Building a responsible budget takes planning and coordination on behalf of the faculty leader. Considerations for costs to include in the budget may include the following line items (plus others, depending on the nature and location of your program):
- For spring break programs, group travel to the airport is highly encouraged. Bus transportation from a reputable provider can be built into the overall program budget to ensure safe, reliable transportation for the entire group.
- Housing accommodations for students
- In-country transportation (airport transfer, if appropriate; tour bus for visits or day trips)
- Site visits (day trips, monuments, historical sites)
- Group lectures or tours
- Entrance fees (museums, parks)
- Travel expenses for faculty leaders (airfare, lodging, meals)
- Some group meals, if appropriate
Fac Led Embedded Budget Template
Travel (flight) Policy
Faculty leading embedded courses can work with approved university travel agent, Anthony Travel, or book through Travel OnLion.
- Flights should be booked to match the official program dates. Any deviation from the program dates and/or origin (your campus’ normal departure airport) and arrival (closest airport to host city) requires a comparison flight quote which must be provided on the same day that travel is booked.
- Any personal travel being undertaken before or after the program dates is at the faculty leader’s own expense and the difference in price (and applicable taxes for personal travel) will be charged to the program leader via department or campus financial reconciliation process
- Any personal travel included in the itinerary may result in a portion of the cost of the ticket being subject to tax;
- All program leader travel is economy-class and it is expected that leaders will book the most economical ticket possible so as to reduce the financial burden on students;
Faculty leaders are not required to travel to and from the study abroad site with the students on a group flight. In many cases, it makes the most sense to travel with the students, but it is not a requirement to do so. When coordinating travel plans, consider from where the faculty and students will likely be departing. For example, if the travel component of the course will occur over spring break, then it is likely that the faculty leaders and students will all depart from the home campus. In this case, it makes sense to try to arrange for all participants to travel on the same flight.
When booking flights for Penn State employees and/or with University funds, please follow the travel policy for transportation carefully. Refer specific questions to the Financial Officer in your unit.