6.3.1 Design Concept: Portfolio

6.3.1 Design Concept

Since this is the final project and I have to create a portfolio which should not be hard. So, I have to find a way to combine the past projects together to make it a complete portfolio. For the concept I have put together a small compilation that should show all of the past projects. This project is a combination of all of the techniques that I have used including the programs that I used through each project that I have gone through. This concept would be interesting for the project because for a portfolio we need to have the best thing that would combine well to turn out well in the end. I have had thoughts on what I can do for the project, but now it comes down to thinking about how I could be able to implement them to have them come out to look nice. Whether it has to be repositioning things, adding things, or any kind of editing that is needed in the project. The last thing that I would like to add in is something that could link to a cloud storage that links all of the things that I have to go directly there. Of course I will try out all of these things and create a great portfolio.

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