‘Student Introduction’ blog assignment

Please answer the questions below in the comments section:

  • Why are you taking this course?
  • What environmental topics interest you the most?
  • In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
  • What do you hope to take away from this class?
  • What are your goals for the semester?

For this particular assignment, you will not need to make your own post. Simply comment on my post to complete the assignment.

40 thoughts on “‘Student Introduction’ blog assignment

  1. Why are you taking this course?

    While I am not an individual who is avidly interested in the sciences, I am interested in public policy and how it interacts with science. Therefore, I found this course to be the most fitting to help me understand these concepts and answer my questions.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?

    The topic I am most interested in is energy and energy sustainability as I find this topic the most pressing and pertinent topic today.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    As I previously stated, I believe the most pressing enviornmental problem facing human’s today is energy sustainability. At the rate humans are burning fossil fuels, I believe that irreversable damage will be caused to the enviornment (science agrees). Therefore, it is now time to reverse this trend and look for better, cleaner sources of energy that can be implented in a widespread manner.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?

    I hope to gain a more well-rounded perspective on enviornmental issues of today and why these issues play such an active role in public policy.

    What are your goals for the semester?

    My goals for this semester are to not miss any assignments, complete all my assignments on time or ahead of time, and lastly, achieve an A in this course.

    • Aidan

      Thanks for your rapid response! Given your stated interests, one thing you can mull over is why energy sustainability is so important, and also why it is so difficult to achieve. These are topics we can discuss during the semester, and you are encouraged to ask questions about them at every opportunity!

      Prof. Fantle

  2. Why are you taking this course?
    Similar to Aidan, I am not super into the sciences, but I do think that in today’s era it is extremely important to be educated on sustainability, climate change, and how our actions affect the environment. This has been a major topic in my major – architecture – in terms of sustainable building materials and how different building methods affect the environment; so it would be really beneficial for me later to know about these issues as I begin working in firms.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    I did a project last year on sustainable diets and how what we eat and how it’s grown, transported, etc. affects the environment, which I found really interesting. As I mentioned in the last question, I think it is interesting to think about sustainable building materials and methods. I also think sustainable living is really interesting, like when people can live off their own energy and things like that; but also smaller changes that would be more suitable for average people.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    Definitely climate change. I think not enough policies have been enacted to really create significant change in the environment, primarily due to the fact that too many people think of global warming as a ‘myth’ to take it seriously and do their part to fix it.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope to gain a better understanding of environmental issues and how what we do contributes to those issues so that I can be more educated about the issues that we are currently facing and how the changes/policies that (hopefully) get put in place impact the situation.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    Be prepared for class, stay ahead of my work, attempt to participate (public speaking gives me anxiety, so I usually don’t talk much in classes), and, again like Aidan, hopefully get an A in the course.

    • Danielle: Thanks for that excellent comment. I hope I can create the sort of atmosphere in class that makes you comfortable talking, as it sounds as if you have a lot of insight and ideas that would benefit all of us.

  3. 1. Science fascinates me, and I love to learn more about it. As an economics major, this course overlapped in a way that it blended two of my interests together. Therefore, I decided to take this course.

    2. Sustainability and climate change interests me the most. I believe that our generation would be the last generation to truly see the Earth for what it is, if we don’t act now to preserve our environment. I want to educate myself about it so I can better understand what is happening to our planet and how each of us can help.

    3. The biggest problem humans face right now is the rate at which we are consuming our non renewable resources. Big corporations polluting the environment while putting the onus on consumer further adds to the problem. This poses a serious risk to our civilisation and we must do something about it; time is of the essence.

    4. I hope to learn more about climate change, and what short-term and long-term effects it would have on our environment if we don’t act on it now.

    5. My goals for this semester are to keep up with my work, do my best, learn as much as I can and just generally have a fun time doing it all.

    • Anurag: thanks for the comments. It may be that our discussion of climate change should come earlier in the semester, but the logic is as follows: in order to put climate change, and the difficulties of proposed solutions in context, we must know about all these other aspects (one of which you mentioned: non-renewable resrouces).

  4. Why are you taking this course?

    The environment is very important for the survival of humanity, yet people continue to abuse it to the extreme. I would like to better inform myself about the issues that the environment faces so that I may reduce my own negative impact on it.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?

    Garbage. Especially since the advent of plastic, garbage has been building up on Earth. With less biodegradable waste and more consumer demand, society will continue to pile trash up on Earth. The garbage patches in the oceans are an example of how our waste has become uncontrollable.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    As mentioned before, garbage. Everybody knows the importance of living in a clean space. We take the trash out of our homes and toss it outside. However, now we are finding the trash in our backyard, with nowhere else to throw it. We need to find better ways to get rid of the trash before we start living among our trash.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?

    Generally, I want to simply learn more about the environment and how we as a society impacts it. I would like to learn ways that I, as an individual, can help to protect the environment.

    What are your goals for the semester?

    Nobody is perfect, and I surely have habits that are not good for the environment. I would like to apply what I learn during the semester and change a few of my habits to help keep the world a greener place.

  5. Why are you taking this course?

    I never have been a huge advocate for the environment or the earth itself, simply because I do not know much about it. It never interested me in middle school nor high school and I was never forced to take such a class. With environmental issues increasingly becoming bigger and bigger, I thought educating myself would be the smart thing to do.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?

    Environmental topics that interest me the most is the idea of the ecological footprint and how we impact the environment around us and the concept of global warming.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    As I do not know much about it, I believe global warming/climate change are the most important problems given that they are talked a lot about in the media and presidential elections.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?

    I am hoping to take away a better understanding of the environment around me and educate myself on ways I can help the environment. I also wish to learn how the environment plays in the political aspect of our government.

    What are your goals for the semester?

    My goals for the semester include, as I stated before, a better understanding of the environment around us and I hope to achieve an A grade for the semester in this course.

    • Elijah: I appreciate the honestly and am glad you are giving this topic a chance. It is important to have a working knowledge of these topics, which is exactly what you will get in this course.

  6. Why are you taking this course?

    I believe that having a well-rounded education is crucial in helping fight against my personal ignorance; thus, when filling up my schedule I try to actively choose a variety of different courses and science is often a topic that I struggle to incorporate. Additionally, I am extremely interested in environmental science and believe that it is an important topic to be informed on.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?

    I am interested in climate change, air pollution, and water pollution as I think that these overarching topics drastically effect the condition and overall quality of all forms of life. I also find the various governmental and industrial loopholes that are used when avoiding environmental sustainability extremely interesting and am curious to learn about the hidden ways in which mass companies are able to successfully get away with destruction in a nearly unpunishable manner.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    Although I find this question extremely hard to answer as I believe there are many interlocking factors that are creating the major environmental problems we face today, I would say that overpopulation in general is potentially the most important environmental problem. I believe that a large majority of the environmental problems faced originate from or are exacerbated by a population size that threatens the earth’s carrying capacity.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?

    I hope to take away a deeper understanding of the environment and the environmental issues we face so that I am able to engage in conversations, experiences, or take actions in a more informed manner.

    What are your goals for the semester?

    I always struggle with initial goals as I find that often times my goals begin forming as I am more deeply immersed into the class. However, an initial goal is to expand my knowledge of how to take environmental action. More specifically, I would like to expand my environmental knowledge past the basic focuses of recycling more, avoiding plastic water bottles, or turning off the lights more (etc). I find that oftentimes I rely on these well-known, simple tasks as an overarching belief that I have environmental knowledge and fluency; however, I understand that the issues pressing our planet extend far past these minuscule actions. My goal is to rely less on these small actions and instead have a deeper, more educated understanding of how to act upon environmental issues.

    • Mary: I think you have communicated your goals quite nicely, so thanks for that! The aim of the class is to give you a factual basis for whatever beliefs you hold, so I think that will work quite well for you.

  7. Why are you taking this course?

    I am taking this class because like some of my fellow peers, I also am unversed and uneducated about the environment, climate changes, and my own actions against/for the environment. As a BBH major, I am most interested in health and wellbeing, and in my classes, I am noticing an increasingly obvious link between one’s personal health and environmental health. Through this class, I hope to learn more about environmental disparities, consequences, and realities, and then pair this information within the context of my BBH education.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?

    As mentioned, I am most interested in the intersection of health and the environment, including topics such as health hazards, and air and water pollution. I am also interested in learning about topics such as energy efficiency and sustainability, which I believe are important to the success and wellbeing of communities. I hope to grow in my knowledge of these things, and broaden my understanding of environmental effects and how we as global citizens can work towards the betterment of the environment.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    I think that the biggest environmental problem that we face today is water and air pollution. The vast disparity in clean, accessible water due to varying countries economic status and access to resources deeply concerns me. I believe that access to clean water and clean air should be viewed as a basic human right and that we need to focus on addressing the underlying causes of such disparities. As I also tend to view problems from a health lens, I also understand the negative health consequences that are due to unclean water and air, and the disease risk and burden this causes.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?

    I hope to broaden my knowledge of the environment, better my own interaction with the environment, and my grow my view of the world at a macro-level. I also hope to challenge myself, as this is a topic that (as mentioned) I am not well-versed in or comfortable learning about. I also hope to integrate my understanding of health with the information taught in this class in order to diversify and grow my understanding.

    What are your goals for the semester?

    My goals for this semester are to personally grow in my own enviornmental understanding, leading me to develop stronger habits that benefit the enviornment. My other goals include staying diligent in my coursework, putting time and effort into all I do, and dedicating myself to getting the most out of this course. Looking forward to the semester!

    • Chloe: I love the expertise that you bring in terms of the health connection. That is fascinating and extremely important. There are real health care costs that accompany pollution, and that I think we, as a population, do not consider these costs when we make decisions. This topic would be great for a PSA! Thank you for your comments.

  8. Why are you taking this course?
    I am taking this course because issues surrounding the environment have become more prevalent in discussions, both politically and morally, but I do not know a lot of information to contribute to the conversation. I never learned about the environment or climate change in high school, so I hope that after taking this course I will be more knowledgeable about the subject and the severity of its impact on the future of the planet.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    I am most interested in climate change, but more specifically the ways in which we can live more sustainably in order to prevent causing more damage to the Earth. I try to recycle and not use plastic, but I feel like there are much more significant ways in which I can live a sustainable life that are more impactful.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    I honestly don’t know a lot about environmental problems, but I do know that there have been a lot of wild fires that have been destroying significant parts of the world. From the fire in the Amazon rain forest to the wild fires in Australia, there have been a lot of areas of nature that have been destroyed which have also destroyed the homes of many animals. I think that this is an incredibly important issue because it is also endangering species of animals.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope to leave this class with a better understanding of the most pressing environmental issues that we are facing. I think that these issues can be overlooked by the mass media, which is maybe why so many people are uninformed, but I want to change this for myself.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    This semester I don’t want to simply study for a good grade, but I actually want to learn and retain the information. By the end of the semester I hope to be able to consider myself a well informed person on the subject of environmental issues, that way I can understand the “Green New Deal” or any other environmental packages that our government officials may want to pass.

    • Katelyn: I respect your aspirations and hope that I can help you achieve them. It can be difficult to discuss this issue with others, that is for sure, but having facts at hand is crucial to having informed discussions and moving forward. Remember, the goal here is (in most cases) to support humanity. That, I think, is a key point that is often lost in our discussions about species extinction and water quality. These issues ALL impact humans in some way and THAT is what we want to communicate to those that do not see the connections. Thanks for the excellent comments.

  9. Why are you taking this course?
    I am taking this course as one of my general education requirements. However, I chose this specific class because I thought it would be interesting and also teach me information that could be useful with my major; Global and International Studies. Science has always been the subject I struggle with the most, so this class stood out to me as it is more discussion and lecture based than lab based.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    The topic that interests me the most is ecological footprint. This past year I have tried to reduce my footprint by advocating for and buying at thrift stores. Along with watching my use of plastic, consumption of meat, and truly being mindful of what to recycle, compost and throw away.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    Although this is not specifically an environmental problem, I would have to answer with greed. I feel like we as humans have grown more greedier as time has gone on and with that our greed has taken a toll on the earth. We need new clothes and shoes, creating the fast fashion epidemic. We want paper and new hardwood floors which plays apart in deforestation. We want to drive everywhere even when our city has a great public transportation system, adding to pollution. We buy individual packaged things out of inconvenience but by doing so we add to our plastic intake and support corporations that get away with their high level of CO2 emissions. Although abstract, my opinion is that greed is the biggest environmental problem facing humans today because it is the thing that has consumed humans and in turn is the root of all actual “environmental” problems which won’t stop until we as humans control our greed.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope to come out of this class with a more informed opinion and perhaps a different stance on environmental issues. I want to be able to take what I learned and form a better opinion than I have now. I want to be able to confidently talk to people about environmental problems and have the facts and knowledge to back up my arguments.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    My biggest goal after looking at the syllabus and class schedule is to stay on top of the reading assignments. I also hope to leave the class feeling like I learned something useful and be able to share my new knowledge with others.

    • Lily: Excellent comments, thank you. Let’s try to recast what you say: maybe it isn’t ‘greed’ as much as that all humans want a high quality of life at the cheapest possible cost. And all humans have different values. The tough part, then, is knowing what level of living is sustainable and then communicating that to folks so that they can make decisions that not only benefit them during their lives, but their children as well. It’s changing behavior that is so difficult. The solutions exist, it is adopting them that proves tricky.

  10. Why are you taking this course?
    -I am taking this course because I have always been invested in the state of the environment and climate change, but don’t have a concrete grounding in the issues. I want to know more so that I can have a deeper discussion with people who may or may not be as invested.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    -I am most interested in solutions to climate change, including possible energy sources as well as timelines for how much longer we can run our current course and still reverse it. I want to be hopeful for the future and taking action.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    -The overuse of fossil fuels and the political roadblocks that are placed in the way of transitioning to renewable energy. I get frustrated seeing humanity standing in its own way of averting the crisis.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    -I hope to become more educated on the topic, and have insightful conversations both in and out of the class. I am planning to pursue a scientific career, so a job working directly with these issues is a strong possibility, and I hope to learn more about what it entails.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    -My goals are to learn about the topic and earn a good grade through that knowledge. I’m hoping to broaden my perspective on the environment and take that with me throughout my life.

    • Andrew: I think that, as you point out quite rightly, the disconnect between problem and action is quite large. I hope that we can discuss some of these barriers in class this semester and think about ways to move past them…at ALL levels of society.

  11. Why are you taking this course?
    I believe given the past few years people, including myself, had some sort of ignorance when it came to policy relating to the environment. My last semester I took a course on natural disasters and how it is depicted in the media, and I was left also wanting to learn more about this strange blue planet. When I saw there was another Earth Science course open I decided to enroll to be able to learn more about our planet and how we specifically are affecting it.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    An environmental topic that interests me is mainly how climate change affects natural disasters in comparison to the past few decades. I am also interested in how pollution affects countries outside of just the United States.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    I think the biggest environmental issue facing humans right now is human-influenced climate change and the impact it is having on our planet. In the past year, the human race has seen some of the most powerful natural disasters in years, along with record high temperatures that were unheard of. I believe this is the biggest issue as it connects to pollution and our ecological footprint.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope that by the end of this class I will have a better understanding of the world around me and the effect that I personally have on it. I hope I can grow a greater appreciation for our planet and be able to better understand what policies having to do with the environment entail.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    My overarching goal for this semester is to learn something new about the planet Earth and what effect we as humans have on it. I also plan to work for getting an A in this course as the material is something I’m genuinely curious about.

    • Sophia: sounds like natural disasters was an interesting course for you, and I hope we can build on your knowledge of natural systems, and humans impact on them, in this course. Thanks for your comments!

  12. Student Introduction: Soska

    Why are you taking this course?

    I am taking this course because I’m very interested in both politics and philosophy. I hear about climate change but honestly, I’m not even really sure what it is. Moreover, I feel like whatever side of the aisle you are on, you tend to hear an extremely biased opinion on these issues. So overall, I hope i can more about how the climate affects, and can affect our lives; all whilst hearing it from an honest person.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?

    In class Professor Fantle brought up how the environment is like a system. What I’m interested in is how these different parts work together to create an outcome. For example, I believe that green house gasses contribute to the icebergs melting. To me, it’s fascinating that the car I drive in Pennsylvania can melt ice in the North Pole. I’m also interested in how industrialization has caused environmental issues.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    I think rising sea levels is the most important problem facing humans. A lot of cities are located near oceans and I’m concerned that because of wealth inequality, poor people will be forced to suffer the consequences. If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past year, it’s that average Joes are starting to find their voice and lashing out against “the establishment.” This could have the potential for a complete revolution.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope that I will be able to explain whatever conclusion I draw at the end of the course. If I can form an informed opinion about the environmental issues of today, then this class will be a success in my book. Also, I hope I’m a little uncomfortable at the end. I believe the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss.” Well, I’m in bliss.

    What are your goals for this semester?

    I think I have hinted at my goals above as far as learning about the environment. My goal as a student is to keep up with the readings. Readings for gen eds have been somewhat of a struggle for me. This semester, I’m going to allot time to do the required readings and even engage with them. I’m planning on using digital sticky notes.

    • Matt: Terrific comments, and especially interesting your comment about your state of bliss! yes, i think this is true…it is shocking (and thus overwhelming) to think that if everyone lived like me, we would use 4+ Earth’s worth of resources per year! And that feeling of being overwhelmed makes me want to hide from that reality. The trick, then, it how to confront the reality, the facts, and then move on to action.

  13. – Why are you taking this course?

    I am taking this course because I am interested in just how much my personal life impacts the environment, both positively and negatively. While I admit that I definitely do not call myself a science person, I look forward to being more educated about environmental issues.

    – What environmental topics interest you the most?

    In general, I really enjoy learning about what I personally can change about my life to better the environment. Also, I think it is very interesting to learn about pollution and its effects on oceans and wildlife. I am also interested in learning about endangered species.

    – In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?

    I do not possess an extensive amount of knowledge when it comes to environmental issues, but I do believe that climate change is an extremely relevant and important issue that humans are facing today. I do know that overtime, humans have contributed to the gradual deterioration of the ozone layer and increasing temperatures. I have heard experts claim that if we do not change our harmful behavior, that the earth is at a huge risk.

    – What do you hope to take away from this class?

    By the end of the semester, I hope to be more in touch with environmental issues that we face today. I hope to better understand my place in the environment as well as how to do my part in protecting it. I would like to start becoming part of the global conversation about sustainability.

    – What are your goals for the semester?

    I am striving to be more of an advocate for the things I believe in, and I hope to be more educated in those areas. I think learning about the environment is extremely important, and my goal is to learn as much as I can about how we as humans can do to protect the environment. I am excited to learn and form my own opinion about the topics we learn in class, and I hope to apply my knowledge to my everyday life. Even though it may seem a bit corny, my overall goal is to just be more educated when I discuss environmental issues with my peers.

    • Johanna: thanks for your excellent comments. I would say a couple of things in response: (1) the Earth is not at risk. We are. The Earth has been here for 4.6 Ga…it is not going anywhere. But our civilization might not be able to function on a changed Earth. Or it may be that Earth can no longer support billions of humans, that the carrying capacity decreases and the human population decreases drastically. Imagine how that might happen. (2) We will not discuss biodiversity and extinction in the class this semester. But I encourage you to explore this using the textbook and ask any questions that you want.

  14. Why are you taking this course?
    I am taking this course as an elective since this topic really interests me.
    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    Affect of alternative fuels on the environment.
    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    In my opinion, the single most important environmental problem is the large carbon footprint humans have on the environment which has led to the rise in global warming and the near extinction of a large amount of organisms both on land and sea.
    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope to gain a better understanding on the ways to reduce pollution and understand the consequences if nothing is done.
    What are your goals for the semester?
    My goals for the semester is to do well in all of my classes and work to maintain a high GPA on top of a better understanding of how the environment works through this class.

  15. ‘Student Introduction’ Michael Hendricks

    Why are you taking this course?
    I am taking this course because I have always had a continuous fascination with the Earth and how it’s systems work. With this being said, I have not taken a course with similar concepts such as the ones from this class since high school. Along with this fascination, I would like to establish more of a base of knowledge about how the Earth works so that I can relate it to my other studies on climate change and good environmental practices.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    I’m currently most interested in focusing on ways that we can limit our carbon emissions through strategic transportation plans. These plans would ideally focus on bike commuting and ways to strengthen bike infrastructure. Ideally, we can commit to more bikes and less gas dependent cars so that carbon emissions do not continue to skyrocket.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    The amount of carbon in our atmosphere is extremely concerning. It’s essential that we get to Net 0 by 2050 and limit warming to 2 degrees. I feel that this is the most important problem because if we do not achieve this goal by the near 2050, we will heading down a slippery slope of concerning climate changes.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I hope to take away a more concrete base of knowledge about the processes of the earth and to be able to articulate how climate change is correlated with those processes.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    My goals this semester are to learn as much as possible in my last semester of college and to get back in touch with my fascination of the earth and everything that comes along with it.

    • Michael: thanks for those excellent comments. The topic you identify is near and dear to my heart. I think the key, and maybe a great project topic, is to quantify how much we could save using some of the strategies you detail (and others). An accurate energy and cost analysis really is the foundation for real solutions.

  16. 1. My senior year I taught myself AP Environmental science and really enjoyed the content. I have a deep passion for our environment specifically our national forests and national parks. I am an avid hiker, camper and in general nature enthusiast. As a philosophy and political science major environmental ethics and policies that pertain to sustainability really interest me. So I am looking forward to seeing how well I did at teaching myself some of these concepts and what new insights I can gain with the help of a professor.
    2. I spent much of my high school experience focused on sustainability. I built my own aquaponics farm, have set up solar panels, and have done research on wind power, geothermal power and hydro power. But more recently my focus has shifted to forestry maintenance and the ways in which humans effect the life of our forests. I spend a lot of time in rothrock state forest while on campus and would like to better understand how humans can work with nature for mutual benefit of life.
    3.Global warming is clearly one of the most pressing matters we have. But as my focus is a bit more on forestry; decreases in bio diversity and the ways in which clear cutting forest and lumber harvesting practices can effect a range of animal plant and fungal life are what I want to focus on.
    4. I hope I can learn ways in which to live more sustainability and I hope this class sparks new ideas on how to better work with our forest and allow for humans to not cause so much damage.
    5. As my major is not in the sciences I think my goal should be to fully understand and be able to utilize scientific terminology that may be new to me. Just being able to comprehend the conversations that are being had is a big step that opens me up to the possibility of having a seat at the table when discussions of environmental ethics and policy are being had.

    • Colin: thanks for you response! Very well put. We won’t talk too much about biodiversity but we will cover a lot of other topics that should fill in nicely whatever gaps you might have. And hold me to account for any jargon I use that is not clear.

  17. Why are you taking this course?
    I am particularly not someone very interested in science, in fact it has always really confused me and I struggled in previous science classes. However the reason I wanted to take this course was because I am really interested in the environment. Earth has always fascinated me and I would like this course to help me understand it in more depth. I think that this class could also help me be more aware of how to take care of the environment and commit to good environmental practices in my future.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    The ocean. I grew up on a beach staring out into the ocean everyday and it always amazed me how under the water there is so many species and life, some of which we don’t even know about. I would love to learn about ways in which we as people are negatively affecting the ocean environment and how I bring about a positive change and help inspire others to do the same.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    I’m not very educated with environmental problems and that is the main reason I wanted to take this class is so that I could become more aware; however, I’ve grown up hearing about climate change and I think that is a huge problem which people have been attempting to address for years. I hope that is something we will go over in class because I would love to become more familiarized with the problem and ways to fix it.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    More knowledge. I would love to leave this class feeling more educated in regards to environmental problems and be more aware in the future to prevent myself from adding to it and instead I’d like to learn ways in which I can prevent them and help out.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    My main goals this semester are to maintain high grades so that my GPA increases or stays the same, but mainly to become more educated across the range of broad subjects. I think grades are important but education is more and at the end of the day we pay money to learn not to earn a diploma and not remember anything afterwards.

    • Paloma: thanks for your comments! There is a lot of concern about human impacts on the ocean and it has received quite a lot of press because of recent interest in microplastics. This is a very interesting area of active research, and a lot of current events out there to find.

  18. Student Intro – Ryan Coughlan

    – Why are you taking this course?
    I’ll be honest, my advisor recommended that I take this course because it 1. Fulfills my requirement for taking a certain number of honors courses per semester and 2. It fulfills part of my natural sciences requirement. However, despite this class in no way relating to my major or minor (Criminology and Spanish), I’ve been captivated and intrigued the first two days. Despite the class being at 9am 3 times per week, I’ve had no qualms about being part of the zoom. Last semester, my most active and enjoyable class was my only class in which cameras on and participation being encouraged, and I think this class has similar potential.

    – What environmental topics interest you the most?
    I want to learn more about how soon our Earth will start to severely suffer from the effects of Global Climate Change. It seems to me that one of the most influential reasons why many people still disregard the changing environment is because they think it won’t impact their lifetime or anytime remotely soon. We talked today about how many Earths we need to sustain our lifestyle, but I want to find out when we will start to face severe consequences for that unsustainability.

    – In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    With my very little knowledge on the subject as of right now, I think that air pollution seems to be the most important environmental problem currently. I see pictures of the skies in Los Angeles or Shanghai compared to clearer skies, and the situation looks dire.

    – What do you hope to take away from this class?
    I want to strengthen my knowledge of the environment and the potential problems that humans cause, as well as the possible solutions to the problems we cause. Additionally, talking about current subjects like we did today with the Paris Climate Agreement is always interesting.

    – What are your goals for the semester?
    I want to work hard and receive an A to maintain my GPA, but I also want to improve my understanding of the Earth and the effect that we have on it.

  19. Student Intro – Emily Parker

    Why are you taking this course?
    – With environmental issues taking a forefront in today’s news, I’m mainly interested in educating myself on the facts surrounding these issues. While I understand a lot of basic concepts surrounding these issues, I am eager to learn why these things are happening and how we can incorporate solutions into our daily lives. Like several of my peers, I also needed some extra honors credits and this class caught my attention while planning my semester.

    What environmental topics interest you the most?
    – There are a lot of topics that interest me, but I’m hoping to learn more about preventing wild fires and all of the issues surrounding this topic. I actually had the opportunity to complete a short study abroad in Australia last December, in the midst of their wildfire crisis. I couldn’t help but feel uneducated and helpless in the situation and am really curious how we can work to prevent such disasters from occurring even in California.

    In your opinion, what is the single most important environmental problem facing human civilization today?
    – While I don’t know much, I would say global warming is one of the most important problems facing human civilization. There are a lot of factors that contribute to rising temperatures, but the lasting effects will hurt us all if we don’t change our ways. I’m also curious why some people think global warming is fake? This notion has always baffled me when when people say they don’t believe it’s happening or that it doesn’t affect them.

    What do you hope to take away from this class?
    – As I mentioned before, I am mainly interested in educating myself on environmental issues and how I can work to change my own habits. I hope to bring this knowledge with me in conversations with friends and family and not feel as “lost” when terms are thrown around on the news surrounding these issues.

    What are your goals for the semester?
    – As a senior, I’m hoping to end on a good note, graduate, get a job, and begin my career as a graphic designer. As for the semester, I hope to learn something new and engaging, and maintaining my GPA.

    • Emily: thanks for the comments! Wildfires, both those that are set on purpose and those that occur by accident, are critical to address. It may interest you to focus on the former, and try to understand the overall impact of reducing forest area on our C budget.

  20. I am taking the course to gain some knowledge about the environment besides just the surface level stuff, while also going over the more advanced and difficult topics people are scared and not informed on to talk about.

    The most interesting to me honestly is understanding sustainability because from the one class me thinking it was one thing and it being the other made me want to learn more.

    I believe energy conservation and how to even use it in the first place just due to the fact of coming from a developed country and everything just there to use no one truly knows the cost and the value of what we have at our disposal and how to use it efficiently.

    I hope to take a new background on the environment and a greater vocabulary than just recycling.

    My goals are to build connections with my peers and professors ask questions in class more often and to be more active in class with our current handicaps in place and also to enjoy my class content.

    • RJ: thanks for the post. Please make sure to have your name visible on the post so I know who is writing it! I think you make a good point about knowing the value of our resources. That is one item I hope you can quantify more clearly after the course has ended. Thanks.

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