
Note that the publication list below includes peer-reviewed manuscripts that have undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, educational technology staff, and K-12 teachers as lead and co-authors. This list does not include the IODP publications where I am listed as a member of the Expedition 390 science party.

Guertin, L. (2024). Taking the Temperature. Consilience (Colour Issue). Available at: (*Consilience is a peer-reviewed science/poetry/art journal. This article features one of my science quilts from my two-month ocean expedition and includes text/image)

Guertin, L., and the South Atlantic Transect IODP Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists. (2022). Sharing More than Science: Ship-to-Shore Broadcasts from JOIDES Resolution. In the Trenches, 12(4): 1-5.

Guertin, L., Johnson, B., van der Hoeven Kraft, K. The role two-year colleges play in Unlearning Racism in the Geosciences (URGE). New Directions for Community College special issue. Accepted December 2021. Invited manuscript.

Rosas Alquicira, E.F., Guertin, L., Tvelia, S., Berquist, P.J., Cole, M.W. Undergraduate research at community colleges: A pathway to achieve student, faculty, and institutional success. New Directions for Community College special issue. Accepted, December 2021.

Guertin, L., Theveny, K. Sustainability-themed programming around nature-themed literacy: Great Nature Reads and multilingual storytime. Journal of Sustainability Education. In review, submitted March 2021.

Guertin, L., Jansen, A., Berkey, J. (2021). Developing multiple literacies and foundational research skills in students through audio narratives on global warming solutions. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), 5(1): 28.

Guertin, L. (2021). Sustainability stories developed by university students for younger classrooms. Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities [Sustainable Development Solutions Network: A Global Initiative for the United Nations]. Available at:

Kraal, E., Sirrakos, G., Guertin, L., Epstein, A., Simmens, G. (2021). Impact of Student Produced Audio Narrative (SPAN) assignments on students’ perceptions and attitudes toward science in introductory geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education. Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L., Nguyen, A. (2021). A mini-podcast series highlighting global-warming solutions in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geology, 51(1): 13-15. Undergraduate student co-author.

Guertin, L. (2021). Christmas trees for coastal optimism. Consilience (Geoscience Special Issue). Available at: (*Consilience is a peer-reviewed science/poetry/art journal. This article features one of my science quilts and includes text, images, and a video I created)

Guertin, L., Theveny, K., Barber, D. (2021). Virtual informal learning and community building via nature‐themed podcast discussions. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (online, not yet assigned to issue). Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L., Briseño, I. (2020). The Power of New Online Opportunities to Connect to the Ocean: The Journey of a Research Student and Mentor. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 34(3): 18-20. (online) Undergraduate co-author.

Guertin, L., Theveny, K., Esparragoza, I. (2020). How An Arboretum Outreach Activity Changed Students’ Attitudes Towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainability Education, 24: 13 pages. (online)

Nguyen, A., Guertin, L. (2020). An Audio Journey Through Solutions to Global Warming in Pennsylvania. Journal of Sustainability Education, 24: 4 pages. (online) Undergraduate lead author.

Guertin, L. (2020). Audio and video clips provide connections between authentic voices, social justice, and global water challenges. Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal, 12(2): 34-35.

Fortner, S., Manduca, C., Guertin, L., Szymanski, D., Villalobos, J. (2019). Teaching for Earth resilience: A strategy for increased diversity and equity. GSA Today, 29: 2 pages. (online)

Schaefer, G., Guertin, L. (2018). Air and surface temperature change during the August 2017 partial solar eclipse in Delaware County. Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science, 14(1): 12-15. Undergraduate student lead author.

Guertin, L. (2016). Starting students on the pathway to ocean literacy with a first day class activity. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 30(2): 20-24.

Bowen, K., Guertin, L. (2016). Using the citizen science Picture Post Project for schoolyard environmental monitoring. The Earth Scientist, 32(Special Edition): 10-13. Undergraduate student lead author.

Guertin, L. (2016). Showcasing the lives of women scientists through the #365scienceselfies social media project. Earthzine (IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society), October 2016. (online)

Guertin, L., Clements, N. (2016). Improving student Ocean Science Literacy through collaboration with a librarian. In The Trenches, 6(2): 5-6.

Guertin, L. (2016). Generating SEG Wiki articles to improve student geoscience and content literacy. The Leading Edge, 35(3): 274-276. (online)

Elgin, S.C.R., Bangera, G., Decatur, S.M., Dolan, E.L., Guertin, L., Newstetter, W.C., San Juan, E.F., Smith, M.A., Weaver, G.C., Wessler, S.R., Brenner, K.A., Labov, J.B. (2016). Insights from a Convocation: Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 15(2): 1-7. (online)

Clements, N., Guertin, L. (2016). Science literacy meets information literacy: Using Zotero as a teaching tool. College & Research Libraries News, 77(1): 14-16. (html, PDF)

Guertin, L., Clements, N. (2015). Ocean Literacy: Can Students Learn the Essential Principles? Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 29(3): 35-38.

Guertin, L. (2015). Engaging students before, during, and after visits to informal science education centers. In the Trenches, 5(1): 10-11.

Guertin, L. (2015). IN HER OWN WORDS: Sharing my experience as a Woman in STEM: Pass it on. Women in Higher Education, 24(2): 5, 19. (online)

Guertin, L. (2014). Point of View – Why students should listen. Journal of College Science Teaching, 44(2): 8-9. (online)

Guertin, L. (2014). PAESTA – A professional organization for Pennsylvania’s K-12 Earth science teachers. Pennsylvania Geology, 44(2): 11-12. (online)

Pollock, M., Guertin, L. (2013). Online guide encourages undergraduate research using social media. CUR Quarterly, 34(2): 14.

Guertin, L. (2013). Community-based research with podcasting in introductory geoscience courses. CURQ On The Web, 34(2): 13. (online)

Dufoe, A., Guertin, L. (2013). Using iBooks Author to create Earth science classroom content for the iPad. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 29-31. Undergraduate student lead author. (online)

Lewis-King, T., Guertin, L. (2013). The successes and challenges of establishing PAESTA, a new professional community for teachers. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 41-45. Teacher lead author. (online)

Licona, P., McDonald, S., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2013). Student conceptions of the cause and locations of earthquakes. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 50-54. Graduate student lead author. (online)

Pickard, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2013). Student and teacher conceptions of the Earth’s interior structure. The Earth Scientist, 29(2): 55-58. Graduate student lead author. (online)

Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2013). Mentoring middle school and high school Earth science teachers to publish. In the Trenches, 3(1): 4-5. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., Stubbs, C., Millet, C., Lee, T.K., Bodek, M.J. (2012). Enhancing geographic and digital literacy with a student-generated course portfolio in Google Earth. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(2): 32-37. (abstract)

Bembenic, M., Cratsley, C., Hartwell, B., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2012). Adaptable inquiry-based activities about national patterns of coal and energy use. Science Scope, 35(9): 49-55. Graduate student lead authors. (abstract)

Cole, H., Furman, T. Guertin, L., Endress Cratsley, C. (2011). Engaging students in learning ecosystem-based biogeochemical cycles. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 13-16. Teacher lead author, graduate student co-author.

Endress Crastley, C., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2011). Promoting geographic literacy of African Environments through map exercises. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 27-32. Graduate student co-author.

Guertin, L.A. (2011). Classroom integration of Earth and Space Science news stories through audio. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 41-45.

Furman, T., Guertin, L., Pickard, M. (2011). Now what? Experienced teachers reflect on their unplanned transitions to teach Earth Science. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 9-12. Graduate student co-author.

Neville, S., Guertin, L. (2011). Ten examples of utilizing existing gigapixel panoramas in the Earth and Space Science classroom. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 46-49. Undergraduate student lead author.

Neville, S., Guertin, L. (2011). Three guided student explorations of Sky in Google Earth. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 33-36. Undergraduate student lead author.

Tait, K., Pickard, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2011). Dispelling middle school student misconceptions of Grand Canyon formation through hands-on activities. The Earth Scientist, 27(2): 22-26. Teacher lead author, graduate student co-author.

Guertin, L.A. (2011). Pre-recorded online audio review sessions. College Teaching, 59(1): 45. (online)

Guertin, L.A., Neville, S.E. (2011). Utilizing Google Earth to teach students about global oil spill disasters. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 48(1): 1-8. Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Scholtz, L.A., Guertin, L.A. (2010). Using tombstone records from Centralia, PA, to evaluate the effects of mining activities on male survivorship. The Pennsylvania Geographer, 48(1): 3-15. Undergraduate student lead author.

Guertin, L.A. (2010). Creating and using podcasts across the disciplines. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 2(2): 4-12. (online)

DiLauro, A., Meyers, T., Guertin, L. (2010). The value of extending the honors contract beyond one semester: a case study with Smithsonian dinosaurs. Honors in Practice, 6: 109-115. Undergraduate student lead authors. (online)

Charles, L., Klein, C., Narkiewicz, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2009). Improving Earth Science instruction with an integrated Earth systems science matrix. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 19-22. Graduate student co-author. Teacher lead authors, graduate student co-author.

Dorsch, A., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2009). Five activities for differentiated instruction on human-induced climate change. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 7-9. Teacher lead author.

Drozynski, D., Ellis, J., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2009). Students’ inquiry in and about the Earth Science classroom. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 10-13. Undergraduate student co-author. Teacher lead author, undergraduate student co-author.

Hartwell, B., Schoch, K., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2009). Understanding the rock cycle through a Choose Your Own Adventure classroom activity. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 23-26. Graduate student lead author, teacher co-author.

Hoffman, J., Vishio, N., Bembenic, M., Guertin, L., Furman, T. (2009). Designing sustainable communities: an inquiry-based approach to teaching Earth systems science. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 35-39. Teacher lead authors, graduate student co-author.

Nelson, W.R., Furman, T., Guertin, L. (2009). The rewards and challenges of integrating graduate student teaching fellows into the middle and high school classroom. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 27-30. Graduate student lead author.

Neville, S.E., Guertin, L.A. (2009). Integrating Google Earth with the QUEST for Earth Science Literacy. The Earth Scientist, 25(4): 31-34. Undergraduate student lead author.

Woodruff, J.B., Acuna, E.B., Silano, R.L., Guertin, L.A. (2009). Enhanced podcast of Pennsylvania tree biodiversity in Ridley Creek State Park. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 83(2/3): 90-93. Undergraduate student lead authors.

Guertin, L.A., Young, C.L. (2009). Using Flickr to connect a multi-campus honors community. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 10(2): 57-60. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A. (2009). Dinosaur science for hospitalized children. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13(3).

Guertin, L.A., Zappe, S.E., & Kim, H. (2007). Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) exercises to engage students in an introductory-level dinosaur course. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(6): 507-514. Graduate student co-author. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., & Sealy, A. (2007). The challenges of establishing an environmental science essay contest for girls. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 81(1): 35-38. Undergraduate student co-author.

Guertin, L.A., Bodek, M.J., Zappe, S.E., & Kim, H. (2007). Questioning the student use of and desire for lecture podcasts. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 3(2): 133-141. Graduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2006). Integrating handheld technology with field investigations in introductory-level geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education, 54(2): 143-146. (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2006). An examination of student learning geoscience content through printed notes versus virtual lectures. Journal of College Science Teaching, 35(4): 36-41. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., Downey, E.A. (2005). Bringing Absolutely Incredible Kid Day! to the classroom and campus community. The Journal for Civic Commitment, Issue 6, URL: (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2005). Using virtual lectures to educate students on plagiarism. First Monday, 10(9), URL: (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2005). Student reactions to required service learning. The National Teaching and Learning Forum, 14(5): 1-3.

Guertin, L.A. (2005). An indoor shopping mall building stone investigation with handheld technology for introductory geoscience students. Journal of Geoscience Education, 53(3): 253-256. (online)

Guertin, L.A., Cao, E.T., Craig, K.A., George, A.E., Goldson, S.T., Makatche, S.P., Radusevich, B.T., Sandor, C.W., Takos, A.T., Tuller, R., Williams, J.K., & Williams, M.A. (2004). Bringing dinosaur science to the Junior Girl Scouts through a college service learning project. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(4): 523-531. Undergraduate student co-authors. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., & Rufo, J.L. (2004). A positive science and technology experience for Junior Girl Scouts through a college service learning project. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 10(1): 79-88. Undergraduate student co-author. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., & Nguyen, C. (2003). Combining a historical geology project with a campus student organization’s fundraising efforts. Journal of Geoscience Education, 51(4): 378-380. Undergraduate student co-author. (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2003). News updates on handheld technology in introductory-level courses. The Successful Professor, 2(3): 10-11. (online)

Cunningham, K.J., Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Bukry, D., Barron, J.A., & Guertin, L.A. (2003). Interplay of Late Cenozoic siliciclastic supply and carbonate response on the southeast Florida platform. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73: 31-46. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A. (2001, November 05). Enhancing academic advising with a monthly newsletter. The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal ( (online)

Guertin, L.A. (2000). Using logic problems in introductory-level geoscience courses to develop critical reasoning and basic quantitative skills. Journal of Geoscience Education, 48: 423-427. (online)

Guertin, L.A., Missimer, T.M., McNeill, D.F., & Cunningham, K.J. (2000). Hiatal duration of correlative sequence boundaries from Oligocene-Pliocene mixed carbonate/siliciclastic sediments of the south Florida Platform. Sedimentary Geology, 134(1-2): 1-26. (abstract)

Guertin, L.A., McNeill, D.F., Lidz, B.H., & Cunningham, K.J. (1999). Chronologic model and transgressive-regressive signatures in the late Neogene siliciclastic foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69: 653-666. (abstract)

Cunningham, K.J., McNeill, D.F., Guertin, L.A., Scott, T.M., Ciesielski, P.F., & de Verteuil, L. (1998). A new Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110: 231-258. (abstract)