4.3.3 Design Final: Exquisite Corpse Digital Round Robin

4.3.3 Design Final

For the final of the project after the round robin we had to decide on how the project should look in the end and I think that the end result had come out pretty well. After seeing all of the pictures that were included in the photo was interesting. When the picture was given back to me and I took out the spot of the picture and revealed the entire picture. The pictures that were chosen for mine took up good amount of space for the photo all that was needed to be done is the picture editing so I had edited the photo to blend them together. I did enough to make it look nice and the thing with the editing. I think that with these programs such as Photoshop I was able to bring out the best of the scan with these pictures. Each element sort of resembles the scan and the rest of the pictures. This was a fun project and I got to see other artworks as well and in all truth I hope that the pictures I had chosen for them would match with the concept of their scan because to me each picture will turn out good in the end.

4.3.2 Design Iteration: Exquisite Corpse Digital Round Robin

4.3.2 Design Digital Round Robin

Now comes that part of the project which is the round robin in which we are assigned number and we are that number for the order. For the first round we had been assigned the number already, so after uploading the finished product it came out to be that we had to download the photo of the person that is the next number. That is when we get work done by adding on pictures onto the picture that was prepped before hand all we had to do was add in photos that suited the concept of the picture well. The main thing is to get the concept of the pictures to match even though we are limited on the sight of the full picture so we had to go off based on what we can see on the picture. During the first round I found some pictures that suited the concept of the photo because they looked suitable for the concept. Then when the second round robin came in it was the same thing finding pictures that were suitable for the concept of the scan. These are some of the photos that I had used for the round robin I thought it was fun this part of this project seeing my other classmate scans and artworks.

4.3.1 Design Concept

4.3.1 Design Concept (Prep)

When I chose what I wanted to do for this project there were a couple of things that came to mind that I would use for the project and they were things that I like. I thought about a lot of the but the one thing that I had gotten into was skincare. Which is why I brought in was Facial Masks I thought that they had a unique design that would be useful for editing, so that was for my scanning. Before the Round Robin there was some prepping that needed to be done before the actual Round Robin had started and I had to edit two of my other classmates artwork with pictures that I think would’ve suited their concept. For the prepping we had to change the resolution of the photo because when it was scanned the resolution looks real sharp and every detail can be seen from the scan. So, to minimize the size of it I had to dim down the resolution a little bit, plus clean the specs of dust that were from the scanner, then positioning it, and just getting the final product ready for the Round Robin.