In pandemics, like the current COVID-19 outbreak, the first concern is to stop the spread of the virus. The administrative decision by President Trump to limit the travel from Europe to the United States is not exactly effective in decreasing the rate of the virus spreading because it is already in our country. The CDC just recently issued a statement urging residents from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days, along with other travel restrictions in other areas in the United States.[1] Although the spread from citizen to citizen is important to control, the main focus should be on preventing the spread of the virus to healthcare professionals, which none of these current mandates have worked to achieve.
Without healthy doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers, the death rates would go up and hospitals would not be able to function or treat the high-risk people that are in desperate need of care in these times. Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is especially important when working with contagious viruses, like COVID-19. Since this virus spreads by direct contact with fluids from an infected patient, health care workers must reduce this contact as much as possible.[2] Already, hospitals around the country are reporting a lack of PPE including respirators, gloves, face shields, gowns, and hand sanitizer. This situation is so drastic that a new hashtag, #GetMePPE has been trending around the country, urging a change to the lack of PPE in hospitals.[3] In Italy, health care workers experienced such high rates of infection and death due to this lack of PPE, so if the United States wants to protect its workers, there needs to be immediate action in supplying PPE to hospitals.[4]
There are a few ways that would increase the availability of necessary PPE to protect the health care workers. The Defense Production Act (DPA) allows the President to direct private companies to produce equipment needed for a national emergency. By utilizing this act, companies could halt the production of other products and focus all attention on the production of PPE. Their suppliers should also be encouraged to maximize the raw material available to these companies to increase production. Since only a few companies would have the expertise to produce these devices, the federal government needs to rope in other industries in the production effort. The automobile industry and the fashion industry could have the adequate materials to make PPE and contribute to these efforts, ensuring that United States healthcare workers have the adequate means to provide care to infected individuals while also protecting themselves against infection.[5]
Another aspect to consider is the unnecessary contact of healthcare professionals to contagious individuals experiencing mild symptoms. The hospitals are open to treat severe cases of COVID-19, but patients with suspected cases of the virus and those strong enough to not need direct hospitalization should get care through an alternative method than doctor visits. Digital therapeutics, or DTx for short, is an emerging health discipline using a more hands-off approach, amplifying or even replacing active drugs in disease treatment using technology.[6] The use of DTx would help effectively treat patients who need care, but do not need the direct supervision of doctors, limiting healthcare professionals’ contact to exposed individuals and reducing the number of infected people from leaving the quarantine of their own houses.
The simultaneous push for increased PPE production along with the implementation of DTx would monumentally change how the United States is trying to combat the pandemic of COVID-19. As the country is facing new challenges economically and socially, the United States government needs to utilize its power and implement the necessary means to flatten the curve and protect its citizens.
Question: I focused mainly on two ways to reduce the exposure of doctors (increasing production of PPE and DTx). Would it be beneficial to solely focus on one of these or would both be necessary to the assessment of this issue?