6.2 Exercise Reflections

6.2.1 Unity

This exercise has us focusing on the positioning of things such as positioning of the shapes and textboxes. As well as organizing the page elements. This particular exercise is focused on creating multi-page documents using a typographic grid and organizing these elements. In a way we are recreating a similar artwork that was that was founded by Jan Tschichold using textboxes and other shapes that are considered crucial for this artwork. This was a two page project that is needed to be done and it was difficult to for a little bit, but in the end all that has to be done is to make it look similar from the original work from the poster.

6.2.2 Tension

Tension tested me even more because there are more techniques that I needed to perform. The shapes that were used for this project are all different but still similar in some way the best thing that should be expected is the new pieces of the artwork that needs to be set up for it. This involves a lot of text and picture manipulation in it so we had to find different techniques in order to get the right look in the end. I think that this project was more difficult than the last one because it uses way more techniques that was used for editing.

5.2 Exercise Relections

5.2.1 Repetition and Cloning

When I hear cloning I think about a direct copy of something from the original source. What I mean by that is the creation of another thing in the artwork which could be the same thing as repetition. With this assignment we took two iconic photos which was one of Amelia Earhart the first female pilot and a photo of the U.S Air Force’s first all female flight combat crew and perform some sort editing that will make it look like Amelia Earhart was a part of the all female crew. What I did was clone the face of Amelia Earhart and resize it on to the body of the captain of the crew who is also a pilot. To make them look the same we took the size of the captain and resized the cloned picture of Amelia. After turning the crew picture gray scale I blended the photo of Amelia with the captain to make it look like Amelia Earhart is the captain of the all female flight crew.

5.2.2 Quick Masking, non-destructive editing, and vector functionality

Quick masking is a technique that is used for editing when it comes down to editing a picture. In this assignment we took a photo of Mr. Dali and his cat. We had to edit to make it look like that the cat had the same mustache and eyes as Mr. Dali. All it took was some masking, copying, and pasting to make the picture look really funny. When I started to assignment I had trouble finding some things but in the end I turned out to be very well done.

4.2 Exercise Reflections

4.2.1 Scanning and Resolution

When the words scanning and resolution come to mind it is the thought of pulling in things from the outside world and putting them into the digital world. To digital artists it is content for them and it can be used in many different ways. For this assignment we had a photo that was scanned on to the computer and we had to alter this photo by its resolution. So, when I was able to get the picture and I changed the resolution to give a clearer quality on it to make it look better, then changed the color scheme of the picture giving it a different color contrast.

4.2.2 Tonal Scale

For this assignment it is focusing on the changing the overall look from the original photo. When we are changing the tonal scale it is the picture and color scheme of the photo giving it a digital makeover. When I received the photo I started working on changing the overall look of this picture first by changing the quality which would be the resolution giving it a clearer hd look to the picture. Plus a grayscale picture that shows how it is done in black and white. The last thing that was done was the adjustment of the red, blue, and green to work on the color scheme to make it look nicer.

4.2.3 Layering and Collage

Creating a collage is a tricky thing when it comes to making an art and lets just say it was tricky. A collage to me is a series of photos that are coming together in order to form a new artwork but the best thing is, it’s a lot of editing and moving around. This is because there are so many elements that we are working with. Including body parts, it would include arms, legs, a head, an ear, the back, legs, and shoes. Editing this was difficult but in the end it had turned out to be a successful artwork in the end.

3.2 Exercise Reflections

3.2.1 Euclid

When it come to making different kinds of shapes the use of geometry has been crucial in making these things because you figure out those shapes. This is all determined through drawing which is an art technique that is used for sketching and outlining as well too. Using the tools that mathematicians use to make these shapes. The last thing that people want to see is the shapes and patterns that come out of creating all of these sorts of things.

3.2.2 Line Art

Line art in general is a useful thing to use when it come to making an abstract kind of art. It is used to outlining for colors to create the art and it makes use of positive and negative space. It is an interesting method because it is a technique that most artists looks for when it comes to making fresh new art this was a highly used technique, especially artists like Andy Warhol when he blurred the order between the worlds of commercial and fine art. This project in general has us creating lines but simple ones and then adding on the lines to show how they could be considered an artwork.

3.2.3 Color Theory

When it comes to color theory the thing to watch out for is the color texture and shading. We already know about basic colors, but when it comes to the theory of colors knowing the different texture and shading it gives us a different thought of how we see colors and each of their different shades and brightness. This assignment had us toy with color and messing with the grayscale as well as the opaqueness of the color.

2.2 Exercise Reflections

2.2.1 Gestalt Praxis

Hearing the word symmetry we would think about the basic that we have learned about in the past during grade school. With this article it gives us a more advanced course of what symmetry and asymmetry which proves to be helpful even for those who are artists. Symmetry has been proven helpful to those who are in art and the best art is create by using more than one technique that will make their art more appealing to the human eye. Good practice of this would be using squares and dots by toying with them aligning them making sure they were evenly spaced out. This way it can test the way you can find the center line of symmetry.

2.2.2 Grid Systems

Grids have proven useful to artists when it comes to keeping things straightened up in their artwork. To be able to use them properly the use of the guidelines and the rulers along the border of the sheet have been proven useful to make sure things are measured out properly. In digital art, these things are useful for the next shape or position that we want that item to be in for the project to look nice. This would also be useful for documents as well even when creating a cover page. Which can be useful and it shows that person is organized and wants things to be precise.

2.2.3 Drawing with Type

When it comes to working with different fonts it is important to know which one would suit your style, but that is the best thing about it because with different artworks there could be the one that would need the use of different fonts that should make use of fonts that will make an artwork look even nicer than the last one. Drawing with Type in general we are trying to make use of the negative space around us in order to create a complete visual image that uses different letters or numbers that are included with them. Much like this little project of my initials with a font and trying to make use of the limited space that I was provided.

1.2 Exercise Reflections

1.2.1 In the Cloud

On a computer there a few different ways storing things such as using the original storage that is in a computer or for me I consider this as a lifesaver to me which is a USB drive because that way I would have all of my files with me the entire time. Technology has developed over the years to this day and it will continue to create things which includes new kinds of processing speeds, storage, and other things that are important for a computer to function. The biggest thing to have in the technology age is cloud computing, a innovative way to save content and get access to from any computer that you use on a personal basis. This would be perfect for artists because they have a lot of work to save and they just need to open it from another system.

1.2.2 Creating a Dynamic Composition

To create a dynamic composition you need to have an original artwork to render. The way that this is created through abstract art which is an art piece made with simple shapes. In fact the one that was rendered was using abstract art mainly using rectangles to create an art in a different perspective. On Adobe Illustrator we use rectangles, resize them, and rotate them to make it look like the original picture but it is difficult to make completely right. But that is beauty of doing abstract art you get to create something off of an original in our own eyes. Like this for example:

This was based off of an original artwork and what I thought it looked like.

1.2.3 Spark Demos

Before the tutorials I did not know anything about Adobe Spark but after watching the videos I learned of how similar it could be to Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and other ones that are helpful with everyday life. For Adobe Spark they are creating works that can be put together that could form a montage of photos that could give a message or a story. Digital Artists can be creative with things like that it is their way of expressing themselves to the community and also showcase their talents. With Adobe Spark they can do that and with Adobe’s cloud technology there are many things that they are able to do with it. Despite have to create multiples of the same artwork it is still better than losing progress and also no undo button but that is ok too it gives you that idea of slight alteration.