The Ecological Footprint of France: Johanna Tirone

France, along with many other European Union countries, has become a world leader in developing policy for better sustainability. The Paris Agreement, founded in France, holds the opportunity for 196 countries to be held accountable for their part in climate change. I found it very surprising when I researched and saw that France is actually ranked as having the ninth largest ecological footprint in the world as of 2013 (Pignataro 1).

As shown in the graph above, most of France’s ecological footprint is made up of its carbon emissions at 56% percent of its total. Although France does not have the largest ecological footprint in the world, it has some of the highest percentages of crop land and grazing land in its overall footprint. This is because France is Europe’s leading country in agriculture. France has the highest utilized agricultural acreage (UAA) in Europe and produces the most amount of agricultural goods (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation). This would make sense, as France is very famous for their luxury cheeses and fine meats!

When compared to the United States, France’s ecological footprint does not seem as looming, but in 2015, France’s footprint was about the same size as California’s (Global Footprint Network). Studies have also shown that these ecological footprints also correspond with the Gross Domestic Product of each country shown on the map (Global Footprint Network). This further proves that the type of lifestyles held by areas or regions directly impacts their ecological footprint.

France has taken steps to better its sustainability and lessen its carbon emission by promoting more energy efficient methods of transportation. Biking and walking are highly encouraged, and many people ride segways! Also, the Paris Agreement set in place will give France stricter guidelines to sustainable living. We will most likely not see the effects of a more sustainable lifestyle in the near future, but hopefully France’s efforts lessen their ecological footprint.


Global Footprint Network. (2017, January 31). California has the same size Ecological Footprint as France. How do other states and countries compare? Retrieved from

Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation. (2015, September 22). Overview of French Agricultural Diversity Retrieved from,third%20in%20pig%20meat%20production.

Pignataro, J.R. (2017, May 02). 5 Worst And Best Countries For The Environment Ranked By Ecological Footprint Retrieved from

World Wildlife Fund. (2015, December 14). Landmark Climate Deal Struck in Paris. Retrieved from

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