Ecological Footprint: Sophia Leiva

Japan was early to the idea of the Ecological Footprint. The concept of it was first discussed in a government document in 1996, almost a decade before the Global Footprint Network was adopted (Global Footprint Network). Working with the Global Footprint Network in the early 2000s, they were able to calculate their Ecological Footprint and plan accordingly. Over the years, their footprint has begun a steady decrease, with their plan being to decrease carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 (Global Footprint Network). The Mitsubishi Research Institute has also released a project to support an increased population in Japan in 50 years while being able to lower their Ecological Footprint. Such plans in the project include maintaining mental and physical health in their population, recalibrating social values, and utilizing biotechnology to satisfy the increased need for resources all while contributing to the sustainability of the planet (Mitsubishi Research Institute).

image of Japans graph demonstrating the difference in biocapacity to the existing ecological footprint per person

The graphs above demonstrate the difference in biocapacity, as in the amount of land and natural resources utilized to live, per person, and ecological footprint. As technology advanced in Japan, carbon emissions skyrocketed, as well as the use of land for shelter, causing the difference between the two to increase. Over the past 27 years, the difference has seen a steady decrease as a result of initiatives like the Mitsubishi Research Institute’s initiative with the Global Footprint Network.

In the years that come, I believe Japan will be able to lower its emissions and usage of resources by following the aforementioned initiatives and reach the use of one Earth by the planned date in 2070.


Global Footprint Network. (2020, Oct. 21). Japan: Two Decades of Ecological Footprinting. Global Footprint Network. Retrieved 28 Jan. 2021, from

Open Data Platform. (n.d.). Open Data Platform. Retrieved 28 Jan. 2021, from

Mitsubishi Research Institute. (2020). 50th Anniversary Study. Mitsubishi Research Institute. Retrieved 28 Jan. 2021, from

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