5.3.2 Design Iteration: Large Print

5.3.2 Design Iteration

So I was successful in combining the photos that I wanted to use. Even though I chose a lot of photos for this project I was proud of the way that it came out because of the use of the editing programs. I even tried to include myself in the photo but the problem was just having myself show up in the collage which was difficult. I tried different edits on getting myself to blend in but they did not do the trick of what I wanted in the picture. I was hoping that I could get myself included in the photo, but it was so difficult that I had to scrap that idea. This did set me back a little because I wanted it to turn out very nice with me included. I was happy that at least that the pictures were able to combine together in some way. These were pictures that I personally liked because each of them show a little bit of culture for each of the countries that I wanted to visit. Now in the end I just need to make the picture look even more nicer with some blending and editing that will make it look really nice.

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