Course Description – Accessible InDesign

This section details the development of a course meant for corporate training. The manual and Storyboard was developed while working as the Accessibility Assistant at the Teaching and Learning with Technology department. The course development is based on instructions, I researched and developed, under the supervision and approval of Dr. Elizabeth Pyatt, Instructional Designer. These instructions can be found at Accessibility and Usability at Penn State.

The course is meant to provide a guide to those who are proficient in publishing with InDesign. The course objective is to teach accessibility and creativity in unison. Accessibility issues may become restrictive to some people using this publishing program. A complex approach will allow for problems and questions to arise. The course is NOT a presentation meant to guide students through. This course is an interactive presentation to allow the attendees to build a complex, creative brochure with accessibility standards met.

InDesign for Accessibility

  1. Story boards for web development in Camtasia.
  2. Training Manual; Workbook for in class session.

These are proposed items for accessibility training that I developed under the supervision and editing of Dr. Elizabeth Pyatt. However, the recommendation was to add this as a component to a series of InDesign workshops. This was necessary due to the necessary prerequisite knowledge required before effectively making an InDesign document accessible.

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