Researched and Development of Online Web Pages for Accessibility PSU.
This following list contains the Technical Writing samples, I researched while a Graduate Assistant with the Teaching and Learning with Technology department at Penn State University. The content is related to the field of Accessibility in Web technology and etiquette.
Etiquette: visuallyimpaired – interactingvision
MS- Modifiying Headings and Styles
List of Projects developed in classes at Penn State
Within the Instructional Design program at Penn State, three multimedia and design classes were require, along with a class in Instructional Design. In the instructional design class, my partner and I, worked with the PSU Green Team to develop online training for the complex recycling process at Penn State University. Below are list of links as extensions to this portfolio.
This online faculty and staff online training aid developed as part of the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) model. Please note, I designed the graphics within the Prezi presentation and Poster. In addition to collaborative development of the needs assessment process along with the development of formative and summative assessments located with in the ANGEL Learning Management System.
Instructional Prezi Presentation (partner- Carmen Strand)
This is a website developed in Design Studio. These projects are meant to show a sampled understanding of the various multimedia technology skills used in online instruction.
Web Development with multimedia and Database samples
This is a web page FRAMEWORK, I coded from scratch with principles of HTML5. This website delivers content in HTML5, links to a blog community in Tumblr and is based on principles of online community art principles. Here, students learn about an artist and are given alternatives to create and share their own pottery. The Tumblr community allows them to share their content with this specific community. Content is only a skeletal-framework in nature. This is a Responsive Design, Non-Native site, adaptable for mobile devices as small as a phone.