Hey Kid, Catch.

The Super Bowl is one of the most televised events in the United States. As the final game of the American Football season, it tends to draw millions of viewers from around the country and the world. It is well known that the Super Bowl commercials are very entertaining and have a large role in the event; advertisers seek to capitalize on this buy attempting to produce memorable and funny commercials. One of the most memorable aired during the 1980 Super Bowl between the Pittsburg Steelers and Los Angeles Rams. It was a Coca-Cola add featuring Hall of Fame Defensive Tackle, Joe Greene. The commercial is famously remembered by Joe Greene’s catch phrase at the end, “Hey kid, catch.”

Coca Cola took advantage of several qualities of Kairos for this commercial to make it so memorable. It aired during the 1980 Super Bowl, or the end of the 1979-1980 season. During the 1970’s the Pittsburg Steelers were the best team in the NFL; they won 4 Super Bowls and had several hall of fame players and staff. Joe Greene, or also known by his nick name “Mean Joe Greene”, was not only one of the defensive anchors but also a very well-known player. Coca-Cola capitalized on his popularity and catchy nickname in their commercial. A young boy talks to Mean Joe as he limps to the locker room in pain. He gives Joe his Coke to help alleviate the pain. As the kid walks away, “Mean” Joe Greene acts charitably (contrary to his nickname) and offers the kid his jersey, telling him to catch it with his iconic line.

Although the commercial aired months before the game, it was played again so that a larger audience would see it. All of these Kairos elements played a part in this commercial’s memorability. When people are asked about their favorite Super Bowl commercials, this one usually comes to mind and is still remembered forty years after its debut. People will always remember Mean Joe Greene being a nice guy to an adorable little kid who just wanted to help him. Best of all, people will associate this nostalgia with Coca-Cola products.

2 thoughts on “Hey Kid, Catch.

  1. There are definitely many aspects for this commercial that had to line up to create an ideal rhetorical situation, including the Steelers’ recent success, Joe Greene’s nickname, and the fact that he played for the Steelers at that time. If this commercial had been created at any other time it would not have been nearly as effective for many reasons, one of them being the juxtaposition of Joe Greene’s actions and his nickname.

  2. Super Bowl commercials have always been my favorite, but I really liked how you brought up the “Joe Greene” commercial. The commercial definitely used Karios which is why the commercial created such a lasting effect.

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