RCL Speech Reflection

After listening to my civic artifact speech on Tuesday, I recieved lots of positive feedback from my peers. My groupmates told me that my presentation was very organized; the several different slides corresponded well with my speech while also providing attention-grabbing visuals. I was also told that I provided great analysis of my civic artifact along with summarizing it for people who had not seen the short film. My civic artifact, a Disney short film titled Der Fuehrer’s Face, required some context to understand the purpose of it; my speech provided a sufficient summary for one to understand but not to the point where I was just summarizing the piece instead of analyzing it. Finally, my groupmates thought that my delivery was very good; they noticed that I was attentive and that the speech flowed very naturally rather than sounding too scripted.

I personally think that my speech could have been a little better; I did have to read a little bit off of my computer screen and watching it again during class did look a little awkward. I also believe that I should have been a little more lively while delivering the speech; I recorded it at 5:30 AM so I might have been a little tired. Overall, I would say that I gave a good speech. I spoke well, had a very organized presentation, and provided sufficient analysis of my civic artifact without boring the audience too much or rambling on about the same point.

My peers also had solid presentations of their civic artifacts. One of my group mates used actual quotes from her video while also using a quote from research about the target audience. I thought this was a really good comparison that really showed the purpose of their civic artifact. My groupmates providing lots of context for their civic artifacts whether it was instagram posts or comparing new doll models to original ones I felt very informed regarding what the civic artifact actually was. Finally, I felt that the topics that my peers spoke about were interesting and that they should be discussed more. In particular, I found that Kaylee De La O’s presentation about the Ashley Graham Barbie doll put forth great information about body image and the impact it can have on young girls. I thought that my peers and I all did great presentations and that we could all learn from each other’s successes and mistakes.

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