6.3.3 Design Final: Portfolio

6.3.3 Design Final

For the final I did do some more tweaking to make the project look even better and I gotta say I think that it had turned out in the end. After the iteration, I had decided to grab those same cropped photos that I put in the square and combine them together in Photoshop and created one small picture with a combination of everything that I have done throughout the semester. After that I took that picture resized it to fit in the same space where the other shrunken pictures have been placed. I had decided to use numbers that would symbolize numbers of each project to give it that sense of which picture belong to which project number. I did put the QR code in the last square, I was originally thinking about putting it in a spot that would help it blend in with the rest of the project, but I thought it did not suit for me. So I had decided to put it in to a space of its very own and link my digital archive that will contain all of the materials I had for the projects. Overall I think that this project was a success, maybe there are other things that still needs work for it, but to me I am still satisfied with the turn out from this project.

6.3.2 Design Iteration: Portfolio

6.3.2 Design Iteration

For the iteration of the portfolio I did the first few parts that I have thought about doing in the beginning for this project and I think that it does look good so far. I took the liberty of using snippets or cropped out parts from the original projects, then reshaped them to fit inside of each of the squares. Blending in the pictures with the squares took sometime to edit, but I like I was able to transition from the first project all the way down to the fifth project. From there I took each of them and sized them up even smaller and tried to position them to fit on to one square that which of course left some space in that square. I haven’t figured out yet what I wanted to do in that last part, but I am sure that I could come up with something that would get fill in that last remaining spot of that square. In the very last square I had decided to make it the end piece for the QR code that would link to the digital archive that I am in the process of creating that should contain all of the content that I had for all of the projects that has led up till now.

6.3.1 Design Concept: Portfolio

6.3.1 Design Concept

Since this is the final project and I have to create a portfolio which should not be hard. So, I have to find a way to combine the past projects together to make it a complete portfolio. For the concept I have put together a small compilation that should show all of the past projects. This project is a combination of all of the techniques that I have used including the programs that I used through each project that I have gone through. This concept would be interesting for the project because for a portfolio we need to have the best thing that would combine well to turn out well in the end. I have had thoughts on what I can do for the project, but now it comes down to thinking about how I could be able to implement them to have them come out to look nice. Whether it has to be repositioning things, adding things, or any kind of editing that is needed in the project. The last thing that I would like to add in is something that could link to a cloud storage that links all of the things that I have to go directly there. Of course I will try out all of these things and create a great portfolio.

6.2 Exercise Reflections

6.2.1 Unity

This exercise has us focusing on the positioning of things such as positioning of the shapes and textboxes. As well as organizing the page elements. This particular exercise is focused on creating multi-page documents using a typographic grid and organizing these elements. In a way we are recreating a similar artwork that was that was founded by Jan Tschichold using textboxes and other shapes that are considered crucial for this artwork. This was a two page project that is needed to be done and it was difficult to for a little bit, but in the end all that has to be done is to make it look similar from the original work from the poster.

6.2.2 Tension

Tension tested me even more because there are more techniques that I needed to perform. The shapes that were used for this project are all different but still similar in some way the best thing that should be expected is the new pieces of the artwork that needs to be set up for it. This involves a lot of text and picture manipulation in it so we had to find different techniques in order to get the right look in the end. I think that this project was more difficult than the last one because it uses way more techniques that was used for editing.

5.3.3 Design Final: Large Print

5.3.3 Design Final

For this final part of the project I took this picture and decided to make an edit on to the picture so it can look even better. So what I did for the edit is adding in some blending with the photo and not only that I decided to play around with the overall look of the picture which was the color contrast. So, with that edit I had to do whatever I can to make the picture look even better. I am still sad that I could not use a picture of me as a part of this this photo but I still think that it looks pretty good. I think that there are still somethings that I can still do to this photo. I do not know which things I should do specifically to make it better, but there is always something that can be done to make any kind of picture do good. It is a good thing that this picture turned out very well. With this picture I can definitely hope that I can keep up with my dream of being able to travel to these countries in the future even when this pandemic ends. So this is the best thing that I have for right now to get close to these countries.

5.3.2 Design Iteration: Large Print

5.3.2 Design Iteration

So I was successful in combining the photos that I wanted to use. Even though I chose a lot of photos for this project I was proud of the way that it came out because of the use of the editing programs. I even tried to include myself in the photo but the problem was just having myself show up in the collage which was difficult. I tried different edits on getting myself to blend in but they did not do the trick of what I wanted in the picture. I was hoping that I could get myself included in the photo, but it was so difficult that I had to scrap that idea. This did set me back a little because I wanted it to turn out very nice with me included. I was happy that at least that the pictures were able to combine together in some way. These were pictures that I personally liked because each of them show a little bit of culture for each of the countries that I wanted to visit. Now in the end I just need to make the picture look even more nicer with some blending and editing that will make it look really nice.

5.3.1 Design Concept: Large Print

5.3.1 Design Concept

After finding about this project I thought of different ideas that I could do for this project and I think that they were some good ideas but the one that stuck out to me was that I had chosen was the places that I wanted to visit. I think the main ones that I wanted to go to was Japan, South Korea, and Paris. There were different ways that I wanted to create this artwork when I came up with the idea. So, I explored different ways that I could put these pictures together while making that picture. With these pictures I even thought that I could include myself in the collage of photos which would mean that I would have myself standing and seeing that I would chase my dream to visit these countries. So, to make it happen I found a photo of myself standing close to the edge of the cliff staring into the horizon. With this photo and the other pictures combined in some way along with some blending I could create the effect of me and the pictures combined together because this is the last thing that I need for this picture and I hope that this could turn out well in the end.

5.2 Exercise Relections

5.2.1 Repetition and Cloning

When I hear cloning I think about a direct copy of something from the original source. What I mean by that is the creation of another thing in the artwork which could be the same thing as repetition. With this assignment we took two iconic photos which was one of Amelia Earhart the first female pilot and a photo of the U.S Air Force’s first all female flight combat crew and perform some sort editing that will make it look like Amelia Earhart was a part of the all female crew. What I did was clone the face of Amelia Earhart and resize it on to the body of the captain of the crew who is also a pilot. To make them look the same we took the size of the captain and resized the cloned picture of Amelia. After turning the crew picture gray scale I blended the photo of Amelia with the captain to make it look like Amelia Earhart is the captain of the all female flight crew.

5.2.2 Quick Masking, non-destructive editing, and vector functionality

Quick masking is a technique that is used for editing when it comes down to editing a picture. In this assignment we took a photo of Mr. Dali and his cat. We had to edit to make it look like that the cat had the same mustache and eyes as Mr. Dali. All it took was some masking, copying, and pasting to make the picture look really funny. When I started to assignment I had trouble finding some things but in the end I turned out to be very well done.

4.3.3 Design Final: Exquisite Corpse Digital Round Robin

4.3.3 Design Final

For the final of the project after the round robin we had to decide on how the project should look in the end and I think that the end result had come out pretty well. After seeing all of the pictures that were included in the photo was interesting. When the picture was given back to me and I took out the spot of the picture and revealed the entire picture. The pictures that were chosen for mine took up good amount of space for the photo all that was needed to be done is the picture editing so I had edited the photo to blend them together. I did enough to make it look nice and the thing with the editing. I think that with these programs such as Photoshop I was able to bring out the best of the scan with these pictures. Each element sort of resembles the scan and the rest of the pictures. This was a fun project and I got to see other artworks as well and in all truth I hope that the pictures I had chosen for them would match with the concept of their scan because to me each picture will turn out good in the end.

4.3.2 Design Iteration: Exquisite Corpse Digital Round Robin

4.3.2 Design Digital Round Robin

Now comes that part of the project which is the round robin in which we are assigned number and we are that number for the order. For the first round we had been assigned the number already, so after uploading the finished product it came out to be that we had to download the photo of the person that is the next number. That is when we get work done by adding on pictures onto the picture that was prepped before hand all we had to do was add in photos that suited the concept of the picture well. The main thing is to get the concept of the pictures to match even though we are limited on the sight of the full picture so we had to go off based on what we can see on the picture. During the first round I found some pictures that suited the concept of the photo because they looked suitable for the concept. Then when the second round robin came in it was the same thing finding pictures that were suitable for the concept of the scan. These are some of the photos that I had used for the round robin I thought it was fun this part of this project seeing my other classmate scans and artworks.