Turkey: The Bridge Between Continents

One of the countries I find to be the most fascinating is Turkey. Its geographical position has made it significant throughout history with many different empires and nations ruling over the territory. It also has a unique place on the world stage today as a rising power in the Middle East but also with its distinct culture and plethora of beautiful sites and cities.

Turkish Flag with the Bosphorus Bridge as a backdrop | © KLMircea/Flickr

One could not visit Turkey without seeing the Aya Sofya. As one of the great architectural masterpieces of the world, this magnificent building is one of the most popular cites of the country. Originally constructed as a Church, the Ottomans modified it once they took the city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) from the Byzantines. This place has artistic beauty and historical legacy to show off, both of which I would love to see.

Aya Sofya

To eplore the natural allure of the country, I would definitely check of the rocks of Cappadocia. The natural elements have created extraordinary rock patterns throughout the centuries and the top provides an amazing view of the surrounding landscape. Cappadocia also has many churches and religious sites constructed during the Byzantine Empire. Finally, you can also take hot air balloon rides over the rocks to get an arial view of the scene.


To get more of a glimpse into the Ottoman Empire’s history in modern day Turkey, I would love to visit the Topkakpi Palace. The interior decoration shows the lifestyle of luxury and grandeur that the Ottoman Sultans lived. The palace also has beautiful public gardens and a wonderful view of the surrounding waters. When I was in France, I missed the opportunity to visit Versailles; I will not squander another chance to explore a large, historic and exhuberant palace again.

Topkapi Palace

The country of Turkey has a rich history and no shortage of historically significant monuments and places. Its place between Europe and Asia has allowed Christian and Muslim influence to perpetrate the country creating historical importance for both religions. Its proximity to the Mediterranean provides easy access to the sea and the other countries with wonderful sites and places to visit along the way. There are too many places that I would visit in Turkey and just not enough time.

Works Cited:

Lee, Jess. “15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Turkey: PlanetWare.” PlanetWare.com, PlanetWare Inc., 27 Mar. 2019, www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions/turkey-tr.htm.

Yalav-Heckeroth, Feride. “9 Cool Facts About the Turkish Flag.” Culture Trip, The Culture Trip Ltd., 20 Dec. 2017, theculturetrip.com/europe/turkey/articles/9-cool-facts-about-turkeys-national-flag/.

2 thoughts on “Turkey: The Bridge Between Continents

  1. I was lucky enough to go to Turkey as a part of a Mediterranean cruise a few years ago, but I didn’t get to see any of the places you mentioned. It looks spectacular and I’d love to go some day.

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