Author Archives: Dr. Laura Guertin

About Dr. Laura Guertin

Professor of Earth Science, Penn State Brandywine

Recordings of presentations

At times, I have been asked to provide recorded examples of my public presentations and speaking style. Included on this page are some recent examples of talks and interviews.

cover image for podcast My Sediments Exactly


Interviewed for the Springer Nature podcast ‘My Sediments Exactly’ for the episode Empowering Science Communication through Storytelling, One Quilt at a Time: An Interview with Prof. Laura Guertin, Penn State Brandywine University (August 2024)


From the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. A full recording of the conversation is available on the AGU podcast Distillations: Quilting Science and Changing Climates (December 2022)

TEDxPSUBrandywine, event themed on Climate Change and Solutions (November 2021)

Innovation Showcase (public television program) – Laura Guertin, PhD: Quilting Science Stories (November 2021)


Ignite@AGU 2020, event took place and was recorded in Zoom (December 2020)


Quilting Science Stories – Science Communication/Engagement

Laura Guertin standing next to one of her quilts

From Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)

In 2018, I expanded my toolkit for communicating science stories through the creation of quilts. Each quilt has a narrative relating to topics ranging from coastal adaptation/resilience to global warming solutions. The quilts are being shared at conferences and in the community. As COVID reduced some of the planned dissemination events for the quilts, YouTube videos and virtual displays have been created to further the reach.

Award-winning quilt

My Blue Skies and Cloud Cover quilt was named the BTAA Data Visualization Challenge Champion during International Love Data Week (February 2024 – quilt description, and full contest summary)

Media features/interviews

Presentations in Fine Arts section of scientific/education conferences

(*note additional presentations given at scientific conferences and public venues on the use of quilts for science storytelling are listed above in the appropriate sections – this section lists presentations in sessions/conferences specifically designated as fine arts)

  • Guertin, L., Stories from the South Atlantic Ocean: Highlights from an IODP Expedition via Quilts. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting [solo art exhibitor, San Francisco, CA] (December 11-14, 2023)
  • Guertin, L., Stitching Hope for the Louisiana Coast. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting [invited solo art exhibitor, New Orleans, LA] (December 13-17, 2021) (photos/description of display)
  • Guertin, L., Drawing Down Towards Climate Solutions. TEDxPSUBrandywine art display [solo art exhibitor, Penn State Brandywine, Media, PA] (November 17, 2021)
  • Guertin, L. Consilience Virtual Exhibition – The Anthropocene. [virtual – invited exhibitor along with eleven additional international scientists/artists] (September 15, 2021)
  • Guertin, L. Climate solutions mini quilts. Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference [virtual – submission invited and paid to exhibit] (June 30, 2021)
  • Guertin, L. Solving the puzzle of reversing global warming. Sigma Xi Annual Meeting/STEM Art and Film Festival [virtual – submission peer reviewed] (November 8, 2020)

Creation and organization of quilt shows, individual quilts on display

  • Six quilts at the Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum and Art Gallery, Penn State University, University Park, PA, from November 9, 2023, to January 2024.
  • One quilt (What Goes Up, Must Come Down) displayed as part of the Undercover Quilters Sew Many Colors Quilt show, Brookhaven, PA, October 13-15, 2023.
  • One quilt (It Begins With the Ocean Biome) displayed at the Delaware County Institute of Science (Media, PA) (October 2023-present). Invited.
  • One quilt (Blue Skies and Cloud Cover) selected and displayed as part of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators 55th Anniversary Juried Members’ Exhibition, a virtual, juried art exhibit starting on August 11, 2023.
  • One quilt (Looking Out at the Ghosts of the Coast) selected and displayed as part of The Changing Chesapeake, juried art exhibit at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, from March 1, 2023, to February 25, 2024. My piece was selected for display at the entrance of the exhibit, out of the 75 pieces in the exhibition (from the 150 submitted). The museum then purchased the quilt for their permanent collection.

  • Solo exhibitor – Stitching Climate Science & Solutions, at Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens (Devon, PA), from October 1, 2022, thru January 8, 2023. This collection of 24 quilted and 11 crocheted pieces calls attention to changes in local-to-global climate data and the actions we can take in addressing these changes. Pieces include examples from Philadelphia, PA, and the Louisiana coast. The exhibit included an opening reception, educational session on teaching visitors how to research and stitch their own temperature data, and a gallery walk for a high school group.
  • Co-creator and organizer (with E. Wilkening) for an annual collaborative virtual/in-person collection of stitched items that celebrate a science theme (2021-present). We open this opportunity to all individuals of all ages and skill levels from any geographic area – one does not need to be a scientist to participate, so we can bridge science communications and community.
    • Stitch Your Science 2024, Making the Unseen, Seen – We are currently advertising and connecting with participants. New this year will be a science poetry connection to go along with each quilt and a plan for publication.
    • Stitch Your Ocean Science 2023 – We generated a call for participants in this ocean-themed celebration with any stitched items. This event was endorsed by the United Nations as an Ocean Decade Activity. The result was 13 individuals, two university classrooms, and one oceanographic research vessel’s scientists and technicians that submitted 19 items for virtual display in an ArcGIS StoryMap and connecting in Zoom and at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Information and the virtual gallery is available at: I presented two of my quilts as part of this event.
    • Stitch Your Climate Science 2022 – We created a call for any stitched item (crochet, knit, embroidery, quilting, etc.). The result was 22 international stitchers submitting 27 items for virtual display in Google Earth and connecting at the AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago (December 2022). Information and the virtual gallery is available at: I presented two of my quilts as part of this event.
    • Quilt Your Science 2021 – We created a call for quilters to create earth/space science-themed mini quilts. The result was 20 international quilters submitting 23 quilts that were put on virtual display, with a subset of quilters connecting at the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans (December 2021). Information and the virtual gallery is available at: I presented two of my quilts as part of this event.

Virtual reality exhibition of quilt collections

  • Drawing Down Towards Climate Solutions. Created with Artsteps, June 2021. Images and descriptions of ten quilts can be viewed at:
  • Stitching Hope for the Louisiana Coast – a virtual tour. Created with Artsteps, April 2021. Images and descriptions of nine quilts can be viewed at:

Blog postings/videos of science quilts

Online descriptions and videos of the quilts can be found at: Video descriptions of quilts are available on YouTube:

IODP Expedition 390 – Stories from the South Atlantic collection

  • Quilt collection based upon my two months sailing on board the scientific research vessel JOIDES Resolution in the South Atlantic Ocean (started in 2021, creation of quilts ongoing)
    • View quilts, descriptions, and videos at:
    • Welcome to the collection/Scene from the Stern (2023)
    • DSDP Leg 3 – The legacy continues (2021)
    • Location, location, location (x2) (2023)
    • What to know before we go (2022)
    • Blue skies and cloud cover (2023)
    • From the Bridge (2023)
    • (additional quilts forthcoming)

Endangered Species Act collection

  • Endangered Species mini-quilt collection, for the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act (sea turtles, butterflies, sharks, whale sharks, bees, penguins, bald eagles (started in 2022, creation of mini quilts ongoing))

Drawing Down Towards Climate Solutions collection

  • Project Drawdown mini quilt collection, ten quilts (quilts completed 2021; videos and virtual gallery completed 2021)

Stitching Hope collection

Nine full-size quilts completed 2018-2021; blog posts/videos completed 2020-2021

    • Stitching Hope for the Louisiana Coast
    • Christmas Trees for Coastal Optimism
    • Stewarding for the Sauce – TABASCO’s Story of Coastal Optimism
    • The Limpkin versus the Invasive Apple Snail
    • Endangered Species Act and the Louisiana Coast
    • Growing the Pointe-au-Chien Garden
    • Salt Marsh Restoration in Louisiana
    • Flood Gate Protection for Terrebonne Wetlands
    • The Role of Local Wisdom in Marsh Protection

Other science quilts (with blog posts and video descriptions)

  • Looking Out at the Ghosts of the Coast (2022)
  • When Snow is a No-Show for the Iditarod (2022)
  • NOAA’s Key Focus Areas (2022)
  • I HeART Earth Science (2021)
  • It Begins with the Biome (2020)
  • Introduction to Quilting Science Stories (2020)
  • Project Drawdown – Solving the Puzzle of Reversing Global Warming (2019)

Science quilt with blog post description (no video) includes:

  • The changing balance of Arctic Sea Ice (mini quilt completed March 21, 2021)


Overview of Course Goals

With each new course I teach and when I revisit my existing courses, I utilize the resources from the SERC On the Cutting Edge workshop on Designing Effective and Innovative Courses (I attended the workshop in-person in 2002 and have since utilized the online tutorial).

There are main themes around which I develop each course. Since I only teach introductory-level Earth science, geoscience and geography courses for non-science majors, these themes are more skill-driven rather than knowledge-based (competencies vs. content). I start with an overarching goal and then define secondary course objectives, which vary from course to course.  Below is an example of the goals I established for the Fall 2018 section of EARTH 104 (Climate, Energy and Our Future).


To have students successfully evaluate energy and climate science issues and communicate the information through written and digital storytelling. It’s about energy literacy, information literacy, and digital literacy.

Course Objectives – EARTH 104

In addition to the overarching course goal, the following objectives are a part of EARTH 104. In other words, after completion of this introductory Earth science course, a student will be able to:

  • To explain how the combination of a growing population, economic growth, and finite fossil fuel resources means that our current energy supply system is not sustainable
  • To explain how carbon emissions must decrease dramatically if we are to avoid a dangerous level of global warming
  • To explain how the combined costs associated with the reducing emissions and climate-related damages demonstrate that the smart move is to act quickly to shift our energy system to non-fossil fuel sources
  • To define sustainability and how it is connected to issues of social justice, the environment, and the economy on local, national, and international levels

To accomplish the goal and objectives, students will be required to:

  • Analyze and evaluate scientific data to create a conclusion about energy/climate science
  • Describe spatial and temporal properties and processes on our planet with regards to climate and energy
  • Provide examples of the scientific, interdisciplinary nature of studying energy systems(geological, biological, physical, chemical)
  • Assess news with respect to sustainable energy systems; read and interpret articles in the news, as well as communicate this information
  • Apply the fundamental concepts of the Energy Literacy Principles (U.S. Department of Energy)
  • Articulate scientific and societal arguments for why human energy use matters, including a self-reflection on your own attitudes and beliefs


Invited Speaking Engagements

This section details select presentations on which I am a lead presenter or co-presenter/co-author. A complete list of my local-to-national presentations for local and professional communities can be found in my curriculum vitae (available as a PDF download on the home page of this site).


Invited panelist

  • AGU-JpGU (American Geophysical Union – Japan Geophysical Union) Great Debate: Geoscience and Society Goined by Naomi Oreskes, Yoshisuke Kumano, Peter Kelemen, and moderated by Denis-Didier Rousseau). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Union Session U24A, San Francisco, CA (December 13, 2016)
  • AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting Closing Plenary (moderated by AGU CEO Randy Fiser and Rapper Baba Brinkman). [virtual meeting] (December 17, 2020)
  • Plenary on The Scholarship for Learning and Teaching Goined by H. Rodriguez, K. Takayama). Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, Newark, DE (April 16-18, 2008)

Invited conference presentations – lead author/presenter

  • Guertin, (2016). Who am I? Just a female scientist taking #365scienceseifies. Abstracts with Programs (Geological Society of America), v. 48, n. 7, doi: 10.l130/abs/2016AM- 276632
  • Guertin, L. (2015). Bringing the Google 80/20 Model to an introductory-level environmental course: a student opportunity for creativity, innovation, and Abstracts with Programs (Geological Society of America), v. 47, n. 7, p. 475.
  • Guertin, L. (2013) The Tyler Arboretum Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation Fall Meeting, Media, PA, November 2, 2013.
  • Gue1tin, L. (2012). Community-based research projects with podcasting in introductory­ level geoscience courses. Abstracts with Programs (Geological Society of America), v. 44, 7, p. 611.
  • Guertin, L. (2010). Developing digital and discipline literacies with Google The Scholarship for Learning and Teaching, Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, College Park, MD, June 3-5, 2010.
  • Guertin, L. (2009). Broadening the definition of geosciences research to the introductory Abstracts with Programs (Geological Society of America), v. 41, n. 7, p. 537.
  • Guertin, L. (2009). Just-in-Time Teaching: a pedagogical approach that enhances learning in the complicated lives of our The Scholarship for Learning and Teaching, Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, University of Delaware, April 15-17, 2009.
  • Guertin, L. (2008). Building a Connecticut College and University STEM Network: Supporting Pedagogies of Engagement. PKAL/CCIC workshop at Yale University, October 24,
  • Guertin, L. (2008). Keeping Students Engaged in STEM. PKAL/MnSCU workshop at Southwest Minnesota State University, April 25,
  • Guertin, L., McNeill, D.F., Cunningham, K.J. (1999). The importance of microfossils in sequence boundary identification: Miocene-Pliocene siliciclastic sediments of south Florida. Abstracts with Programs (Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section), v.31, n. 3, p. A-17.

Invited conference/museum/miscellaneous presentations (co-presenter/co-author where noted)

  • Guertin, L. (2024). Quilting climate science & solutions. Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (talk plus 12 quilts on display), St. Michaels, MD, January 4, 2024.
  • Guertin, L., & one additional panelist from NASA. (2023). Inclusion in Earth Science: Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Through Community Building and Knowledge Sharing. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting (international), San Francisco, CA (December 15, 2023).
  • Guertin and additional science experts (2023). Science Matters: Conversation Lab for Wondrous Space. The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA, November 15, 2023.
  • Shabram, P. (moderator), Krause, C., Guertin, L., Rothenberg, T. (2023). Advancing research in undergraduate education at primarily teaching institutions. American Association of Geographers (AAG) Professional Development Webinar [virtual panel]. (August 31, 2023).
  • Guertin, L. (2022). Interview with an Explorer – Life @ Sea, the JOIDES Resolution. Women’s Aquatic Network Webinar Series [virtual]. (May 12, 2022). Given from the ship JOIDES Resolution.
  • Guertin, L. (2022). Visiting Legacy Collection Sites at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Delaware County Institute of Science Lecture Series [virtual]. (May 9, 2022). Given from the ship JOIDES Resolution.
  • Guertin, L. (2022). Sharing Scientific Ocean Drilling with Students. National Association of Geoscience Teachers – On the Cutting Edge Webinar Series [virtual]. (May 6, 2022). Given from the ship JOIDES Resolution.
  • Guertin, L., Masteller, C., Crisologo, I. (2021). Skills for Science: Everyone Looks at the Figures First. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting (international), New Orleans, LA (December 16, 2021).
  • Guertin, L., Ng, J., Jarreau, P. (2021). Skills for Science: Sharing Science in Plain English. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting (international), New Orleans, LA (December 14, 2021).
  • Guertin, L. (2021). Studying the Ocean, From the Ocean. STEAM Exploration Works, hosted by the American Helicopter Museum & Education Center, West Chester, PA, October 9, 2021.
  • Guertin, L., Wilkening, B. (2021). Quilt Your Science – Introducing participatory textiles project. Summer Solstice Polar SciArt Soirée. Polar Educators International. [virtual]. June 20, 2021.
  • Guertin, L. (2013) The Tyler Arboretum Experience. Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation Fall Meeting, Media, PA, November 2, 2013.
  • Clements, A., Guertin, L. (2012). Going global: Google Earth as a tool for teaching world music. New Jersey Music Educators Association Annual Conference, East Brunswick, NJ, February 24, 2012. Co-presenter.
  • Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2010). Building Meaningful Partnerships to Enhance Earth System Science Literacy. National Earth Science Teachers Association Resource Day Breakfast at the National Science Teachers Association National Conference, March 20, 2010. Co-presenter.
  • McNeill, D.F., Guertin, L. (2000). Themes applicable for comparative sedimentology of the subsurface carbonate-siliciclastic mixed system of South Florida to reservoir distribution in ancient deposits. Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2000, p. 96-97.
  • Cunningham, K.J., Reese, R.S., Sato, T., Guertin, L. (1999). Depositional timing, correlations and controls on distribution of a carbonate ramp and bounding siliciclastics (Late Miocene-Pliocene), southern Florida. The 9th Annual Southwest Florida Water Resources Conference, p. 5.

Invited university presentations

  • Guertin, L., Shin, S., George, C. (2024, April 17). Mercy Talks/Mercy Empowered: A Dialogue on Women’s Leadership in Health and Science. Gwynedd Mercy University, Gwynedd Valley, PA.
  • Guertin, L. (2024, March 22). A roadmap for starting and sustaining earth science outreach. Earth & Environmental Science Seminar Series, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Guertin, L. (2022, November 10). Core on shore! A virtual tour of IODP’s Gulf Coast Repository. Oklahoma State University – Colloquium Series [virtual]. Given from the Gulf Coast Repository in Texas.
  • Guertin, L. (Fall 2021). Speaker and panelist for Minnesota State University’s Faculty certificate program on course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) [virtual]
  • Guertin, L. (2021, February-March). Speaker and mentor for interdisciplinary faculty community on community-based research (CBR), Stevenson University (MD) [virtual]
  • Guertin, L. (2009, September 21). Keynote speaker for faculty development workshop, “Social media and its integration into higher education courses – a good fit?” The Art Institute of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Guertin, L. (2009, February 19). Center for Excellence Teaching and Learning Series, “Just-in-Time Teaching: using web-based questions to enhance learning.” York College (CUNY) (Jamaica, NY)
  • Guertin, L. (2006, April 27). Lunch and Learn with Technology, “Lecture podcasts: a pedagogical tool or tech-trend?” Villanova University (Villanova, PA)


International and National Awards & Recognitions

BTAA Data Visualization Challenge Champion
In 2024, named the top faculty/staff award winner from across the Big Ten Academic Alliance institutions for showcasing my data visualization skills. My entry was the quilt Blue Skies and Cloud Cover.

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
In 2022, elected to society fellowship with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Honored for outstanding contributions in teaching Earth science as an inquiry-based means to scientific literacy regardless of eventual major or career, especially using digital media effectively.

Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) Outstanding Educator Award
In 2022, selected for exemplary achievements in mentoring, teaching, and outreach.

Journal of Geoscience Education Outstanding Reviewer Award 
In 2020, nominated by a number of JGE Associate Editors and named for this award based on the consistent high quality and depth of reviews, the promptness with which they are delivered, and the quantity of them in the 2019 calendar year.

Voices For Science
In 2019, selected as part of the American Geophysical Union’s Voices For Science Advocacy
Program, to amplify the voice of science and build valuable dialogues and relationships
with communities, journalists and stakeholders

SEG Wiki Champion Award
In Fall 2016, selected and recognized by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists for my work with students on the SEG Wiki.

Fellow, Geological Society of America
In 2015, elected to society fellowship with the Geological Society of America. For her complete devotion to undergraduate education on the local and national stage, for her dedication to training the next set of geoscience teachers, for her cutting-edge research involving technology in geoscience education, and for her leadership in the geoscience educational community.

U.S. Senate Certificate of Special Recognition
In June 2015, awarded a United States Senate Certificate of Special Recognition by U.S. Senator Patrick Toomey for my participation in the NOAA Teacher at Sea Program – 2014 Field Season.

INSIGHT Into Diversity 2015 Inspiring Women in STEM Award
This award was presented in September 2015 as a tribute to my inspiring work as a woman in a STEM field. I was recognized in the September STEM issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine as one of 100 women honored.

The 2015 Dean’s List: 50 Must-Read Higher Ed I.T. Blogs
In June 2015, my geoscience education/educational technology blog on the American Geophysical Union Blogosphere GeoEd Trek was recognized by EdTech as one of the most influential blogs in higher education for their Top 50 IT Blogs list (see article).

Biggs Earth Science Teaching Award
In October 2009, awarded the Geoscience Education Division of the Geological Society of America’s award which recognizes innovative and effective teaching of earth science among early career faculty.

U.S. Congressional Citation Honoree
In April 2008, awarded a Congressional Citation by Delaware County U.S. Representative Joe Sestak for civic and community engagement efforts.

In 2003, nominated and selected as part of Project Kaleidoscope’s Faculty for the 21st Century Network (PKAL-F21)

AAPG Merit Award
In 1997, received a Merit Award from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) [graduate school]

TEXACO Fellowship
In 1997, received a fellowship from TEXACO for outstanding doctoral dissertation research [graduate school]

In 1993, awarded the SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) SED (Student Excellence and Development) Award, presented to an outstanding graduate student in sedimentary geoscience [graduate school]


State-level Recognition

Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium (PERC) Campus Sustainability Champion
In 2018, recognized by PERC as part of the Penn State Brandywine Sustainovation Team, of which I served as co-chair.

Pennsylvania Geographical Society (PGS) Distinguished Teacher Award
In 2015, recognized by PGS for “documented evidence of excellence in teaching as well as innovative and effective classroom methods in Geography, Earth Science, Environmental Science or any other course(s) with a consistent and substantive geographic base.”

Outstanding Student Paper Award
In 1995, recognized with the Outstanding Student Paper Award for the Geology & Hydrology Section of the Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting.

Educational history

Ph.D., Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, Miami, Florida (1998)

Dissertation: A Late Cenozoic Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic System, South Florida: Lithostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy, and Sea-Level Record

B.A., Geology, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (1992)

Oceanography field program, Wallops Island Field Station, VA (Summer 1990)
Boston University Marine Program, Woods Hole, MA (Fall semester, 1990)

National, state and local organizations


International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)

  • International working group on scientific ocean drilling science communication (2022-present)
  • U.S. Advisory Committee for Scientific Ocean Drilling (USAC), the national advisory committee for U.S. participation in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)
    • Election/appointment October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2024
    • Assigned to Science Communication Subcommittee

The Oceanography Society (TOS, international organization)

  • Elected as geological oceanography councilor (April 2022-December 2024)

American Geophysical Union (AGU) (2015-present)

  • AGU Bridge Partner Selection Committee (2022-present)
  • AGU Meetings Committee (April 2015 – December 2018, March 2020-2021)
  • Chair/member of Virtual Engagement and Sustainable Meetings Advisory Group (March-December, 2020)
  • AGU Talent Pool Strategy Task Force (2017-2018)
  • Educational consultant, AGU Affiliation and Engagement Task Force (April-May 2016)
  • Member of search committee for Fall Meeting Chair (Fall 2016, Spring 2019)

Councilor for Geosciences Division, Council on Undergraduate Research (2003-2018)

  • Chair of the Geoscience Division of CUR (2008-2010)
  • Chair-elect of the Geoscience Division of CUR (2007-2008)
  • Co-chair and co-founder of GeoCUR Undergraduate Research Mentor Award Committee (2011-2017)
  • Co-chair and co-founder of GeoCUR Award for Excellence in Student Research (2012-2018)

National Association of Geoscience Teachers

  • Councilor-at-large (2006-2009)
  • Member of search committee for editor of publication In The Trenches (July-November 2016)
  • James Shea Award Committee (2020-present, chair in 2024)
  • Teach the Earth Committee (2020-present)

Member of National Science Teacher Association’s Multicultural/Equity Science Education Committee (2003-2006)


Pennsylvania Earth Science Teachers Association (PAESTA)

  • President (2012-2013, 2014-2015)
  • President-Elect (2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2013-2014)
  • Executive Committee Member (2011-2016)
  • Newsletter editor for News and Notes (2013-2016) and Elementary News and Notes (2013-2016)
  • Co-founder of the organization (2010)


Board of Trustees, Tyler Arboretum (2011-2020)

  • Chair of Education Committee (2012-2020)
    • Member of Education Committee (2011-2020)
  • Member of search committee for Director of Public Programs position (2013)
  • Secretary and Member of Executive Committee (2014-2020)
  • Member of Strategic Planning Committee (2015-2018)
  • Member of Technology Committee (2015-2016)
  • Member of Succession Planning/Executive Director Search (2014-2016, 2018-2019)


Federal grants

Current Funding from External Research Grants

  • National Science Foundation: “Conference: Building Capacity: A Virtual Workshop for Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty to Develop National Science Foundation Grant Proposals.” Co-Principal Investigator. DUE-EDU. Jan. 15, 2024, thru Feb. 28, 2025. Award #2349758. Amount: $142,960.
  • Columbia University/U.S. Science Support Program Novel Project Grant (funded as a sub-award from NSF): “A Short Open Educational Resource (OER) on Scientific Ocean Drilling for Introductory-Level Oceanography Courses, Written By and For Educators.” Lead Principal Investigator. May 1, 2024, thru April 30, 2025. Amount: $18,807.

Prior Funding from External Research Grants

  • National Science Foundation: “Collaborative Research: Student Produced Audio Narratives (SPAN).” Principal Investigator. DUE-IUSE. 2017-2022. Award #1708646. Amount: $66,860.
  • National Science Foundation: “Targeted Math Science Partnership: Middle Grades Earth and Space Science Education.” Co-Principal Investigator. MSP Targeted Awards & Geoscience Education. 2010-2017. Award #096792. Amount: $7,611,019.
  • National Science Foundation: “Developing Undergraduate Research at Community Colleges: Tapping the Potential of All Students.” Senior Personnel. NSF-DUE, CCLI-Type 2 (Expansion), Advanced Tech Education Programming, S-STEM. 2009-2014. Award #0920083. Amount: $359,590.
  • National Science Foundation: “UNH GEO-Teach: Transforming Earth System Science Education.” Funded subcontractor to co-lead summer workshops and mentor graduate students in ESS education.  NSF GEO-TEACH. 2006-2012.  Award #0631377. Amount: $3,251,664.
  • National Science Foundation: “Faculty Development Workshops to Support Engagement in Undergraduate Research.” Co-Principal Investigator. NSF CCLI-Phase I (Exploratory). 2008-2014. Award #0841267. Amount: $49,000.
  • National Science Foundation: “Collaborative Proposal: Building and Maintaining a Pipeline for Diversity: A Track2 Proposal.” Co-Principal Investigator. NSF GEO – Opportunity for Enhancing Diversity & Education and Human Resources. 2005-2012. Award #0503521.  Amount: $900,872.
  • National Science Foundation: “The Role of Two-Year Colleges in Education and Broadening Participation in the Geosciences: A Planning Workshop.” Co-Principal Investigator. NSF GEO – Opportunity for Enhancing Diversity. 2009-2011. Award #0939671. Amount: $47,290.
  • National Science Foundation: “A Workshop to Design a Digital Research/Education Forum and “Pathway” for the Geosciences.” Senior Personnel. NSF-DUE, National SMETE Digital Library. 2009-2011. Award #0842177. Amount: $146,995.
  • National Science Foundation: “Building a Pipeline for Diversity.” Co-Principal Investigator.  NSF GEO – Catalyzing New International Collaborations, Geoinformatics, Environmental Social & Behavior Science, Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity, Engineering Education. Two years (2003-2005). Award #0303096. Amount: $92,726.
  • Environmental Protection Agency: “SPHERES! (Science Programming HERE, Scouts!) at Penn State Delaware County.” Principal Investigator. One year (2005-2006). Amount: $9,535


Book chapters, white papers, and reviewed book contributions

*Note – this list does not include the peer-reviewed IODP Data Reports of which I am listed as a co-author from Expedition 390/393. A full listing of all peer-reviewed material can be found in the CV located on the home page of this ePortfolio.

Coggon, R.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Sylvan, J.B., Reece, J., Estes, E.R., Williams, T.J., Christeson, G.L., and the Expedition 390/393 Scientists. (2024). South Atlantic Transect. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 390/393: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). (*Note – I was a member of the Expedition 390 scientific party)

Haas, D., White, L., & 13 additional co-authors. (2023). USSSP IMPACT Workshops [white paper]. 46 pages. (*Note – I was one of the Steering Committee members (part of the 13 co-authors), work funded by NSF)

Coggon, R.M., Sylvan, J.B., Teagle, D.A.H., Reece, J., Christeson, G.L., Estes, E.R., Williams, T.J., and the Expedition 390 Scientists. (2022). Expedition 390 Preliminary Report: South Atlantic Transect 1. International Ocean Discovery Program. (*Note – I was a member of the Expedition 390 scientific party)

Guertin, L.A. (lead author), & 11 others. (2021). A document of approaches and action items to deepen the knowledge and to implement strategies needed for the participation of BIPOC students and faculty in the geosciences at two-year institutions. Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) program.

Guertin, L.A. (2018). Social media hashtags and campaigns showcasing female geoscientist selfies and stories. In B. Johnson (Ed.), Women and Geology: Who Are We, Where Have We Come From, and Where Are We Going?: Geological Society of America Memoir 214, p. 87–94,

Guertin, L.A., Clements, N. (2018). Starting the Research Process with Information Literacy in Introductory-Level Earth Science Courses. In: N. Hensel (Ed.), Course-Based Undergraduate Research – Educational Equity and High-Impact Practice. Virginia: Stylus Publishing, 25-34.

Committee for Convocation on Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum (Guertin and 11 others), Division on Earth and Life Studies, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2015). Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum: Report of a Convocation. Washington DC: National Academies Press.

Guertin, L.A. (2015). Undergraduate research as a teaching practice in the first two years of university coursework. In: S. Brown (Ed.), Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education – Global Perspectives. United Kingdom: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 40-41.

Guertin, L.A. (2014). Introducing university students to authentic, hands-on undergraduate geoscience research in entry-level coursework. In: V. Tong (Ed.), Geoscience Research and Education: Teaching at Universities. Netherlands: Springer, 215-221. (abstract)

Lee, T.K., Guertin, L.A. (2012). Building an educational game with the Google Earth Application Program Interface to enhance geographic literacy. In: S. Whitmeyer, J. Bailey, D. De Paor, T. Ornduff (Eds.), Geological Society of America Special Paper 492: Google Earth, Virtual Globes, and Virtual Visualizations: Modern Approaches to Geoscience Inquiry and Research. Colorado: Geological Society of America, 395-402. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., Cerveny, N. (2012). Undergraduate research and the two-year college. In: J. Kinkead & L. Blockus (Eds.), Undergraduate Research Offices and Programs: Models and Practices. DC: Council on Undergraduate Research, 165-180.

Guertin, L.A. (2012). Utilizing existing gigapixel panoramas for virtual fieldtrips. In: R.K. Morgan & K.T. Olivares (Eds.), Quick Hits for Teaching with Technology. IN: Indiana University Press, 43-44.

Guertin, L.A. (2009). Using Just-in-Time Teaching in the Geosciences. In: S. Simkins & M.H. Maier (Eds.), Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy. VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC, 101-116.

Guertin, L.A., Esparragoza, I.E. (2009). Building skills, connections, and a culture of research with freshmen and sophomore students. In: M.K. Boyd & J.L. Wesemann (Eds.), Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research: Fostering Excellence and Enhancing the Impact. DC: Council on Undergraduate Research, 89-100.

Guertin, L.A., (2007). Preparing students for research at the introductory-level with technology. In: K.K. Karukstis & T.E. Elgren (Eds.), Developing & Sustaining a Research-Supportive Curriculum: A Compendium of Successful Practices. United States: Council on Undergraduate Research, 112-113.

McNeill, D.F., Cunningham, K.J., Guertin, L.A., & Anselmetti, F.S. (2004). Depositional themes of mixed carbonate-siliciclastics in the south Florida Neogene: application to ancient deposits. In G.M. Grammer, P.M. Harris, & G.P. Eberli (Eds.), AAPG Memoir 80: Integration of Outcrop and Modern Analogs in Reservoir Modeling. United States: AAPG, 23-43. (abstract)

Cunningham, K.J., Bukry, D., Sato, T., Barron, J.A., Guertin L.A., & Reese, R.S. (2001). Sequence stratigraphy of a south Florida carbonate ramp and bounding siliciclastics (Late Miocene-Pliocene. In T.M. Missimer & T.M. Scott (Eds.), Geology and Hydrology of Lee County, Florida, Durward H. Boggess Memorial Symposium, Florida Geological Survey Special Publication No. 49: 35-66.

Cunningham, K.J., Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Bukry, D., Barron, J.A., & Guertin, L.A. (2001). Surface-geophysical characterization of ground-water systems of the Caloosahatchee River basin, southern Florida. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4084, 76 pp.

Courses taught at Penn State Brandywine

The following is a list of the discipline-based courses I have taught at Penn State Brandywine.  I have taught courses in a variety of formats, including in a 3-week summer session, half-semester format, full 15-week semester format, and with an embedded study abroad component.  I have taught hybrid/blended and fully online courses remote synchronous and asynchronous.  I have taught first-year seminar courses and some sections of courses for honors students (designated by H or U).  The 000-299 courses are introductory-level courses for non-science majors.

  • EARTH 100 and 100(H): Environment Earth
  • EARTH 101 and 101(H): Natural Disasters: Hollywood vs. Reality
  • EARTH 103: Earth in the Future: Predicting Climate Change and Its Impacts Over the Next Century
  • EARTH 104: Climate, Energy and Our Future
  • EARTH 105 and 105(H): Environments of Africa (laboratory course)
  • EARTH 107: Coastal Processes, Hazards and Society
  • EARTH 111 and 111(U): Water: Science and Society
  • EARTH 150 and 150(H): Dinosaur Extinctions and Other Controversies, one semester with an embedded trip to London
  • EARTH 400: Earth Science Seminar
  • ENVST 400W: Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies
  • ERM 210: Environmental Factors and Their Effect on Your Food Supply
  • GEOG 3N: Food and the Future Environment
  • GEOG 115: World Landforms (laboratory course)
  • GEOSC 020: Planet Earth (laboratory course)
  • GEOSC 021: Biodiversity and Earth History (laboratory course)
  • GEOSC 040: The Sea Around Us (laboratory course)
  • PSU 010: First Year Seminar: Careers in Science; Diamonds; Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo; Environmental Sustainability
  • STS 130H: World Food Problems (honors orientation seminar)
  • STS 200H: Critical Issues in Science, Technology, and Society
  • STS 201: Climate Change, Energy, Biodiversity, one semester with an embedded trip to Puerto Rico
  • GEOSC 597A: Earth System Science for Teachers, blended graduate-level course co-taught at University Park and Brandywine

Penn State fellowships, awards and honors

Teaching and Research Awards

2023 – The Lattman Visiting Scholar of Science and Society Lecture, College of Earth & Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University

2020 – President’s Award for Excellence in Academic Integration (university-wide award)

2019 – Teaching and Learning with Technology Impact Award, Pennsylvania State University
(university-wide teaching award)

2015 – The Distinguished Teacher Award, Penn State Brandywine

2013 – Certificate for Online Teaching, World Campus Faculty Development Program, Pennsylvania State University

2013 – The George W. Franz Advising and Mentoring Award, Penn State Brandywine

2013 – The Faculty Research Program Award, Penn State Brandywine

2010-2013 – Jane E. Cooper Memorial Faculty Fellowship, Penn State Brandywine

2011 – Teaching with Technology Certificate, Pennsylvania State University

2010-2011 – Teaching and Learning with Technology Faculty Fellow with Education Technology Services, Pennsylvania State University (university-wide fellowship)

2009 – Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, Penn State Brandywine (first award winner)

2006 – George W. Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching, Pennsylvania State University (university-wide teaching award)

2005-2007 – Fellow in Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University

2005 – Award for Teaching Excellence, Penn State Commonwealth College (college-level award)


 Service Awards

2018 – Teamwork Award, Penn State Brandywine

2018 – Club Adviser of the Year, Penn State Brandywine

2012 – Student Affairs Excellence Award, Penn State Brandywine

2008 – Club Adviser of the Year (for THON), Penn State Brandywine

2006 – Club Adviser of the Year (for THON and MADE), Penn State Brandywine

2006 – Student Government Association: Most Involved on Campus, Penn State Brandywine

2004 – Woman of the Year, Penn State Brandywine Women’s Commission

2002 – Student Government Association Outstanding Service Award, Penn State Brandywine

Additional external grants

Guertin (PI). National Collegiate Honors Council Portz Fund: “Establishing a Base Collection of Library Resources on Professional Research Skills.” 2008. Amount: $200

Guertin (PI). Society of Women Environmental Professionals: “Concern and Care for the Earth: An Essay Writing Contest for Girls.” 2006. Amount: $1,000

Guertin (PI). AmeriCorps Education Award program, Scholars in Service to PA. 2006-2007, $3,750. 2007-2008, $6,250. 2008-2009, $11,750. 2009-2010, $8,250


Note that the publication list below includes peer-reviewed manuscripts that have undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, educational technology staff, and K-12 teachers as lead and co-authors. This list does not include the IODP publications where I am listed as a member of the Expedition 390 science party.

Guertin, L. (2024). Taking the Temperature. Consilience (Colour Issue). Available at: (*Consilience is a peer-reviewed science/poetry/art journal. This article features one of my science quilts from my two-month ocean expedition and includes text/image)

Guertin, L., and the South Atlantic Transect IODP Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists. (2022). Sharing More than Science: Ship-to-Shore Broadcasts from JOIDES Resolution. In the Trenches, 12(4): 1-5.

Guertin, L., Johnson, B., van der Hoeven Kraft, K. The role two-year colleges play in Unlearning Racism in the Geosciences (URGE). New Directions for Community College special issue. Accepted December 2021. Invited manuscript.

Rosas Alquicira, E.F., Guertin, L., Tvelia, S., Berquist, P.J., Cole, M.W. Undergraduate research at community colleges: A pathway to achieve student, faculty, and institutional success. New Directions for Community College special issue. Accepted, December 2021.

Guertin, L., Theveny, K. Sustainability-themed programming around nature-themed literacy: Great Nature Reads and multilingual storytime. Journal of Sustainability Education. In review, submitted March 2021.

Guertin, L., Jansen, A., Berkey, J. (2021). Developing multiple literacies and foundational research skills in students through audio narratives on global warming solutions. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), 5(1): 28.

Guertin, L. (2021). Sustainability stories developed by university students for younger classrooms. Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities [Sustainable Development Solutions Network: A Global Initiative for the United Nations]. Available at:

Kraal, E., Sirrakos, G., Guertin, L., Epstein, A., Simmens, G. (2021). Impact of Student Produced Audio Narrative (SPAN) assignments on students’ perceptions and attitudes toward science in introductory geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education. Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L., Nguyen, A. (2021). A mini-podcast series highlighting global-warming solutions in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geology, 51(1): 13-15. Undergraduate student co-author.

Guertin, L. (2021). Christmas trees for coastal optimism. Consilience (Geoscience Special Issue). Available at: (*Consilience is a peer-reviewed science/poetry/art journal. This article features one of my science quilts and includes text, images, and a video I created)

Guertin, L., Theveny, K., Barber, D. (2021). Virtual informal learning and community building via nature‐themed podcast discussions. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (online, not yet assigned to issue). Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L., Briseño, I. (2020). The Power of New Online Opportunities to Connect to the Ocean: The Journey of a Research Student and Mentor. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 34(3): 18-20. (online) Undergraduate co-author.

Guertin, L., Theveny, K., Esparragoza, I. (2020). How An Arboretum Outreach Activity Changed Students’ Attitudes Towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainability Education, 24: 13 pages. (online)

Nguyen, A., Guertin, L. (2020). An Audio Journey Through Solutions to Global Warming in Pennsylvania. Journal of Sustainability Education, 24: 4 pages. (online) Undergraduate lead author.

Guertin, L. (2020). Audio and video clips provide connections between authentic voices, social justice, and global water challenges. Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal, 12(2): 34-35.

Fortner, S., Manduca, C., Guertin, L., Szymanski, D., Villalobos, J. (2019). Teaching for Earth resilience: A strategy for increased diversity and equity. GSA Today, 29: 2 pages. (online)

Schaefer, G., Guertin, L. (2018). Air and surface temperature change during the August 2017 partial solar eclipse in Delaware County. Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science, 14(1): 12-15. Undergraduate student lead author.

Guertin, L. (2016). Starting students on the pathway to ocean literacy with a first day class activity. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 30(2): 20-24.

Bowen, K., Guertin, L. (2016). Using the citizen science Picture Post Project for schoolyard environmental monitoring. The Earth Scientist, 32(Special Edition): 10-13. Undergraduate student lead author.

Guertin, L. (2016). Showcasing the lives of women scientists through the #365scienceselfies social media project. Earthzine (IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society), October 2016. (online)

Guertin, L., Clements, N. (2016). Improving student Ocean Science Literacy through collaboration with a librarian. In The Trenches, 6(2): 5-6.

Guertin, L. (2016). Generating SEG Wiki articles to improve student geoscience and content literacy. The Leading Edge, 35(3): 274-276. (online)

Elgin, S.C.R., Bangera, G., Decatur, S.M., Dolan, E.L., Guertin, L., Newstetter, W.C., San Juan, E.F., Smith, M.A., Weaver, G.C., Wessler, S.R., Brenner, K.A., Labov, J.B. (2016). Insights from a Convocation: Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 15(2): 1-7. (online)

Clements, N., Guertin, L. (2016). Science literacy meets information literacy: Using Zotero as a teaching tool. College & Research Libraries News, 77(1): 14-16. (html, PDF)

Guertin, L., Clements, N. (2015). Ocean Literacy: Can Students Learn the Essential Principles? Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 29(3): 35-38.

Guertin, L. (2015). Engaging students before, during, and after visits to informal science education centers. In the Trenches, 5(1): 10-11.

Guertin, L. (2015). IN HER OWN WORDS: Sharing my experience as a Woman in STEM: Pass it on. Women in Higher Education, 24(2): 5, 19. (online)

Guertin, L. (2014). Point of View – Why students should listen. Journal of College Science Teaching, 44(2): 8-9. (online)

Guertin, L. (2014). PAESTA – A professional organization for Pennsylvania’s K-12 Earth science teachers. Pennsylvania Geology, 44(2): 11-12. (online)

Pollock, M., Guertin, L. (2013). Online guide encourages undergraduate research using social media. CUR Quarterly, 34(2): 14.

Guertin, L. (2013). Community-based research with podcasting in introductory geoscience courses. CURQ On The Web, 34(2): 13. (online)

Dufoe, A., Guertin, L. (2013). Using iBooks Author to create Earth science classroom content for the iPad. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 29-31. Undergraduate student lead author. (online)

Lewis-King, T., Guertin, L. (2013). The successes and challenges of establishing PAESTA, a new professional community for teachers. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 41-45. Teacher lead author. (online)

Licona, P., McDonald, S., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2013). Student conceptions of the cause and locations of earthquakes. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 50-54. Graduate student lead author. (online)

Pickard, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2013). Student and teacher conceptions of the Earth’s interior structure. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 55-58. Graduate student lead author. (online)

Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2013). Mentoring middle school and high school Earth science teachers to publish. In the Trenches, 3(1): 4-5. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., Stubbs, C., Millet, C., Lee, T.K., Bodek, M.J. (2012). Enhancing geographic and digital literacy with a student-generated course portfolio in Google Earth. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(2): 32-37. (abstract)

Bembenic, M., Cratsley, C., Hartwell, B., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2012). Adaptable inquiry-based activities about national patterns of coal and energy use. Science Scope, 35(9): 49-55. Graduate student lead authors. (abstract)

Cole, H., Furman, T. Guertin, L., Endress Cratsley, C. (2011). Engaging students in learning ecosystem-based biogeochemical cycles. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 13-16. Teacher lead author, graduate student co-author.

Endress Crastley, C., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2011). Promoting geographic literacy of African Environments through map exercises. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 27-32. Graduate student co-author.

Guertin, L.A. (2011). Classroom integration of Earth and Space Science news stories through audio. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 41-45.

Furman, T., Guertin, L., Pickard, M. (2011). Now what? Experienced teachers reflect on their unplanned transitions to teach Earth Science. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 9-12. Graduate student co-author.

Neville, S., Guertin, L. (2011). Ten examples of utilizing existing gigapixel panoramas in the Earth and Space Science classroom. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 46-49. Undergraduate student lead author.

Neville, S., Guertin, L. (2011). Three guided student explorations of Sky in Google Earth. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 33-36. Undergraduate student lead author.

Tait, K., Pickard, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2011). Dispelling middle school student misconceptions of Grand Canyon formation through hands-on activities. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 22-26. Teacher lead author, graduate student co-author.

Guertin, L.A. (2011). Pre-recorded online audio review sessions. College Teaching, 59(1): 45. (online)

Guertin, L.A., Neville, S.E. (2011). Utilizing Google Earth to teach students about global oil spill disasters. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 48(1): 1-8. Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Scholtz, L.A., Guertin, L.A. (2010). Using tombstone records from Centralia, PA, to evaluate the effects of mining activities on male survivorship. The Pennsylvania Geographer, 48(1): 3-15. Undergraduate student lead author.

Guertin, L.A. (2010). Creating and using podcasts across the disciplines. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 2(2): 4-12. (online)

DiLauro, A., Meyers, T., Guertin, L. (2010). The value of extending the honors contract beyond one semester: a case study with Smithsonian dinosaurs. Honors in Practice, 6: 109-115. Undergraduate student lead authors. (online)

Charles, L., Klein, C., Narkiewicz, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2009). Improving Earth Science instruction with an integrated Earth systems science matrix. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 19-22. Graduate student co-author. Teacher lead authors, graduate student co-author.

Dorsch, A., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2009). Five activities for differentiated instruction on human-induced climate change. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 7-9. Teacher lead author.

Drozynski, D., Ellis, J., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2009). Students’ inquiry in and about the Earth Science classroom. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 10-13. Undergraduate student co-author. Teacher lead author, undergraduate student co-author.

Hartwell, B., Schoch, K., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2009). Understanding the rock cycle through a Choose Your Own Adventure classroom activity. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 23-26. Graduate student lead author, teacher co-author.

Hoffman, J., Vishio, N., Bembenic, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2009). Designing sustainable communities: an inquiry-based approach to teaching Earth systems science. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 35-39. Teacher lead authors, graduate student co-author.

Nelson, W.R., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2009). The rewards and challenges of integrating graduate student teaching fellows into the middle and high school classroom. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 27-30. Graduate student lead author.

Neville, S.E., Guertin, L.A. (2009). Integrating Google Earth with the QUEST for Earth Science Literacy. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 31-34. Undergraduate student lead author.

Woodruff, J.B., Acuna, E.B., Silano, R.L., Guertin, L.A. (2009). Enhanced podcast of Pennsylvania tree biodiversity in Ridley Creek State Park. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 83(2/3): 90-93. Undergraduate student lead authors.

Guertin, L.A., Young, C.L. (2009). Using Flickr to connect a multi-campus honors community. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 10(2): 57-60. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A. (2009). Dinosaur science for hospitalized children. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13(3).

Guertin, L.A., Zappe, S.E., & Kim, H. (2007). Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) exercises to engage students in an introductory-level dinosaur course. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(6): 507-514. Graduate student co-author. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., & Sealy, A. (2007). The challenges of establishing an environmental science essay contest for girls. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 81(1): 35-38. Undergraduate student co-author.

Guertin, L.A., Bodek, M.J., Zappe, S.E., & Kim, H. (2007). Questioning the student use of and desire for lecture podcasts. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 3(2): 133-141. Graduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2006). Integrating handheld technology with field investigations in introductory-level geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education, 54(2): 143-146. (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2006). An examination of student learning geoscience content through printed notes versus virtual lectures. Journal of College Science Teaching, 35(4): 36-41. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., Downey, E.A. (2005). Bringing Absolutely Incredible Kid Day! to the classroom and campus community. The Journal for Civic Commitment, Issue 6, URL: (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2005). Using virtual lectures to educate students on plagiarism. First Monday, 10(9), URL: (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2005). Student reactions to required service learning. The National Teaching and Learning Forum, 14(5): 1-3.

Guertin, L.A. (2005). An indoor shopping mall building stone investigation with handheld technology for introductory geoscience students. Journal of Geoscience Education, 53(3): 253-256. (online)

Guertin, L.A., Cao, E.T., Craig, K.A., George, A.E., Goldson, S.T., Makatche, S.P., Radusevich, B.T., Sandor, C.W., Takos, A.T., Tuller, R., Williams, J.K., & Williams, M.A. (2004). Bringing dinosaur science to the Junior Girl Scouts through a college service learning project. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(4): 523-531. Undergraduate student co-authors. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., & Rufo, J.L. (2004). A positive science and technology experience for Junior Girl Scouts through a college service learning project. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 10(1): 79-88. Undergraduate student co-author. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., & Nguyen, C. (2003). Combining a historical geology project with a campus student organization’s fundraising efforts. Journal of Geoscience Education, 51(4): 378-380. Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2003). News updates on handheld technology in introductory-level courses. The Successful Professor, 2(3): 10-11. (online)

Cunningham, K.J., Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Bukry, D., Barron, J.A., & Guertin, L.A. (2003). Interplay of Late Cenozoic siliciclastic supply and carbonate response on the southeast Florida platform. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73: 31-46. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A. (2001, November 05). Enhancing academic advising with a monthly newsletter. The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal ( (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2000). Using logic problems in introductory-level geoscience courses to develop critical reasoning and basic quantitative skills. Journal of Geoscience Education, 48: 423-427. (online)

Guertin, L.A., Missimer, T.M., McNeill, D.F., & Cunningham, K.J. (2000). Hiatal duration of correlative sequence boundaries from Oligocene-Pliocene mixed carbonate/siliciclastic sediments of the south Florida Platform. Sedimentary Geology, 134(1-2): 1-26. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., McNeill, D.F., Lidz, B.H., & Cunningham, K.J. (1999). Chronologic model and transgressive-regressive signatures in the late Neogene siliciclastic foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69: 653-666. (abstract)

Cunningham, K.J., McNeill, D.F., Guertin, L.A., Scott, T.M., Ciesielski, P.F., & de Verteuil, L. (1998). A new Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110: 231-258. (abstract)

Additional awards and honors

2004 – Delaware County Heritage Society Award for “Tombstones and Spirits”

2000 – Outstanding Faculty Member, Mary Washington College

1997 – Graduate Dean Fellowship, University of Miami

1995 – Outstanding Student Paper Award, Geology & Hydrology Section, Florida Academy of
Sciences Annual Meeting

Undergraduate Student Researcher Award Winners

The following students earned various awards for undergraduate research projects where I served as the research mentor for one or multiple projects.  The awards are at the campus, state, and national level.

2024 – Jacob Campbell (Penn State Brandywine), 2024 EURECA (campus undergraduate research symposium) 2nd place winner in science division; invited to present at the 2024 Penn State Eastern Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium; 2024 Award for Excellence in Student Research from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2023 – Cortez Catalano and Niles Williams (Penn State Brandywine), 2023 EURECA (campus undergraduate research symposium) 3rd place winner in overall event for research and poster presentation, “Tracking the Mentions of Historic and Modern Oceanographic Research Vessels in Introductory-Level Oceanography Print and Online (OER) Textbooks”

2023 – Niles Williams (Penn State Brandywine), 2023 Award for Excellence in Student Research, from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2021 – Isabella Briseño (Penn State University Park) selected to present at Council on Undergraduate Research’s Posters on the Hill (nationwide, virtual event)

2021 – Dallas Barber (Penn State Brandywine), Penn State’s 2021 John Roe Student Sustainability Award winner for her work with the NCSE Voices for Science podcast project and as a leader/organizer for the PSU Brandywine/Tyler Arboretum Listen To This summer podcast discussion series. In addition, Dallas was selected as PSU Brandywine’s first-ever Penn State University Undergraduate Research Ambassador.

2019 – Anna Nguyen (Penn State Brandywine), Penn State’s 2019 John Roe Student Sustainability Award winner for her work from her Summer 2019 Drawdown REU project, the creation of a podcast series titled “Drawing Down in Pennsylvania” which explores efforts in PA to reverse global warming. The award recognizes exemplary performance by individuals who consistently excel at cultivating opportunities to advance the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals while demonstrating personal integrity, an unwavering commitment to their values/morals, and a commitment to the mission/values of Penn State.

2019 – Stephen Disipio (Penn State Brandywine), 2019 GeoCUR Award for Excellence in Student Research, from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2018 – Gabriel Schaefer (Penn State Brandywine), 2018 GeoCUR Award for Excellence in Student Research, from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2016 – Breath Hand (Penn State Brandywine) 2016 EURECA (campus undergraduate research symposium) winner in STEM category

2016 – Judy Smith (Penn State Brandywine/Penn State University Park), 2016 GeoCUR Award for Excellence in Student Research, from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2016 – Stamatina Mattie Mylonas (Penn State Brandywine), Penn State Brandywine Undergraduate Student Research Award

2015 – Kimberly Bowen (Penn State Brandywine), 2015 GeoCUR Award for Excellence in Student Research, from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2014 – Jonathan Fridman (Penn State Brandywine/Penn State University Park), 2014 GeoCUR Award for Excellence in Student Research, from the Council on Undergraduate Research – Geoscience Division (Washington DC)

2013 – Abbey Dufoe (Penn State Brandywine/Penn State University Park), Penn State Brandywine Undergraduate Student Research Award, AND Award of Honorable Mention from the Council on Undergraduate Research for being high-quality research among the top 10% of the undergraduate submissions from across the country and across all disciplines to CUR’s Posters on the Hill

2012 – Eileen Fresta (Penn State Brandywine), Pennsylvania Historical Association Outstanding Student Poster Award
Fresta, E., Guertin, L. (2012). Charting the Health History of Middletown Township,
            Pennsylvania through a Study of the Cumberland Cemetery Internment Records.
            Pennsylvania Historical Association, Harrisburg, PA, November 1-3, 2012.

2010 – Sara Neville (Penn State Brandywine), Penn State Brandywine Undergraduate Student Research Award, AND selected to present at Council on Undergraduate Research’s Posters on the Hill (Washington DC)

2009 – Lindley Jones (Penn State Brandywine), Penn State Brandywine Undergraduate Student Research Award (inaugural award winner)

2000 – Lillian Pitts (Mary Washington College), American Geophysical Union Spring Conference Outstanding Student Presentation Award
Pitts, L.R., Guertin, L.A. (2000). Differing coastal development schemes of Southeastern
           Virginia and their impacts on seasonal beach profiles and grain size distribution. EOS,
           Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 81, n. 19, p. S87. Washington DC,
           May 30-June 3, 2000.

Orgainzed GSA/AGU conference sessions, NSF service work, misc.

Federally-Funded Advisory Board service

Advisory Board Member for the National Science Foundation-funded Promoting Geoscience Research, Education, Success, and Equity Through Mentoring, aims to serve the national interest by improving undergraduate geosciences education (2020-2025)

Advisory Board Member for the National Science Foundation-funded PROGRESS (PROmoting Geoscience Research Education & SuccesS) Program, aims to recruit and mentor STEM undergraduate women in the geosciences (2016-2018)

Advisory Board Member for Department of Education Title V Collaborative Grant “Research in Action” (virtual lectures for undergraduate research training courses) for City University of New York/John Jay College (March 2015-September 2015, November 2015-2019)

Advisory Board Member for the National Science Foundation grant (#1244881), Research-Informed Curricula: Creating and Evaluating a Cutting-Edge, Research-Based Physical Geology Textbook (2014-2016)

Advisory Board member for the National Science Foundation grant “Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education in Two-Year Colleges through Workshops and Web Resources (SAGE 2YC),” (2011-2016)


Editor/Guest Editor responsibilities

Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Editorial Board member for peer-reviewed journal CUR Quarterly (2014-2018)

Guest co-editor for a special issue of The Earth Scientist w/T. Furman, Summer 2013. Theme issue on the Earth & Space Science Partnership, twelve papers published.

Guest co-editor for a special issue of The Earth Scientist w/T. Furman, Summer 2011. Theme issue on Transforming Earth System Science Education, nine papers published.

Guest co-editor for a special issue of The Earth Scientist w/T. Furman, Winter 2009. Theme issue on Transforming Earth System Science Education, eight papers published.


Conference sessions as (co)chair/(co)organizer
AGU = American Geophysical Union; GSA = Geological Society of America

Session primary convener and co-chair, Bringing Ocean Expeditions and Science at Sea to the Classroom and Community (poster session), GSA Annual Meeting, October 16, 2023.

Session primary convener and co-chair, Diverse Voices: Embedding Science Storytelling in Pedagogical Practice (oral session), AGU Fall 2021 Meeting, December 15, 2021.

Session co-chair, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Poster Session, Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, July 14, 2021

Session co-organizer and primary chair, Imagining Ocean Science: Education and Outreach Using Visualization, Storytelling, and the Arts (2 eLightning sessions, 1 poster session), Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, February 17, 2020

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Narrative as Pedagogy: Using Science Storytelling in Earth and Space Science Teaching (oral and poster sessions), AGU Fall 2018 Meeting, December 14, 2018

Session organizer and co-chair, Implementing Discovery-Based Research Experiences in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses and Curricula, GSA Fall 2016 Meeting, September 28, 2016

Session organizer and co-chair, Connecting K-12 and Higher Education: What Teachers Need, What Faculty Can Offer, 2016 Northeast Section GSA Meeting, March 21, 2016

Organizer/presenter for AGU Town Hall session (w/ J. Ryan and P. Asher) on “National Academy of Sciences Convocation Report: Integrating Discovery-Based Research Experiences into the Undergraduate STEM Curriculum.” AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 16, 2015. Abstract TH33E.

Session organizer and co-chair, Research on Teaching and Student Learning in the K-12 Earth Science Classroom, GSA Fall 2015 Meeting, November 3, 2015

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Audio for Earth and Space Science Education and Outreach (poster session), AGU Fall 2014 Meeting, December 16, 2014

Session co-organizer and chair, Geoscience Education (oral session), 2014 Northeast Section GSA Spring Meeting, March 23, 2014

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Undergraduate Geoscience Research and Outreach (poster and virtual poster sessions), AGU Fall 2013 Annual Meeting, December 11, 2013

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Models of Successful Undergraduate Research Programs in the Earth Sciences, AGU Fall 2013 Annual Meeting, December 10, 2013

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Changes in the Undergraduate Research Experience Over Time: Perspectives from Individual Mentors, Departments, and Institutions, GSA Fall 2013 Annual Meeting, October 28, 2013

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Undergraduate Geoscience Research Highlights, AGU Fall 2012 Annual Meeting, December 4, 2012

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Teaching Controversy in the K-16 Earth Science Classroom, GSA Fall 2012 Annual Meeting, November 4, 2012

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Identifying and Addressing K-16 Student Misconceptions in the Earth Science Classroom, GSA Fall 2011 Annual Meeting, October 9, 2011

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Faculty and Student Perspectives on Undergraduate Research: Models, Challenges, and Best Practices, Northeast/North-Central GSA Spring 2011 Annual Meeting, March 20, 2011

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Teaching and Research Challenges and Successes for Solitary Geologists in Academia, GSA Fall 2009 Annual Meeting

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Innovative Teacher Training Programs in Earth Science, AGU Fall 2007 Annual Meeting

Session organizer and co-chair, Early Undergraduate Research Experiences, GSA Fall 2007 Annual Meeting

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Effective Online Strategies for Teaching Geoscience at a Distance, GSA Fall 2006 Annual Meeting

Session co-chair, REU at 25: Its Impact on Undergraduate Education, GSA Fall 2005 Annual Meeting

Session co-chair, Geoscience Education Oral Session, GSA Fall 2004 Annual Meeting

Session co-organizer and co-chair, Field and Research Experiences for Students at Two-Year Colleges, GSA Fall 2003 Annual Meeting

Session organizer and co-chair, Educational Issues in Teaching and Research at Two-Year Colleges, GSA Fall 2002 Annual Meeting

Session organizer and moderator for Council on Undergraduate Research’s 2002 National Conference, “Research at Two-Year Campuses.” (2002)

Session Chair, Geoscience Education Poster Session, AGU Spring 2000 Annual Meeting


Mentoring activities

Mentoring for students and faculty outside of Penn State University


    • National Science Foundation (NSF) Geoscience Ideas Lab, Leesburg, Virginia (March 3-7, 2014)
    • Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)’s Summer Leadership Institute for STEM faculty, Crestone, Colorado (July 17-22, 2012)
    • Workshop co-organizer/co-leader, “Career Options in Academia: Paths Through Science” (w/E. Klemetti), AGU Professional Development Event at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (December 13, 2019)
    • Invited panelist for “Geoscience Career Exploration,” Student and Early Career Professional Workshop, Geological Society of America Section Meeting (March 2016, 2017); Invited panelist for National Meeting (October 2020)
    • Discussion leader, Women in Geology Career Pathways Mentor, Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, September 25, 2016
    • Invited panelist for session “Mid-Career Faculty: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities,” Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October 6, 2008
  • [graduate student mentoring detailed below]
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) Mentoring365 Live, December 2023 (3 individuals)
  • Geological Society of America GeoCareers Program, Resume/CV Mentor (October 2023)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) Undergraduate Mentoring Program, December 2015-2017 (1 student 2015, 1 student 2016)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Teacher at Sea program, 2022 (1 mentored an educator sailing on the NOAA ship Thomas Jefferson)
  • Scientist pen pal for middle school girls as part of the Letters to a Pre-Scientist program, sharing four personal letters per year focused on careers in oceanography (2015-2018)


Penn State Undergraduate student mentoring

In my time at Penn State Brandywine (2001 thru Fall 2023), I have supervised 59 unique undergraduate students on 53 unique independent/group projects outside of course-based projects, with some students completing more than one project with me. I have mentored twenty-seven undergraduate students as lead/co-authors on publications (peer-reviewed journals to reviewed magazine articles for independent and course-based projects). Over 50 conference presentations have students as presenters and/or co-authors.

Publications with student lead/co-authors have included the Journal of Geoscience Education, Journal of Science Education and Technology, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, The Earth Scientist, The Pennsylvania Geographer, Honors in Practice, Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas.

From May 2005 to July 2014, I served as the honors thesis advisor for 8 Cooper and Schreyer Honors College scholars at Penn State Brandywine/Penn State University Park in the disciplines of environmental inquiry, STS (science, technology & society), information science & technology, and civic engagement. Selected thesis titles include:

  • Two Hundred Years of Discovery: Using Google Earth to Raise Awareness of Scientific Research at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
  • Message in a Bottle: Creating an Oceanographic Google Earth Tour Using Spreadsheet Mapper
  • Living Walls: Varieties, Benefits and Global Distribution
  • Educating Young Women About Water Science and Geoscience Careers

From January 2012 to May 2013, I supervised 7 students completing 8 internships under the Penn State Brandywine Laboratory for Civic Engagement (which I coordinated during this period). The internships focused on fair trade, communications, and the community.


Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Researcher Mentorship/Committees

Graduate student dissertation committee member
Lauren Haygood, Oklahoma State University (August 2022-present)

Post-doctoral researcher mentoring program
Dr. Claire Routledge, University of Kiel (Germany), through the via:mento-international program (a two-year program for female scientists that wish to pursue an academic career outside of Germany) (November 2022 – July 2024)

Mentor for graduate student awardee in the Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellowship program
Celeste Pallone, Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (2023-2024)

I have completed additional one-on-one mentoring for graduate students through these organizations:
• Society of Women in Marine Science (SWMS) Mentoring Program, 2018-2019 (1 graduate student)
• American Geophysical Union (AGU) Science Communication Mentoring Program, December 2015-2018 (3 graduate students)

Employment history

2022-present: Distinguished Professor, Penn State Brandywine (PA)

2015-2021: Professor, Penn State Brandywine (PA)

2007-2015: Associate Professor, Penn State Brandywine (formerly Delaware County) (PA)

2001-2007: Assistant Professor, Penn State Delaware County (PA)

2000-2001: Professional Academic Advisor, University of Colorado at Boulder (CO)

1998-2000: Senior Lecturer, Mary Washington College (VA)

1992-1996: Teaching Assistant, University of Miami (FL)

1992: Teaching Assistant, Bucknell University (PA)

Pennsylvania State University grants

Guertin, Theveny, Woolever. Sustainable Communities Collaborative (SCC) Pepsi Challenge Mini-Grant, Penn State Sustainability Institute. 2017-2021. $15,000.

Guertin. iBooks for Education and Outreach of Earth Science. Educational Technology Services/Teaching & Learning with Technology/Information Technology Services, The Pennsylvania State University, Summer 2012. Received 10 iPads and protective hard cases.  $5,800.

Guertin and Goldschmidt. HONOR 301H. Schreyer Honors College Course Development/Enhancement Award. The Pennsylvania State University.  Fall 2008. $1,500.

Guertin. Mapping and multimedia resources to enhance EARTH/GEOSC courses. Teaching Development Grant, Penn State Brandywine. Fall 2008-Spring 2009. $350.

Guertin. Documenting the first dinosaur finds and sculptures, London, UK. Global Funds Grant, Commonwealth College.  Spring 2008. $1,600.

Guertin. Constitution Day grant, Laboratory for Public Scholarship and Democracy. The Pennsylvania State University.  Fall 2008. $1,000.

Guertin. Faculty Enhancement Grant, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Information Technology Services. The Pennsylvania State University.  Fall 2007. Received seven iPod nanos and microphones to attach for recording. ~$1,300.

Guertin. Utilizing emerging technologies to showcase significant democratic events and people from the past 40 years. Public Scholarship Course Enhancement grant. The Pennsylvania State University.  2007. $1,500.

Guertin. Recognizing Philadelphia’s significance to dinosaur history through Google Earth – a module for EARTH 150 and GEOSC 021. Teaching Development Grant, Penn State Brandywine. Fall 2007-Spring 2008. $700.

Guertin and Madiagan. The development of Science and Technology Modules for the CIVCM Foundations Course (YFE 211). Public Scholarship Course Enhancement grant. The Pennsylvania State University.  2006. $1,500.

Guertin. Multicultural Teaching Academy grant. Schreyer Insittute for Teaching Excellence.  The Pennsylvania State University.  Spring 2006.

Guertin. Creating Audio Files as an Instructional Medium in EARTH/GEOSC Courses for a Mobile Student Population. Teaching Development Grant, Commonwealth College. Fall 2005-Spring 2006. $500.

Guertin. Integration of Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) in Non-laboratory General Education GEOSC/EARTH Courses to Promote Student Engagement and Collaboration. Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence -Innovation Incentive Grant. Spring 2004-Fall 2005, $2,175.

Guertin. Creating Interactive Demonstrations and Software Simulations to Aid Students in EARTH/GEOSC Laboratory and Field Exercises. Teaching Development Grant, Commonwealth College. Fall 2004-Spring 2005. $800.

Guertin. Integrating Data Collection Technology with Geoscience Laboratory Research Exercises. Teaching Development Grant, Commonwealth College, to purchase equipment to enhance the quantitative data collection experience in geoscience laboratory courses. Fall 2003-Spring 2004. $1,477.

Guertin and LaBelle. Collaborative Research and Information Science Projects with Geosciences. Campus Collaborative Teaching/Learning Grant, Penn State Brandywine, to cover the cost of the purchase of three Palm handheld computers and associated peripherals and software. 2002. $1,500.