Industrial smog and its effects

Industrial smog, better understood as the classic smog forms in areas with high sulfur emissions. This is usually caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Sulfur particles dissolve in the water droplets in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid, causing smog. Industrial smog was well associated with London in the 1950s.  (Robinson)

Smog is caused by the smoke particles generated in industrial waste mixing with the naturally occurring fog. That is why smog is more commonly seen during the winter season. Industrial smog is mostly caused by the burning of coal. Burning of coal releases in smoke and sulfur, and when these air pollutants mix with the fog, it creates smog.

Industrial smog has severe impacts on the health of humans. A notable incident of this can be the health impacts caused by smog in London before proper emission controls were in place. In just the year of 1973, smog in London caused the death rate of the city to rise by over 40% (Deziel). Biggest health concern that smog carries is bronchitis. Bronchitis, caused mostly due to the inhalation of smog can lead to people developing chronic coughing. Inhaling these pollutants increases the chances of lung cancer, and is known to decrease the lung capacity especially in children.

One solution that was implemented in my city of New Delhi during a bad smoke event during 2017 was controlling the number of vehicles on the street. The solution here was that on certain days of the week, Only vehicles with license plates ending in an even number would be allowed to drive, and on other days it would be for license plates ending in an odd number. This was a strategy that was implemented to at least stop the smog from getting worse due to air pollution caused by vehicles, though I can not comment on how effective it was.


References –

  1. Robinson, Nick. “What Is Industrial Smog?”, 8 March 2021.

2. Deziel, Chris. “The Effects of Industrial Smog”, 8 March 2021.

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