonian flows on symplectic 4-manifolds”, manuscript available at Under review.
  • “An example of entropy non-expansive nearly integrable system” (joint with Dmitri Burago and Sergei Ivanov), accepted by Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
  • “Finsler perturbation with non-dense geodesics with irrational directions” (joint with Dmitri Burago), accepted by Asian Journal of Mathematics.
  • “Properties of equilibrium states for geodesic flows without focal points” (joint with Lien-Yung Kao and Kiho Park), Advances in Mathematics, 380 (2021), 107564.
  • “Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows over surfaces without focal points” (joint with Lien-Yung Kao and Kiho Park), Nonlinearity, 33 (2020), no. 3, 1118-1155.
  • “On total flexibility of local structures of Finsler tori without conjugate points”, Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 11 (2019), No. 02, pp. 349-355.
  • “Positive metric entropy arises in some nondegenerate nearly integrable systems”, Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 11 (2017), pp. 43-56.

Research note

  • “The key ideas behind perturbing any completely integrable Hamiltonian system obtaining metric entropy non-expansiveness” (joint with Dmitri Burago and Sergei Ivanov), manuscript available at

Teaching Experience

Course Instructor, Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University

Course Instructor, Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University