Amateur Radio Information for the Allegheny Trailrunners Dirty Kiln Trail Races

Allegheny Trailrunners Dirty Kiln Trail Race
Canoe Creek State Park
Saturday, April 12, 2025
An Amateur Radio Public Service Event

Local Amateur Radio operators volunteer to provide safety, health, and welfare communications support for the Allegheny Trailrunners Dirty Kiln Trail Race. This safety, health, and welfare communications support is provided through a mix of cell phone, FRS, GMRS, and Amateur Radio resources.

All radio amateurs, no matter the level of experience or equipment capabilities, are encouraged to volunteer to help with the safety, health, and welfare communications support of this event. Amateur Radio assignments for this event include fixed locations, event staff shadows, and a SAG vehicle. Having both Amateur Radio, FRS, and GMRS capabilities will be a real plus.

The information below is from the 2024 Allegheny Trailrunners Dirty Kiln Trail Race public service event. Amateur Radio information for the 2025 event will be posted as information becomes available.

7:30 AM All Volunteer Meeting

8:30 AM In Position

9:00 AM Half-Marathon Start

9:15 AM 10K Start

2:00 PM Usually released from duty.

Latest Briefing – DirtyKilnTrailRaceBriefing2024APRIL10.pdf (4.806 MB PDF File)

Safety Plan and Volunteer Handbook – Not yet available.

Last Update: April 11, 2024