Issue Brief (Very) Rough Draft

I have attached a pdf of my issue brief. I know that I need to change the format a little bit and add Chicago notes and an original infographic. I have a couple questions regarding the content of my issue brief. Should I add another argument in favor of DWI courts? Are my arguments strong enough? Is there anything else that I should add or change? Thank you for giving feedback.

RCL Issue Brief_ Drunk Driving

One thought on “Issue Brief (Very) Rough Draft

  1. 1). Answer any questions the writer may have posed about the draft

    I would definetly add another argument in favor of DWI courts. It would strengthen your paper.

    2). Comment on scope of the thesis and whether or not it was convincingly argued. What improvements are needed to make it more convincing?

    The scope of the thesis is good. It encompasses everything you talked about. I think overall your thesis is fine and doesn’t need to be tweaked.

    3). Comment on the evidence for the policy or its implementation. Does the draft need stronger sources to support the arguments? What kinds?

    I would just say use more evidence. This will come though as the paper develops. I would continue using statistical evidence.

    4). Did the piece handle questions of feasibility or objections to the policy?

    Yes, there was some feasability discussion.

    5). Comment on any improvements to arrangement that could be considered.

    I would expand the argument a little bit. Do this with the DWI courts.

    6). Comment on the structure of the issue brief, including subtitles.

    The structure is really well and subtitles are useful.

    7). Make one recommendation for something that could be moved, changed, added, or deleted.

    Definetly add the discussion of another reason for DWI courts.

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