
In order to create my e-portfolio, I have chosen to use wix as my platform. As a person who struggles with technology and especially with creating websites, wix seems like the best platform for me. According to the website builder expert website, it has an above four star rating for ease of use and help and support; both of these measures are significant to me because I will most likely run into trouble while trying to create my e-portfolio and it would definitely help if I found the web builder accessible and also having easy access to tech support when needed.

I have decided that I will have my grandparents as my audience for this project. All three of my grandparents live very far away from me and it has always been difficult to see them, especially during the pandemic. I am sure that they are curious to know what I have been up to my first year at Penn State and I believe that this project would be the perfect way to show off my accomplishments and my hard work to them. I would certainly include a tab regarding my Civic Issue Blogs; my one grandmother, a Filipino American, would definitely enjoy reading about my analysis of the Asian American expirience during the pandemic. I’m both all of my grandparents would like to read my passion blogs too. I would include the projects I’ve done for this class and for other classes. I would also create a tab displaying my acceptance into the NSLS. All of these things would allow them to see what my life has been like so far at Penn State and I’m sure they would love the idea of having a final project created for them.

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