1.3.3 Design Final: rDNA

1.3.3 Design Final: Dream Story

The concept of my piece is dreams being turned into a story. The reason why I thought of this is because I just started thinking about my own stories, but haven’t exactly started writing them. The other concept that came into mind for this piece is Anime, I like the unique drawing of characters and it shows a different ways of drawing each character. The story of “Dream Stories” is you are asleep and your dreams, imaginations, and thoughts start rushing out. The different scenarios, moments, and theories are playing through your head, there are twists and turns throughout the dream. Then you finally wake up remembering these dreams and then you start writing and drawing creating that story and making it become real. That is the story, I was able to come up with this because I have a lot of dreams, both good and bad, but the interesting thing is the story that they tell. It makes me come up with ideas of things that I would like to write and draw about when it comes to making up stories. Being able to turn dreams into a story is a great way for me to remember the different ideas that have come into my head.

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