Ted Talk Reflection and History of a Public Controversy Brainstorm

After completing my Ted Talk presentation and hearing feedback from my peers, I feel confident in my work. I was told that I was articulate, had good slides, and overall a well-organized presentation and flow. I felt that I started off with a decent analogy (comparing the original distaste for sound movies with the years of discrimmination towards multiracial people. While the Ted Talk was very good in my opinion, there still are a few things that I could have done better. I feel like I was a little rushed and spoke very quickly; I also think that I could have prepared for the presentation a little better. Besides those two elements, I believe that I created a decent Ted Talk about the paradigm shift of multiracial people in the United States.

For the History of a Public Controversy video, I have a few ideas. I think it would be interesting to create a video about the drug/opiod epidemic in America. The United States has spent billions of dollars on the war on drugs. Although the United States has been involved with fighting Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, the flow of drugs into our country has continued to grow; we are also the number one market for drugs in the world. I think analyzing how the world’s biggest junkie spends so much to fight against a business with such a high demand would make a great presentation. It would also be interesting to look at the opiod crisis and how pharmaceutical companies can profit off of the pill addictions of millions of Americans while still maintaining the front of a regular business. Like the Super Size documentary, this would cover an issue that affects millions of Americans and is brokered by legal businesses.

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