Ideally, the planning for your embedded course will begin at least a year in advance.  In order to finalize your syllabus, plan an accurate and efficient budget, coordinate site visits, invite guest lecturers, secure housing arrangements, and recruit students, faculty leaders will need to invest significant time and energy into the planning process.  Please review the suggested timeline below.

18-10 Months Before Departure:

  • Meet with Associate Dean and/or Penn State Global liaison within academic unit
  • Meet with Assistant Director of Customized Programs in Penn State Global
  • Communicate with contacts abroad and confirm dates
  • Promote the program to students
  • Schedule info session with EA or academic department
  • Work with academic department to create informational program site
  • Plan and set budget
  • Apply for grants to help cover cost of program or faculty leader travel 

10-6 Months Before Departure:

  • Continue to promote program
  • Officially propose program through Penn State Global website
  • Attend Emergency Preparedness workshop once every two years
  • Work with financial staff within academic unit to determine method of collecting fees from students (may include posting to Bursar account, students paying directly to partner/provider, or collecting checks within academic department)
  • Apply for grants to help cover cost of program or faculty leader travel

6-3 Months Before Departure:

  • Communicate with contacts abroad regarding group details and logistics (i.e., housing confirmation, #males/#females, invoices and payments)
  • Request invoices
  • Work with financial staff within academic unit to provide payment
  • Apply for grants to help cover cost of program or faculty leader travel

3-2 Months Before Departure:

  • Confirm course and travel roster; submit program roster to Penn State Global
  • Submit itinerary to Penn State Global
  • Submit all remaining embedded course materials to Penn State Global
  • In most cases, residential portion of class begins; notify Penn State Global if any students drop the class

2-1 Month(s) Before Departure:

  • Encourage students to complete their online profile and submit required materials via Penn State Global website

1-4 Weeks Before Departure:

  • Provide students with all final program and travel information
  • Ensure that Penn State Global and all students have your contact info that will work in your destination country
  • Communicate any changes in program itinerary to Penn State Global and students
  • Return cash advance forms to department, if utilizing cash advance

After Program:

  • Students finish projects or other work related to international experience
  • Inform Penn State Global of any feedback or suggestions for next year
  • If faculty leader was awarded a grant from Penn State Global, submit travel report as required
A photo of the Sydney Opera House overlooking the ocean
Preparing your program early can lead you to beautiful sites in places like Sydney, Australia!