Courses Taught by Dr. Johnson 1980-2013

While a graduate student at Johns Hopkins and a professor at Penn State, Dr. Johnson designed and taught 20 different courses plus numerous honors seminars and independent study courses. (His vita includes the complete list of 20 courses.) Although he no longer teaches in the classroom, Dr. Johnson has retained his teaching web pages as an archival record of his teaching career.

From 1996, when Penn State first provided students with widespread access to the World Wide Web, until 2003, this web page served as a directory with links to extensive, individual web sites for every course that Dr. Johnson taught. Each course website contained the course syllabus and other web pages containing assignments, sample tests, links to relevant web sites, and other resources.

In 2003 Penn State adopted ANGEL as a university-wide course management system. At that time, Dr. Johnson moved course materials for courses he taught between 2003 and 2013 to ANGEL, but he left this course directory page in place to provide some information about his courses. The linked web pages for courses he had migrated to ANGEL explain that complete course information is available only on ANGEL for registered students, but they provide at least a link to the current course syllabus. (In 2017 Penn State switched from ANGEL to another learning platform, so the links in the course web pages directing viewers to ANGEL are all dead.)

Some course web pages, particularly those for courses that were never migrated to ANGEL, do contain additional information beyond the course syllabus.

Note that the original formatting of the syllabi and other course web pages could not always be preserved exactly when these pages were moved from to WordPress themes override the colors, table structure, and line lengths in the original pages, leaving a result that is readable but not as aesthetically pleasing as the original pages.

Until his retirement, Dr. Johnson also maintained a web page with brief descriptions of all psychology courses at Penn State DuBois (including courses taught by other instructors). Obviously that page is no longer accurate. It remains only for archival purposes.

In 1996, Dr. Johnson received a small grant from the Schreyer Institute for Innovation in Learning for a special collaborative learning project designed to increase Internet literacy for students by having them work in groups to find information on the Web. Information about that project is at the bottom of this web page


The remainder of this page appears just as it did on the previous edit nearly 10 years ago, August 20, 2013.

Courses I am teaching this Fall 2013
[Note: This is the last semester that I am teaching before I retire.]

Courses I taught last Spring 2013

  • Psychology 100: Introductory Psychology
  • Psychology 238: Introduction to Personality Psychology
  • Psychology 243: Introduction to Well-Being and Positive Psychology

Other courses I have previously taught

Special Collaborative Learning Project, Fall 1996

Most recent revision: July 23, 2023

John A. Johnson

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