Mineral Resource Blog- Lily Pershica

The Mariano Lake Mine is located in Mariano Lake chapter of the Navajo Nation which is just east of Gallup, New Mexico. Mariano Lake Mine was working from 1977 to 1982 by Gulf Mineral Resources Company (now Chevron). It had two different mining areas, an eastern area and a western mining area that was used as a dewatering pond. When open, about 505,000 tons of uranium ore was mined.

During the removal site evaluation, contamination was mainly found within a fenced area. However, there was also contamination east of the Eastern Mine Area and under the perimeter roads. The primary contaminants polluting this site are uranium, radium, and arsenic. The levels of the pollutants pose a potential health risk to the community.

Although the mine closed in 1982 it was not until 2012, Chevron completed a removal action and investigation of the site. Then, in 2016 interviews were held with Chapter officials and community members on their thoughts and opinions on next steps. In 2017, the EPA joined forces with Navajo Nation to oversee Chevron and come up with a plan to address the mine site.  EPA and Chevron have been informing community members in Gallup, New Mexico of their plan to clean up the Mariano Lake Mine Site.




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