Quantum Computing With Neutral Atoms


We are working to refine and expand the experimental toolbox that will turn the promise of neutral atoms as qubits into a quantum computer. Specifically we trap arrays of atoms in a blue-detuned 3D optical lattice.

Among our advances are:

the first observation of 2D or 3D arrays of single atoms;

     cooling >96% of atoms to their 3D vibrational ground state;

     single qubit gates on selected atoms with fidelities of 99.7%;

     sorting ~50 atoms in 3D into a perfect array, an experimental realization of Maxwell’s demon;

     lossless state detection with 99.94% fidelity.

We are currently working to make large 3D cluster states. Such a novel, maximally entangle state will demonstrate a wide range of fascinating properties. We are also working to develop site-selective Rydberg entangling gates in 3D.  Much of our work can and has been applied to arrays in 1D or 2D.  The ultimate advantage of 3D in terms of the density of quantum information and the natural connectivity of the systems is large.


Individually addressed atoms in a 3D array