Biology 141 – Biology Molecules & Cells ~ Dr. Jacqueline S. Mclaughlin ~ Penn State Lehigh Valley

Biology 141 – Biology Molecules & Cells ~ Dr. Jacqueline S. McLaughlin ~ Penn State Lehigh Valley

Penn State Lehigh Valley BIOLOGY 110



Human Physiology

Spring 2016


* Course Materials

* Course Description

* Course Objectives

* Organization & Policies

* Evaluation Methods

* University Policies

* Class Syllabus

Spring 2016

Class Time: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 1:25 PM – 2:15 PM
Class Room: 318 Saucon
Instructor: Jacqueline McLaughlin, Ph.D.
  Associate Professor in Biology
Cell and Developmental Biologist
Office: 3N
Office Hours:

Monday & Friday 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Appointment Needed; extra hours posted on office door on a weekly basis)

Office Phone: (610) 285-5109

ANGEL E-mail: Please use ANGEL system for all e-mail communication (Click ‘communicate’ tab in Biology 141 course);

On-Line Resources: The Biology Place
Interactive Physiology  

Login Name: psubiology


Password: LV240WIP

Laboratory Research Assistant: Mrs. Kandiss Schrader, M.S.
Biology Tutor: Taylor Rundatz

Course Materials

Textbook: Human Physiology – An Integrated Approach (7E), authored by Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
ISBN–13: 978–0–321–98122–6

Course Description

Biology 141 is a 3 credit lecture course specifically designed to cover the fundamentals of human physiology for students in a variety of life science related majors including Nursing, Kinesiology, Athletic Training, and Science. Successful completion of this course will give the student working knowledge of human physiology with the intent on applying this information to future clinical situations they may encounter in nursing, physical therapy, athletic training, dentistry, and medical settings. The course utilizes both descriptive and problem solving techniques and as a result, may require some review of basic science and math principles developed in previous high school and college biology, chemistry, and math courses.

Course Objectives

The course has two primary objectives. The first is for every student to obtain a working knowledge and understanding of basic human physiology. The second is to apply these physiological principles to problem solving situations as observed in medical situations, including cardiac problems, hypertension, renal failure, acid-base balance disturbances, and endocrine imbalances. The end point of both objectives is to obtain a practical understanding of physiology which students can build upon and use in future clinical settings. Relationship to Courses and Programs of Study: This majority of students enrolled in this course are from the College of Health and Human Development in Nursing, Biobehavioral Health, Kinesiology, and Nutrition majors, although some students are from other colleges including the Eberly College of Science, Liberal Arts, and Agriculture. Because the majority of these students will utilize course information in future clinical settings, human physiology as it relates to clinical problems is emphasized. Many students will take Biology 141 along with our partnered 1 credit laboratory course, Biology 142, Physiology Laboratory. Additionally, many students enrolled in Biology 141 will also take our related course in anatomy, Biology 129, as a result of course program prerequisites within their major.

Organization and Policies

  • Attend every lecture. Student participation in classroom activities is viewed as essential to the learning process. Thus, it is expected that you will not miss a class except for the most serious of circumstances; and, while in class you will be actively engaged in the presented material. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each lecture. However, it is stressed that if you are late for class or miss class because of dangerous weather conditions, your safety is more important. Always drive safely.
  • Review "Required Readings" before and after each lecture to aid in your comprehension of the lectures. You are responsible for the entire content of each chapter that is listed. Chapter content aids in your comprehension of the lecture material and online assignments.
  • Work Hard! You are expected to work hard, but it is also realized that you may have difficulty learning or understanding the lecture, textbook content, and online material. If so, then ask questions. Don’t be intimidated or afraid. I am on your side and stand ready to work with you. My office hours are posted above. These hours are for you!
  • It is strongly recommended that you participate in a study group of some type, and that you use the group to assess your comprehension of the course material.

Evaluation Methods

  • Class grades will be determined by a percentage scale based upon the total number of points available (625 points).

  • The lecture exams will cover material presented in lecture and from assigned online activities. Each exam will consist of multiple choice, fill-ins, short answers, and essays. The final exam will test your comprehensive knowledge of the entire semester’s material.

  • Please note the exam schedule. All of the exams will be used to assess your performance in this course. Only those individuals with legitimate and verifiable excuses will be allowed to schedule a make-up exam. If you cannot take the exam at the scheduled time, you need to contact me as soon as possible via email.


9 Online Assessments (25 points each) = 225 points
4 Semester Exams (100 points each) = 400 points
1 Cumulative Final Exam = 200 points
Total = 625 points

Penn State University letter grade equivalents:

95-100 A
90-94 A-
87-89 B+
84-86 B
80-83 B-
75-79 C+
70-74 C
60-69 D
0-59 F

Classroom Courtesy:

No cell phones, pagers, or alarm watches, please. While we all love these conveniences, they have no place in the classroom, where they break others’ concentration including mine, your professor who is trying to teach. Also, please keep all beverages, food, or chewing gum out of the classroom area.

University Policies

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner.

Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at The Pennsylvania State University, and all members of the University community are expected to act in accordance with this principle. Consistent with this expectation, the University’s Code of Conduct states that all students should act with personal integrity, respect other students’ dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts.

Academic integrity includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the University community and compromise the worth of work completed by others.

Penn State University Academic Policy 49-20

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information or citation, prior possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students.

For further guidance on matching punishment with infractions, see "Sanctioning Guidelines for Academic Integrity Violations"


Disability Access Statement

Penn State University welcomes students with disabilities into the University’s educational programs. If you have a disability-related need for modifications or reasonable accommodations in this course, please inform the instructor or contact Linda Rumfield in Disability Services: 610/285.5124, The Learning Center, as early in the semester as possible.


Affirmative Action

Pennsylvania State University is committed to a policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by Commonwealth or Federal authorities. Penn State does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Direct all inquiries to the Affirmative Action Office.

Class Syllabus

HeLa Cell Chromosome Spread

Class Content
Required Readings / Web Based Activities
M 1/11

Introduction to Physiology

Themes in Physiology; Homeostasis; and, Control Systems and Homeostasis

Chapter 1: pages 2-18

Glucose Metabolism Hand-out

W 1/13

Introduction to Physiology (Continued)

F 1/15

Molecular Interactions

Molecules and Bonds; Noncovalent Interactions

M 1/18

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

No Class

W 1/20

Molecular Interactions (Continued)

F 1/22

Molecular Interactions (Continued)

Online Assessment #1

Video Lecture: Biological Molecules

M 1/25
Molecular Interactions (Continued)


W 1/27

Compartmentation: Cell and Tissues

Functional Compartments of the Body; Biological Membranes; Tissues of the Body; Tissue Remodeling; Organs

Chapter 3: pages 59-64; 74-87

F 1/29

Compartmentation: Cell and Tissues (Continued)

M 2/1

Compartmentation: Cell and Tissues (Continued)

W 2/3

Compartmentation: Cell and Tissues (Continued)

Online Assessment #2

Video Lecture: The Cell Membrane

Video Lecture: Tissues

F 2/5



M 2/8

Energy and Cellular Metabolism

Metabolism; Fed-State Metabolism; and Fasted-State Metabolism

Chapter 4: pages 105-110
Chapter 22: 699-713

Video Lectures:

Cellular Respiration

Introduction to Cellular Respiration

Krebs Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle

Video: Oxidate It Or Love It

W 2/10

Energy and Cellular Metabolism (Continued)


F 2/12

Energy and Cellular Metabolism (Continued)

M 2/15
Energy and Cellular Metabolism (Continued)

Online Assessment #3

Video Lecture:

Metabolism and Regulation of Blood Sugar

W 2/17
F 2/19

Cardiovascular Physiology

Overview of the Cardiovascular System; Cardiac Muscle and the Heart; and Blood Pressure

Chapter 14: pages 436-450; 454-463
Chapter 15: pages 478-483

M 2/22

Cardiovascular Physiology (Continued)


W 2/24

Cardiovascular Physiology (Continued)

Online Assessment #4

Interactive Physiology: Cardiovascular System – Anatomy Review

Video Lecture:
What?s Inside Blood

The Biology Place: Cardiovascular System I – The Beating Heart

F 2/26

Cardiovascular Physiology (Continued)


S 2/27


M 2/29

Mechanisms of Breathing

The Respiratory System

Chapter 17: pages 535-545 (Figure 17.2)

Interactive Physiology: The Respiratory System ? Anatomy Review

Video: Oxygen Transport

W 3/2
Mechanisms of Breathing (Continued…)


F 3/4
Mechanisms of Breathing (Continued…)

Online Assessment #5

Video Lectures:

Inhaling and Exhaling

The Mechanism of Breathing

M 3/7
No Class (Spring Break)


W 3/9

No Class (Spring Break)

F 3/11
No Class (Spring Break)


M 3/14
Mechanisms of Breathing (Continued…)
W 3/16
F 3/18

The Digestive System

Anatomy of the Digestive System; Motility; Secretion; Digestion and Absorption; and Integrated Functions

Chapter 21: pages 655-663; 674-686

Interactive Physiology:
Digestive System – Anatomy Review

M 3/21

The Digestive System (Continued)


W 3/23

The Digestive System (Continued)

Online Assessment #6

Video Lecture: Digesting Food

F 3/25
The Digestive System (Continued)
M 3/28
The Digestive System (Continued)
W 3/30

The Kidneys

Anatomy of the Urinary System; Kidney Function; Filtration; Reabsorption; and Secretion

Chapter 19: pages 590-608

Interactive Physiology: The Excretory System – Anatomy Review

Video: The Urinary System – The Nephron

F 4/1

The Kidneys (Continued)


M 4/4

The Kidneys (Continued)


T 4/5


W 4/6

The Kidneys (Continued)


F 4/8

The Kidneys (Continued)

Online Assessment #7

Video Lessons: (1) The Kidney and the Nephron and (2) Parts of a Nephron

M 4/11

The Kidneys (Continued)


W 4/13


F 4/15

Skeletal Muscle Contraction

Skeletal Muscle Physiology

Chapter 12: pages 378-388

Interactive Physiology: The Muscular System – Anatomy Review/Skeletal Muscle Tissue

M 4/18

Skeletal Muscle Contraction (Continued)


W 4/20
Skeletal Muscle Contraction (Continued)

Online Assessment #8

Interactive Physiology:
The Muscular System –
Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction

F 4/22

The Nervous System

Cells of the Nervous System; Electrical Signals in Neurons; and Cell-Cell Communication in the Nervous System

Chapter 8: pages 228-236; 242-245

Interactive Physiology:
The Nervous System I –
Anatomy Review

M 4/25
The Nervous System (Continued)
W 4/27
The Nervous System (Continued)

Online Assessment #9

Video Lectures: (1) Action Potential and (2) Neuron Action Potential Mechanism

F 4/29
The Nervous System (Continued)

Finals Week May 2nd – May 6th 2016

Final Exam Date & Time to be Announced

to Penn State Lehigh Valley
This Page was last updated on February 29th 2016 by BSS

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