Brazil Population Blog- Lily Pershica

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world and the largest country in South America in terms of land. With that in mind it is also one of the most populated countries. According to Brazil is the 6th most populated country in the world and the most populated in South America with a population of 212,228,000 as of 2020. Brazil took charge and created efforts to reduce their population growth. The government created and is promoting the “adolescence first, pregnancy after” campaign that has a goal to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate.  This strategy to reduce birth rate in Brazil is a strong force and a lot of support behind it among different groups of people. This campaign shows teenage girls that they can do more than just be a mother and because of this the feminist movement in Brazil has latched onto and helped the government spread awareness to the campaign. It also supports the idea of abstinence which many religious organizations also favored. Given all the groups that support this campaign there really has been no difficulties and backlash besides that of teenagers. Although this campaign has been successful in citizen support, it has not been very effective at decreasing the population growth rate.

As you can see by this graph the exponential rate of growth has slowed down but the population is still increasing. According to BBC, this campaign has had an impact but not one significant enough to change the increasing pattern. With the examination of this graph and the information above it is clear that this campaign is favored in society but has not made a significant impact yet to the growing population. However, this is just one effort, as Brazil creates more and time goes by the impact will be more defined.

Resources, Klaus Kästle -. “From the World’s Most Populated Countries to the Least Populated Nations – Nations Online Project.” Population Figures for All Countries 2019-2020 – Nations Online Project,

“Seven Countries with Big (and Small) Population Problems.” BBC News, BBC, 15 July 2020,

Watson, Katy. “All in Good Time: Why Brazil Wants Its Teens Not to Have Sex.” BBC News, BBC, 5 Feb. 2020,

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