Turkey: The Bridge Between Continents

One of the countries I find to be the most fascinating is Turkey. Its geographical position has made it significant throughout history with many different empires and nations ruling over the territory. It also has a unique place on the world stage today as a rising power in the Middle East but also with its distinct culture and plethora of beautiful sites and cities.

Turkish Flag with the Bosphorus Bridge as a backdrop | © KLMircea/Flickr

One could not visit Turkey without seeing the Aya Sofya. As one of the great architectural masterpieces of the world, this magnificent building is one of the most popular cites of the country. Originally constructed as a Church, the Ottomans modified it once they took the city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) from the Byzantines. This place has artistic beauty and historical legacy to show off, both of which I would love to see.

Aya Sofya

To eplore the natural allure of the country, I would definitely check of the rocks of Cappadocia. The natural elements have created extraordinary rock patterns throughout the centuries and the top provides an amazing view of the surrounding landscape. Cappadocia also has many churches and religious sites constructed during the Byzantine Empire. Finally, you can also take hot air balloon rides over the rocks to get an arial view of the scene.


To get more of a glimpse into the Ottoman Empire’s history in modern day Turkey, I would love to visit the Topkakpi Palace. The interior decoration shows the lifestyle of luxury and grandeur that the Ottoman Sultans lived. The palace also has beautiful public gardens and a wonderful view of the surrounding waters. When I was in France, I missed the opportunity to visit Versailles; I will not squander another chance to explore a large, historic and exhuberant palace again.

Topkapi Palace

The country of Turkey has a rich history and no shortage of historically significant monuments and places. Its place between Europe and Asia has allowed Christian and Muslim influence to perpetrate the country creating historical importance for both religions. Its proximity to the Mediterranean provides easy access to the sea and the other countries with wonderful sites and places to visit along the way. There are too many places that I would visit in Turkey and just not enough time.

Works Cited:

Lee, Jess. “15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Turkey: PlanetWare.” PlanetWare.com, PlanetWare Inc., 27 Mar. 2019, www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions/turkey-tr.htm.

Yalav-Heckeroth, Feride. “9 Cool Facts About the Turkish Flag.” Culture Trip, The Culture Trip Ltd., 20 Dec. 2017, theculturetrip.com/europe/turkey/articles/9-cool-facts-about-turkeys-national-flag/.

The Philippines: Half of My Home Halfway Around the World

If there is one country that I could visit right now before any other, it would be the Philippines. My paternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from the Philippines in the 1960s and I would love to visit the country of my ancestors. The Philippine archipelago consists of over 7,000 islands and lies south of China and east of Indonesia and Vietnam. Centuries of Chinese, Malay, Spanish and even American influence have created a unique blend of culture, language and people. The Philippines stands out from other Asian nations as it is the only predominantly Roman Catholic country in Asia. The rich history and my familial connections have always drawn me to the Philippines.

Vector Flag Map Of The Philippines 671402 - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector Art

There are so many different things that I would do in the Philippines. My family lives on the island of Cebu, so naturally I would go there. I would love to visit Inambakan Falls to swim and explore the caves. There are several different “levels” and natural pools to swim in. I would also go snorkeling at Moalboal. Here, you can swim along with schools of sardines and see the lush wildlife in the clear and colorful waters.

Moalboal Pescador Island Hopping Tour: Snorkeling with Sardine Run, Exotic Species and more, Cebu – Full Day - Book Now | TripGuru

While the Philippines is full of natural beauty and interesting sites, I would definitely want to do some non-tourist-like activities. I would visit my family on Cebu and Bantayan, an island off the northeast coast of Cebu, where my family is originally from. I would love to hang out at the white beaches and stare at the beautifil waters and landscape, but I would also explore my ancestral home and meet more of my extended family.

Bantayan Island - Google My Maps

A trip to the Philippines would not be complete without visiting the capital city of Manila. I would certainly go see the Manila Ocean Park; I love aquariams and sea life and Manila has a top tier aquatic attraction with many different forms of life. I would also visit the National Museum of the Philippines. I could learn more about the history and culture of the Philippines with a firsthand look at artifacts from throughout the centuries  Finally, I would love to go to the Divisoria Market and barter with local vendors. I visited a similar market in Beijing and found haggling over small trinkets and souvenirs to be a fun and exciting activity. I have to buy gifts and things to remember my trip but not for the absurd prices that the vendors offer.

National Museum of the Philippines

The Philippines has always been at the top of my travel bucket list. The history, culture, geography and uniqueness make it a very appealing country to travel to. I have always wanted to see where my family is from and to observe the differences in our lives and culture but also what makes us similar. The Philippines has a plethora of natural and man-made attractions. I would definitely suggest traveling there; hopefully in the near future I will be traveling there myself.

Works Cited:

Google My Maps, Google, www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1gj6hh-pjgL3wPylVFQRwws-SY6A&ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=10.776650000000014%2C123.85436999999999&spn=0.944339%2C1.167297&z=9&output=embed.

Hamper, Anietra. “12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions & Things to Do in Manila: PlanetWare.” PlanetWare.com, PlanetWare Inc., 10 Mar. 2020, www.planetware.com/philippines/top-rated-tourist-attractions-things-to-do-in-manila-phi-1-2.htm.

January , Jenny, et al. “26 AWESOME THINGS TO DO ON CEBU, PHILIPPINES.” Journey Era, Journey Era, 5 July 2020, www.journeyera.com/things-to-do-cebu-philippines/.

Nightwolfdezines, nightwolfdezines. “Download Vector Flag Map Of The Philippines for Free.” Vecteezy, Eezy Inc., 1 Oct. 2019, www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/671402-vector-flag-map-of-the-philippines.

The TripGuru, TripGuru Limited, 2019, thetripguru.com/tour/moalboal-pescador-island-sardine-run-tour-from-cebu-full-day.

San Marino: The Longest Standing Republic

Out of all the countries in the world, microstates seem to get the least amount of attention. Granted, being microstates, it’s easy to miss them on the map. If you were to look at a map of Italy, you would probably miss the two microstates that lie completely within the country’s borders. I’m sure many are familiar with Vatican City, the world’s smallest country; however, most people probably have not heard of San Marino. San Marino is another microstate completely surrounded by Italy. While San Marino may be obsure to the average map observer, it has a rich hisotry full of natural beauty and amazing tourist destinations. Founded in 350 A.D., the country has managed to retain its independence throughout centuries of conflict in the region including both World Wars and Italian unification. It is the oldest republic in the world with medieval-like architecture; this hidden country has so much to offer the outside world.

Flag of San Marino with Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free) 6651017 |  Shutterstock

San Marino does not have the highest tourism numbers, even though it lies within a country with many hot tourist destinations. However, this means that the streets will be less crowded and more people miss out on such interesting tourist attractions. One of these attractions, the Rocca Guaita, is a fortress that lies atop a hill. Built in the 11th century, this monument overlooks the city of San Marino and provides a view of all the natural and man-made beauty that San Marino has to offer.

Rocca Guaita

The Museo di State (National Museum) would also be a worthwhile attraction to visit. Any country’s national museum provides so much historical value, and San Marino’s is no different. You can find ancient art from the Italian peninsula dating back to Etruscan and Roman times. There is also Byzantine, Renaissance and Egyptian art at the museum. I would definitely like to see some antique San Marino coins and how they compare to other ancient currencies. A microstate founded in 350 A.D. must have an interesting history, considering that it has managed to retain its independence since then. Visiting the National Museum would provide greater insight into the political and cultural history of the country.

Trafila San Marino | Trafila Garibaldina

You can also take a cable car for a ride to have an arial view of San Marino. You can see the lush and green landscape hundreds of feet in the air but also the architecture that seems untouched by modernity. The cars go up to Mount Titano, so even after the trip up is finished, you will still be able to have a magnificient view of the surrounding landscape.

San Marino’s Funavia

I feel like microstates do not get enough attention on the world state or the tourism industry. However, that just means that less tourists will come and wreck the natural beauty of these places. San Marino has a beautiful natural geography and landscape. Its streets are filled with authentic Sammarinese buildings and architecture. Its unqiue history sets it apart from other countries in the region and only adds to its mystique. I would love to have the opportunity to visit San Marino and the other microstates of Europe.

Works Cited:

“170° ANNIVERSARIO DEL PASSAGGIO DI GARIBALDI SUL TITANO 1849 – 2019: DA SAN MARINO A RAVENNA AGLI APPENNINI.” Trafila San Marino | Trafila Garibaldina, NEXT TRENDS COMMUNICATION S.R.L., www.terredidante.it/it/tour-trafila-sanmarino.jsp.

Rogers, Barbara Radcliffe. “14 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in San Marino: PlanetWare.” PlanetWare.com, PlanetWare, 9 Mar. 2021, www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions-/san-marino-rsm-rsm-rsm.htm.

“San Marino.” Infoplease, Sandbox & Co., www.infoplease.com/world/countries/san-marino.

Smigielski, Adam. “Flag of San Marino with Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-Free) 6651017.” Shutterstock, Shutterstock, www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-6651017-flag-san-marino-fabric-structure-looping.

Bhutan: Hidden Among Asia’s Giants

I would describe Bhutan as of the most unique, isolated, and geographically beautiful countries that world has to offer. Sandwiched in the Himalayas mountains between China and India, it may seem easy to overlook the country on a map. However, Bhutan has many wonderful qualities that set it apart from its neighbors. The country has only been open to foreign visitors since the 1970s; even today, the government strictly limits tourism into the country. Since travel into the country is strictly regulated, having a visa and valid passport are key. You also have to take part in pre-arranged tours around the country. However, this has allowed Bhutan to maintain its cultural and physical beauty. It is the only carbon negative country in the world and has no shortage of fresh air and lush forests. The country has no traffic lights and has the highest unclimbed mountain in the world. So many things about this country make it appealing; I hope to one day experience these things myself.

Bhutan Maps, Bhutan on World Map, Bhutan Location & Transportation Map

The capital city, Thimpu, lies within the Himalayas providing a great view of the surrounding landscape. It would be interesting to experience authentic Bhutanese culture. I would love to see the Buddha Dordenma Statue and the National Memorial Chorten. The first is a large statue of the Buddha and the second is a shrine to the Buddha. Having visited Buddhist temples in China and Thailand, it would be intersting to see how similar or different the Bhutanese Buddhist places are. I would also love to visit the Tango and Cheri monasteries and observe Buddhist monks live out their lives in peace.

Memorial Chorten

Another worthwhile city to visit would be Paro. The only international airport is located here, so naturally I would have to stay in the city at some point. Paro has more monasteries and temples to visit. The one worth mentioning is the Paro Takstang. When I first saw a picture of Bhutan, I saw this monastery. Etched into the side of the moutain, it has a breathtaking view of the trees and natural beauty not to mention traditional Bhutanese architecture. I would love to have the ability to walk through this temple and see the Bhutanese landscape myself.

Paro Taktsang

Finally, I would definitely want to make time to visit Punakha. This city lies near the Mo and Pho rivers providing fresh water and river rafting opportunities. The city also has the Punakha Dzong fortress, a magnificient structure at the riverside. During religious festivals, you can see the town engage in traditional dances and celebrations. I would enjoy experiencing authentic Bhutanese culture from the people of Bhutan themselves.

Punakha Dzong

Bhutan definitely lies at the top of my list of countries that I want to travel to. The difficulty to travel there only makes it more appealing but allows for the preservation of the country’s natural wonder and cultural identity. I think it would be hard to find a more authentic country and one untouched by modernization than Bhutan. Even breathing the fresh and unpolluted air would be an experience in itself. If there is one places I want to see before I die, it’s definitely Bhutan.

Works Cited:

“20 Top Places to See and Things to Do in Bhutan: Bhutan Tourism.” Tour My India, Tour My India, 22 June 2020, www.tourmyindia.com/blog/top-places-to-see-things-to-do-bhutan/.

“Bhutan Travel.” Bhutan Maps, Bhutan on World Map, Bhutan Location & Transportation Map, Tibet Discovery, www.tibetdiscovery.com/bhutan-tours/bhutan-maps/.

Yu, Forrest. 10 Facts You Might Not Know About Bhutan, www.odynovotours.com/travel-blog/facts-about-bhutan.html.

Seychelles: The Hidden Gem of Africa

If you asked a person to name a country in Africa, they would most likely say Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, or South Africa (duh). It is unlikely that anyone would mention Seychelles, in fact, most people have probably never heard of the country. Even as a geography fanatic, I only learned about this unique country’s existence recently. Seychelles is an island archipelago located in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa; its closest neighbors are Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania. The people speak English, French, and Creole and also have an interesting ethnic complex. The people identify as “Seychelle Creole” but all have a mix of African, French, British, and Indian heritage. While the country has a population of less than a hundred thousand people and is situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the country has a plethora of beautiful beaches and other magnificient sites to offer.

As an island nation, Seychelles has no shortage of magnificent and visually stunning beaches. I would certainly visit the Beau Vallon beach. The palm trees, white sand, and clear and colorful water on a sunny creates a relaxing aesthetic for any tourists visiting. The water is perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving. Another popular beach I would like to visit is Anse Lazio. This beach has the same qualities of beautiful water, sand, and plant life but also has giant boulders adding a unique feature to Anse Lazio. Seychelles has many beautiful beaches and if I had the time I would love to visit them all.

Image result for beau vallon beach

While Seychelles is known for its beaches, the country has more to offer than just a beach paradise. Another popular tourist attraction that I would love to visit is the Curieuse Marine National Park. The entire island (roughly 2-square-miles) is a large free-range zoo where visitors can walk alongside the animals as they go about their daily routines. The most popular attraction would be the Seychellois tortoise, one of the largest tortoises on the planet weighing between 300 and 600 pounds. It would be a wonderful experience to walk alongside these giant creatures in their natural habitat.

Image result for curieuse national park

Finally, it would be a crime to not visit the country’s capital city, Victoria. The is full of the island’s unique history and culture. You walk through the beautiful streets and colorful architecture seeing street vendors selling fish and other goods. Victoria offers many restaraunts with authentic Seychelle Creole cuisine along with its own clock tower. Finally, the Seychelles National Botanical Gardens is another noteworthy attraction in the city.

In conclusion, although most people may not know of Seychelles, the island nation stands apart as one of the most visually stunning countries of the world. Its beautiful beaches capture the eye of any beach of nature lover. Its unique blend of European, Indian, and African culture give the people a distinct culture of their own. There is no other place on the globe like Seychelles and I would highly suggest this country to anyone looking for a beach paradise or relatively obscure country to visit.




Other Sources:


Morocco: Africa’s Coastal Melting Pot

First off on my list of countries that I would like to visit someday is Morocco. Located on the Northwestern coast of Africa, Morocco is home to a population of 36.47 million people and a rich cultural history. Located on the Meditarranean and in close proximity to Western Europe, Morocco exists as a blend of Meditarrean, Berber, Arabic, and African culture. The country is home to many captivating and exciting landmarks, cities, monuments, and natural beauty that I would love to see one day. It’s difficult to say an exact reason why I would want to visit this country, since I want to see them all. I have never been to Africa so it would be interesting to visit Morocco as my first African country. I’ve also always been fascinated by the Sahara Desert and visiting Morocco would give me opportunities to ride camels through the desert and gaze up into the stars at night, lying in the sand dunes. Finally, I took an interest in Morocco after seeing the movie Casablanca, which takes place there.

First off, I would like to visit the capital city of Rabat. Rabat offers a glance into the history of this area. Inside the city itself is the former Roman town of Chellah. This gives a glance into the history of Rome in the area while also displaying fine architecture. I would also love to see the Hassan Tower, a religious monument surrouned by old pillars.

Hassan tower in rabat morocco

Besides the capital, I would also love to see the city of Chefchaouen. It is nicknamed the “Santorini of Africa” due to its resemblance to the Greek island of Santorini. The buildings and streets consist of bright shades of blue creating a joyful and captivating glow along with the traditional architecture. The city has great views of the mountains along with local street markets and cafes that provide Morrocan authenticity.

Best Places In Morocco To Visit (8)

Another great destination to see is Merzouga. A small town located near the edge of the Sharan desert, it would give me a chance to explore the natural beauty of the Sahara. I would have the chance to see the desert riding a camel as people have done for thousands of years. I could also experience firsthand authentic Berber life. Growing up in the suburbs of Baltimore, I have never seen a desert nor the lifestyle of desert-dwelling people. Merzouga provides the chance to see the lifestyle and landscape of an area and people vastly different from what I’ve grown accustomed to.

Image result for merzouga morocco

When global travel opens up again, Morocco is at the top of my list of places to travel to first. Its rich history and unique place in the Arab world makes it stand out among other African states. Obviously there are dozens of more places within Morocco that I would love to see but listing them all would take weeks.Its beautiful desert landscape along with its traditional culture make it a very appealing country to see and I would definitely suggest it to any traveler looking for a great place to visit outside of Europe!


Barcelona might be my favorite city that I have ever visited; it is also the first non-American city that I have ever lived in. I spent roughly 5 weeks in this magnificent city immersing myself in the culture. I will never forget the experiences and people I met there.

When I first got to Barcelona, I was still traveling with a large group. We participated in several tours of the city and ate a serrano ham dish. After finishing the group travel, I moved in to an appartment with a host family (as it was the next part of my program); one of my friends from the group also happened to move in with the same host family. Together, we attended a Spanish language school in downtown Barcelona. Every day, we would skateboard to the metro stop and take the metro to school where we had Spanish language and grammar classes. At the school, I met other kids my age from countries around the world including the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, China, Saudi Arabia and many more.

While I was in Barcelona, I visted many of the city’s hallmarks. I saw the Sagrada Familia, a arquitecturally beautiful church that took hundreds of years to build. I also visited the beach several times although it was too cold to swim in. Finally, I climbed to the top of Montserrat, a mountain overlooking the city. At the top, I could see Spain, France, Andorra, the Meditarranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. That view definitely made the two hour uphill hike worth it.

Barcelona is one of the most intricately designed cities in the world. There are no street corners; every block is built more like a hexagon. If you look at an aerial view of the city, you would understand its architectural ingenuity. The city also has two official languages: Spanish and Catalan (although many people speak English too). Catalan is somewhat like a mix of Spanish and French and the region of Catalonia (where Barcelona is located) continues to advocate for its independence from Spain.

I will never forget my time in this wonderful place. It was the longest amount of time that I had ever spent in a foreign country and I enjoyed every second of it. I loved all the cultural differences but also felt at home. If there is one place in this world that I would suggest visiting, its Barcelona.

Story of cities #13: Barcelona's unloved planner invents science of 'urbanisation' | Cities | The Guardian

What is happiness to me?

What is happiness? This is a question that has plagued philosophers and common people alike since the dawn of human thought. I would define happiness as being content with your surroundings. For me, happiness entails a few things. For one, I enjoy traveling. I love visiting new places and learning more about the world; Earth is too big for me to stay in one place. There’s too much history and culture to appreciate. One day, I would like to visit every country. I also enjoy learning about history, geography, and languages. All of these are intertwined with my love of traveling and were my best subjects in high school. I’ve always been fascinated with world history and how the world got to be where it is today; I’ve also always been curious about the differences between languages. As an American, I’ve grown up only speaking one language and combined with my global aspirations, I’ve found learning not just how to understand languages, but also the history behind them to be very interesting.

I also enjoy things many other kids my age enjoy. I love playing and watching sports, watching movies and television, and being around nature.  I played water polo in high school and was fortunate enough to be a part of several great teams. I’ve always enjoyed playing basketball and football. I love movies such as The Godfather and Pulp Fiction along with TV shows like Narcos, Narcos Mexico, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. What makes me happy when watching these is that I am able to take a step out of my normal life and see a perspective of a different lifestyle; I’m able to immerse myself in a fictional setting that is very different from my reality.

There are many things that bring me joy, but at the end of the day, living a different life than other people is what would make me the happiest. Last year, I took a gap year and was fortunate enough to have the ability to travel and do many exciting things. Most American kids my age don’t do things like this so I enjoyed the fact that I was doing something outside of our cultural norm. I have considered two topics for this blog. One would be a a blog about travel consisting of some stories I have about past travels but also about future trips to plan. Another idea is a blog about my progression in Spanish. During quarantine, I worked very hard to improve my Spanish speaking and comprehension skills to point where I have just begun to speak fluently. I think it would be very interesting to chronicle my improvement throughout the year in a forum like this. I look forward to continuing this blog about my passions and to learn about the devotions of others.