Global Climate Change and Ozone Depletion: Danielle Vickers

Graph showing monthly CO2 levels from 1975-2020

Graph showing the monthly mean CO2 Levels from Barrow, Mauna Loa, Samoa, and the South Pole. Source: Arlyn Andrews. 2020. Monthly Mean Carbon Dioxide: NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle [Graph]. Retrieved April 9, 2021, from

The graph above shows the monthly mean carbon dioxide levels from the past 50 years from the 4 baseline observatories in Barrow, Mauna Loa, Samoa, and the South Pole. For clarity, I have I marked the locations of each of the observatories on the map below with the same colors used in the graph. infographic showing location of observatories

The data shows that CO2 levels from all the observatories have been continually rising since 1970 (Andrews, 2020). This is measured by analyzing the rate of absorption of light in an optical cavity (Tans and Thoning, 2020). The repeated ups and downs throughout the pattern is from the seasons. In the summer, plants are able to absorb the CO2 in the air as the photosynthesize thus dropping the CO2 level, while in the winter, the plants die, causing the CO2 to rise again; these repeated rises and falls of CO2 are what creates the saw-tooth pattern in the trend for each location (Fantle, 2021). This also explains why places with more consistent seasons like Samoa and the South Pole have less variation in the CO2 levels throughout the year. Nonetheless, the CO2 levels across all of the observatories have been raising at very similar rates, illustrating that CO2 levels have been increasing globally (Andrews, 2020).

CO2 is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect, a natural process where infrared light is trapped in the atmosphere and raises the temperature of the Earth (Molles, 2016). Although the greenhouse effect is natural, human activities like “deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil fuel” have increase the amount of CO2 into the atmosphere by 47%, which ‘forces’ the climate to increase to unprecedented temperatures (NASA, 2021).

Because the CO2 levels shown in the graph have been continually increasing globally, it also means that the global climate must be rising as well. This can have major consequences for the environment and for the humans living in it — such as sea level rise, increase of water-borne diseases, decline or extinction of animal and plant species to name a few (Molles, 2016). Additionally, because humans are the ones causing these CO2 and climate increases, we have understand how we are contributing to the amount of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere so that we can limit it and attempt to slow the rate of climate change.



Andrews, A. (n.d.). Monthly Mean Carbon Dioxide: NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle [Graph]. Retrieved April 9, 2021, from
Fantle, M. (2021, April 6). Long-Term Human Impacts: Climate Change [Powerpoint].
Molles, M. C., & Borrell, B. J. (2016). Chapter 14: Atmospheric and Climatic Change. In Environment: Science, issues, solutions. W H Freeman, Macmillian Learning.
NASA. (2021, April 5). The Causes of Climate Change. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.
Tans, P., & Thoning, K. (n.d.). How we measure background CO2 levels on Mauna Loa. NOAA Global Monitoring Labratory. Retrieved April 9, 2021, from

Human Health Hazards: Danielle Vickers

Old image about the Thornton Spring pollution

In November 2017, Sean Yoder published an article in the Centre County Gazette that claimed the a portion of the Centre County Kepone was “declared safe for reuse and redevelopment after decades-long cleanup efforts.” This 32-acre Superfund site originally housed Rutgers Organics Corporation, a chemical manufacturing company that created pesticides, namely Mirex and Kepone, from 1958-72 (EPA, Centre County Kepone).

Mirex, or Dechlorane, is an insecticide that was created in 1961 that was also used as a “fire retardant for plastics, rubber, paint, paper, and electrical goods” (EPA, Mirex, 1992). Throughout the 1960s, Mirex was one of the most prominent pesticides used primarily in southeastern US to control fire ants and yellow jackets through aerial spraying onto soil (CDC, Biomonitoring Summary). However, Mirex is not water soluble and attaches to soil and fatty tissue, which makes it difficult to breakdown naturally and bioaccumulates in nearby animals (EPA, Mirex, 1992). Mirex can be absorbed through the skin or gastrointestinal tract, so humans are most likely to be exposed to this chemical through eating fish from contaminated waters or from living near contaminated grounds. Not much is know about Mirex’s effects on humans, particularly at low doses, but high-dose tests on animals revealed that it can cause “liver and kidney damage, and damage to the immune, reproductive, and nervous systems” and a probable carcinogen that can cause liver and kidney cancer, as well as leukemia (EPA, Mirex, 1992).

In the case of the Kepone site, the products were disposed of on-site through spray irrigation, storage in drums, and several earth and concrete lagoons,” pits or dugouts meant for waste treatment (EPA, Centre County Kepone; NRSC, 2016). According to Yoder, issues began to arise in 1960 as people began to complain of “chemical odor coming from Thornton Spring,” which discharged so many chemicals into Spring Creek that the fish there became unsafe for human consumption (Yoder, 2017; Carline, et. al., 2011). For reference, I have marked the locations named on the map below, along with their distance from Penn State. The disposal methods used resulted in the chemicals leaking into the groundwater and being transported around Centre County (EPA, Centre County Kepone).

Mirex sites

However, after decades of remediation and funding from the Rutgers Corporation, the site was deemed ready for “ready for reuse and redevelopment” by the EPA in September 2016 (Yoder, 2017). While the site was partially deleted from the National Priority List in 2004, it is expected to remain on the list until 2046 (Yoder, 2017).



Biomonitoring Summary. (2017, April 7). Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Carline, R. F., Dunlap, R. L., Detar, J. E., & Hollender, B. A. (n.d.). The Fishery of Spring Creek. 88.
EPA Mirex Fact Sheet. (1992). United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Jim McClure. (1992). The Kepone-Mirex Problem [Drawing]. From Zettle, F. (1992). A Brief History of the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited (Ed Bellis & Jim Strauss, Eds.).
Section VI: WASTE TREATMENT LAGOON (No.) Code 539. (2016). In Field Office Technical Guide. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Superfund Site: CENTRE COUNTY KEPONE. (n.d.). Environmental Protection Acency. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from
Yoder, S. (2017, November 1). After decades, portion of College Township Superfund site is safe for reuse. Centre County Gazette.



Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources: Danielle Vickers

Modern vehicles have become a necessity in first world countries like the US. Whether we need to physically drive our own cars, catch the bus, or order products online that need to be shipped to us, vehicles play a major role in our everyday lives. Petroleum is the primary fuel used to power these vehicles. In fact, of all the petroleum produced for the transportation, industrial, residential and commercial sectors, 70% of it is used by the transportation sector (EIA, Energy consumption by source and sector, 2019). However, because petroleum takes millions of years to form and we use it much faster than it can be regenerated, we will eventually use up all the petroleum reserves if we keep using petroleum the way we are currently (Molles, p. 165). Additionally, we’ve already discovered and consumed most of the petroleum reserves, so it is unlikely that we will suddenly find a major amount of petroleum hidden somewhere (Fantle). Worryingly, it is estimated that we will run out of global oil reserves in about 51 years — a time within current younger generations’ lifetimes (Our World in Data, “Fossil Fuels”). Moreover, petroleum use has spiked from 2008 to 2015, so this date might be even less than 50 years (Our World in Data, “How Long Until We Run out of Fossil Fuels?”).

How long until we run out of fossil fuels?

However, shifting to an alternative fuel source could help reduce the amount of petroleum used by vehicles and extend the amount of time that we will have access to the resource. Biofuels fuels, “combustible liquid fuels derived from biomass,” have been increasingly produced since 2000 and used as additives to petroleum to help reduce the amount of petroleum used for transportation (Molles, p.308). Ethanol is a common biofuel that can be produced either by fermenting starches from grains and sugars or by creating cellulosic ethanol by grinding up a whole plant, breaking it down into simple sugars, and then fermenting it into ethanol (Molles, p. 308). In terms of energy, ethanol has some of the highest energy returns on energy investment (EROEI) compared to other biofuels (Molles, p. 324). Although gasoline still has a higher EROEI than these renewable fuels, cellulosic ethanol’s EROEI is only about 20% lower than oil, and as manufacturers find new ways to increase the efficiency of producing the fuel, cellulosic ethanol’s EROEI might become on par with petroleum (Molles, p. 324). Today, Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV) can run on any mix of petroleum and ethanol that is between 55-85% ethanol (Growth Energy). As of 2021, there are over 100 FFV car models that can use ethanol, making it easy to find a car that can reduce the amount of petroleum it needs to run. Thus, using a mix of petroleum and  cellulosic ethanol to power FFVs could help reduce the amount of petroleum used in the transportation sector to preserve the remaining petroleum for future generations.



Fantle, M. (2021). Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from Pennsylvania State University EARTH 100H Canvas site.
Flex Fuel Database. (n.d.). Growth Energy. Retrieved March 5, 2021, from
How long before we run out of fossil fuels? (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 5, 2021, from
Molles, M. C., & Borrell, B. J. (2016). Chapter 10: Renewable Energy. In Environment: Science, issues, solutions (pp. 294-327). W H Freeman, Macmillian Learning.
Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2017). Fossil Fuels. Our World in Data.

Nonrenewable Energy Sources: Danielle Vickers

Environmental and Health costs associated with non-renewable energy extraction should be included in the price of the resource. Non-renewable resources cannot be produced within human life spans and will be depleted if we extract them faster than they are regenerated (Molles, p.263). Since these resources have been historically used and profited on, without much concern for the environmental affects until fairly recently, the cost of these resources needs to take environmental and health costs of them into consideration to encourage sustainable and responsible management of these resources by making sustainable practices more profitable.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at coal production. Coal provides 27% of all the energy we produce globally (Riche, Energy Mix). It is created from terrestrial plant matter being buried underground and heated over the course of millions of years (SPRS, p.174); because of this, coal cannot be produced within human life spans, making it a non-renewable resource. Mining of coal can have major environmental affects. There are 2 main methods of coal extraction: strip mining and mountain top removal mining. Strip mining is a type of surface mining that is used when the coal deposit is covered by a thinner layer of rock. To extract the coal, the rock above the deposit is excavated and then used to fill the gap once the coal has been removed. However, this type of mining increases the acidity the soil in the strip, causing water that runs through the area to become toxic and pollution nearby water sources (Molles, p.227-8). On the other hand, mountain top removal mining is used when the coal is located deeper in the ground. In order to extract the coal with this method, the forests on the mountain and in surrounding stream valleys are clear-cut and the top of the mountain is blown up by explosives. This process not only destroys the original wildlife habitat, but also pollutes the air and water around it (Molles, p.228). This doesn’t even address the pollution caused from burning the coal and from the coal slurry created during the disposal process (SPRS, p.196) In fact, coal contributes 820 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per gigawatt-hour, making it the least clean source of energy (Richie, Our World in Data). Coal production not only damages the environment, it is also the most deadly to produce out of all the energy sources, resulting in 24.6 deaths per terawatt-hour (Ritchie, Our World in Data).

Safest energy graph

So why keep using coal? Well, compared to other energy sources, coal is the most abundant (SRPS, 194). Because the supply is relatively high, the price of coal is low, making it an economically beneficial decision for both coal business and for consumers. Not to mention that reclaiming the destroyed land and implementing sustainable measures to repair the environment cost time and energy, making it difficult to convince money-driven coal producers to care about the ecological footprint of their mining. But if there was an economic incentive to creating more sustainable products, the coal industry would have a reason invest in sustainable practices. For example, if coal was priced based on the cost, CO2 emissions, pollution, and health conditions caused by producing the product – thus making less sustainable coal companies have to charge more for their products – customers would avoid buying from them since it would be outrageously priced. The coal industry would essentially have to compete to use the most sustainable practices to provide the lowest cost product and draw more customers, thus reducing all of the environmental and health issues from the previous paragraph.

In conclusion, a solution to the environmental issues caused from extracting non-renewable energy sources would be to increase the price of coal based on its environmental impact to discourage consumers from buying it and encourage coal producers to actively reduce pollution and environmental costs.


Molles, M. C., & Borrell, B. J. (2016). Environment: Science, issues, solutions. W H Freeman, Macmillian Learning.
Ritchie, H. (n.d.). Electricity Mix. Our World in Data. Retrieved February 26, 2021, from
Ritchie, H. (n.d.). What are the safest and cleanest sources of energy? Our World in Data. Retrieved February 26, 2021, from
Spiro, T., Kathleen, P.-R., & William, S. (2012). Chapter 8: Fossil Fuels. In Chemistry and the Environment (3rd ed., pp. 169–204). University Science Books.

Food and Water Resources: Danielle Vickers

Greywater Recycling

Of all the water available on Earth, only 3% is freshwater — which we use for everything from drinking to sanitation to farming. Moreover, about two-thirds of that freshwater is locked in glaciers and ice caps, leaving only around 1% of the Earth’s water for us to actually use (Molles, 2016, p.159). Yet, as countries continue to develop and industrialize, the world’s demand for freshwater has increased from about 700 billion m3 in 1901 to 4 trillion m3 in 2014 — a nearly a six fold increase (Our World in Data). Additionally, the amount of freshwater resources per capita — for both the US and the world in general — have been steadily decreasing since 1962 due to our greater use of freshwater and our increasing population’s need of that freshwater (Our World in Data). Because of this, it is crucial to find efficient ways to use the water we have left.

Illustrates the renewable freshwater resources per capita for the US and the World

Water storage and preservation has become a concern for architects and urban planners in recent years. Because cities are mainly comprised of impermeable surfaces (i.e. roads, sidewalks, parking lots, and the buildings themselves), only 15% of the precipitation is able to return into the groundwater supply; the majority of the rest runs off into rivers, streams, and oceans, often washing city pollution into these streams as well, illustrated in the figure below (EPS, Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff).

Diagram of how urbanization affects runoff

However, water that collects from precipitation on the roofs of buildings can be captured and stored in underground tanks or surface ponds so that it can be reused (Acomb and Clark, 2008). It is important to note that although this water can be reused, it is not suitable quality for human consumption since the water isn’t treated. Luckily, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) points out that 95% of commercial water demands are for non-drinkable water uses, so the water that is stored can still be used for supplying water to toilets or for watering plants (Design for Water). By using a mix of recycled water and water from the main system, commercial buildings can reduce their water demand by up to 70% (ESB, Water Recycling Animation).

Therefore, using underground water storage tanks for commercial buildings not only helps to reduce the amount of urban runoff into water reservoirs, but also provides an immediate use of that readily accessible water without relying on the treated, drinking-quality water.



Clark, M., & Acomb, G. (2008). Stormwater Reuse. University of Florida, 3.
Design for Water—AIA. (n.d.). American Institute of Architects. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from
ESB. (2014, July 18). Water Recycling Animation.
Molles, M. C., & Borrell, B. J. (2016). Chapter 6: Sustaining Water Supplies. In Environment: Science, issues, solutions (pp. 156–185). W H Freeman, Macmillian Learning.

Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff. (2003). United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Renewable freshwater resources per capita. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from
Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2017a). Water Use and Stress. Our World in Data

Ecological Footprint: Danielle Vickers


Bhutan is one of the only carbon-negative countries in the world, meaning that it absorbs more carbon than it produces (Scott, CNN, 2018). Knowing this, I wanted to see how its Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity compares to other countries. I was rather shocked to see just how little Biocapacity reserve they have; I expected it to be a lot higher given that they have a lot of forest area (which plays a major role in them being carbon negative). However, I suppose the forest area also takes space away from croplands, fisheries, grazing land, and built-up area.

Country Trends, Bhutan

Taking a closer look at the statistics in the graph above from the Global Footprint Network , Bhutan has actually had a decrease in Ecological Footprint per Person from 1979 to 2017 by .78 gha. However, their population has increased from 397,390 to 807,610 (Global Footprint Network). By scanning over the graph and watching the population numbers throughout the chart, I also observed that the peaks in Biocapacity in 1979 to 1996 correlated with a decrease in the population (Global Footprint Network). This continual growth in population is likely why the Biocapacity per person has been continually decreasing.

Another observation I made from the Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Results from 2008 is that, although all the Ecological Footprint is lower than the Biocapacity for all categories (i.e. cropland, forest, grazing, fishing, built-up land), the cropland needed per person is .12 gha while the biocapacity for the cropland is .18 gha, which was a lot smaller difference than the other categories. I predicted from this that as the population increases over the next few years (as we saw in the previous graph) that the Biocapacity of cropland available per person would decrease below the Ecological Footprint per person. Going back to the Country Trends chart, I also noticed that the results for 2017 show that the Ecological Footprint for cropland per person has increased to .36 gha while the Biocapacity has only increased to .28 gha (Global Footprint Network). This shows that my hypothesis was correct: the Ecological Footprint exceeded the Biocapacity. This has also contributed to the decrease of Biocapacity per person.

Therefore, by looking into the data and trends for the Ecological Footprint, Biocapactiy, and population of Bhutan, I concluded that the small Biocapacity reserve was due to 1) a continual increase in the Bhutanese population which contributes to less land available per person and 2) and over-use of cropland.


Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity, 2008. (October 28, 2008). Retrieved January 29, 2021, from
Global Footprint Network Open Data Platform, Bhutan. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2021, from
Scott, B. M. T. and K. (2018, October 11). What tiny Bhutan can teach the world about being carbon negative. CNN Digital.