Waste Management and Recycling – Sophy Leiva

Metal is an essential part of our living, although we never really think of it as doing so. Metal makes our buildings, our cars, our phones, even our major appliances have some form of metal in them! But what happens when one of these things doesn’t have much use to us anymore? Believe it or not, metal is a recyclable material, but the question is, where exactly can these recycled metals be found? 

Overall, 59.8% of metal is recycled, and these metals can be categorized as ferrous, nonferrous, and aluminum, but for now, let’s focus on ferrous metals. Ferrous metals include mainly iron and steel and can be found in most construction-grade material, as well as in most transportation parts. In 2018, 19.2 tons of ferrous metals were created, and the majority that was recycled came from everyday appliances, furniture, and tires, accounting for 27.8% of recycled material. One of the most common items, steel cans, accounts for 70.9% of the recycling rate, which is less than the EU’s steel packaging recycling rate, coming at 82.5%. In the EU, sustainability is a big talking point, with the European Commission having its rules on foreign affairs based on sustainability. With a set of countries that are almost (if not already) equally developed to ours, it’s not a surprise that the EU would band together to help maintain a sustainable living by promoting recycling, specifically steel. 

By recycling ferrous metals, we save 75% of the energy needed to create the products from virgin material. Aside from keeping metals away from landfills, recycling can have many other benefits. Economically, metal recycling can help create new jobs in an industry that is unexpected. For example, scrap metal has built into its own unique industry involved in selling and purchasing scraps to other companies. This has been able to create 450,000 jobs, and the number is only expected to grow as we use more metal for our cars and appliances. A lot of money is also made from trading scrap metal with other countries, amassing to $14.5 billion from scraps and even remade products! 

Because the recycling rate of metal is so high, it is easier for us to benefit from re-made items, especially since metals like steel have a 100% recyclable rate and can be recycled an infinite amount of times. When it comes to other sectors in recycling, the rate is higher than most, and I believe it stems from how useful we deem metals to be. Because we rely on metal so often, it’s important to know how to recycle this resource and put it to other uses, given that it is nonrenewable. I think it’s important in other sectors to find better uses for products after they are recycled since without finding a proper use that can be sustainable in the long run, people will end up feeling less inclined to recycle them. Terms of what can and cannot be recycled, mainly in the plastics sector, should be specified more. But in truth, until we can find a way to be able to recycle other products as efficiently and to prolong their recyclability, it may be hard to have a solution to the increased items found in landfills instead of new products. 

Ferrous Metals Waste Management: 1960-2018. (n.d.). [Graph]. Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/ferrous-metals-material-specific-data


Environmental and Economic Benefits of Scrap Metal Recycling. (2018, November 15). Ecology Recycling. https://ecoparts.com/environmental-and-economic-benefits-of-scrap-metal-recycling/#:%7E:text=Other%20Companies%20Can%20Produce%20New,a%20lower%20cost%20to%20consumers.

Ferrous Metals: Material-Specific Data. (2020, November 12). US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/ferrous-metals-material-specific-data

Ferrous Metals Waste Management: 1960-2018. (n.d.). [Graph]. Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/ferrous-metals-material-specific-data

Home. (2021, March 18). APEAL. https://www.apeal.org/

Iron & Steel. (n.d.). Business Recycling – Planet Ark. Retrieved March 19, 2021, from https://businessrecycling.com.au/recycle/iron-steel

Sustainable development – Trade – European Commission. (2020, January 17). EU Trade. https://ec.europa.eu/trade/policy/policy-making/sustainable-development/

Air and Water Pollution: Sophy Leiva

Forming in densely populated urban areas, photochemical smog manifests itself as a brown cloud of fog lingering along the troposphere, subjecting those living in and around the air space to inhale the dense and toxic air it creates. Photochemical smog forms when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) interact with sunlight, forming a light brown haze and creating tropospheric ozone. Photochemical smog in specific comes from automobile emissions, and although ozone is naturally occurring, it is only in the upper atmosphere: if ozone forms at ground-level, it comes at the risk of health issues to humans and other organisms, as well as harming our infrastructure and agriculture.

In terms of human health, nitrogen oxides on their own can cause heart and lung issues, while reducing the immune system response to infections. VOCs cause eye irritation and act as potential human carcinogens. Tropospheric ozone also causes eye irritation, but proves to be harmful to those with pre-existing respiratory conditions: not only does it cause coughing and wheezing, but it can add to the respiratory issues a person is already experiencing, especially for people with asthma. When it comes to infrastructure though, photochemical smog can cause significant damages through weathering. This is possible through acid rain, which is caused by the evaporation of pollutants into the hydrologic cycle. Acid rain has a lower pH balance than normal water, causing it to be more acidic. When acid rain occurs, it corrodes metals and used for buildings and weather stonework, leaving immense damage over a period of time. These damages are expensive and are difficult to repair. 

So what can be done? When it comes to photochemical smog, the city of Los Angeles has been able to find solutions to this issue. L.A. is notorious for its photochemical smog because of the vast number of automobiles in the area. To combat this issue, the California Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board was created by the California government in 1959, and from there they passed laws allowing for proper emissions tests. Cars were also re-modeled by the 1960s to have a “blowby” in their crankcase that allowed hydrocarbons to re-burn, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere at such a big rate. Later in the 1970s, fuel was also changed. By removing lead from fuel, reduced further pollutants from being emitted, and reduced the risk of further health issues. They also promoted the use of alternative fuels like natural gas or methanol to reduce gasoline usage and emissions. 

Los Angeles At Sundown | View of downtown LA at sundown from… | Flickr


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2019, December 17). Smog. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/smog

Canada, E. A. C. C. (2010, June 2). Air pollution damage to infrastructure and industry – Canada.ca. Government of Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/air-pollution/quality-environment-economy/economic-issues/damage-infrastructure-industry.html

Deziel, C. (2019, March 2). How Is Photochemical Smog Formed? Sciencing. https://sciencing.com/photochemical-smog-formed-6505511.html

Photochemical Smog- what it means for us. (2004, March). U.S. EPA. https://www.epa.sa.gov.au/files/8238_info_photosmog.pdf

The Southland’s War on Smog: Fifty Years of Progress Toward Clean Air (through May 1997). (n.d.). South Coast AQMD. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.aqmd.gov/home/research/publications/50-years-of-progress#Early%20Smog%20Control%20Efforts

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources – Sophy Leiva

Petroleum is one of many fossil fuels we utilize in excess in our everyday life. This resource is non-renewable, meaning that we would be able to attain more of the resource within our lifetimes. However, this does not stop the U.S. from being one of the biggest users, consuming 26% of the world’s oil supply, using up to 3/4 of a barrel per person per day (Fantle, 2021). Using such a vast amount of oil per day helps us lead an unsustainable lifestyle, and creates a crisis when looking at the future of a dwindling oil supply.

When looking closely at the United States, it becomes clear that the majority of our supply of petroleum goes towards the transportation sector (91%, to be exact) (Use of Energy for Transportation – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2020). Not only does this account for the cars and trucks that we see on the road every day, but it also accounts for commercial airlines and jets that take to the skies. When we rely on petroleum so often to take us from place to place and to even deliver our packages, it becomes evident that we are taking the resource for granted and gradually decreasing the supply. Based on recent estimates, we may have about 30 years left of our global oil supply (Fantle, 2021), and with an increasing population, demand may shorten that estimate, so what alternatives are there?

Today, we may find a solution in hybrid and electric vehicles. These types of vehicles utilize little to no gas when in use, and the case of some hybrid vehicles, only use gas when the battery is nearly empty (All-Electric Vehicles, n.d.). Although expensive, electric and hybrid vehicles are energy efficient, only responsible for a 15-20% energy loss. This is unlike the 64-75% energy loss caused by a gas engine (All-Electric Vehicles, n.d.). When on the move, electric vehicles regain most of its energy lost as it travels, and even when braking. Because it is running on electricity instead of gas, electric vehicles provide a smoother operation as well (All-Electric Vehicles, n.d.). It does pose some drawbacks, such as the recharge time of the battery and its short driving range, but improvements are being made every day to provide a more sustainable option in using these types of vehicles.

In the present moment, however, electric and hybrid vehicles are expensive for the average consumer, but solutions also come from using more fuel-efficient vehicles, which could save a person over $5000 over 5 years (Explaining Electric & Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 2020), but also cut down the amount of gas used by half (Explaining Electric & Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 2020). Biofuels also provide a decent option, however, problems do arise in the U.S. when deriving fuels based on common food sources like corn. However, if we begin the switch to more efficient vehicles now the population may be able to prolong the supply of petroleum for a few more decades.

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All-Electric Vehicles. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved March 5, 2021, from https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/evtech.shtml#:%7E:text=Energy%20efficient.,to%20power%20at%20the%20wheels.

Explaining Electric & Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles. (2020, October 29). US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/explaining-electric-plug-hybrid-electric-vehicles

Fantle, M. (2021). Part IV: Nonrenewable Energy [Powerpoint Slides].

Use of energy for transportation – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2020, June 2). U.S. Energy Information Administration. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/use-of-energy/transportation.php#:%7E:text=Petroleum%20is%20the%20main%20source,in%20natural%20gas%20pipeline%20compressors.

Mineral Resources – Sophia Leiva

Callahan Mining Corporation is located near a small town in Hancock County, Maine. In the late 1800s, the mining area was discovered and utilized (EPA, n.d.). Between the 1940s and 1950s, a myriad of different ores was discovered within the mining area, from copper to cadmium to zinc (EPA, n.d.). By the late 1960s, dams were erected to drain the nearby estuary for open-pit mining, and from then on continued to function actively until its closure in 1972 (EPA, n.d.).

Throughout its active years, numerous areas of the mining area succumbed to contamination. Waste rock in its tailing impoundments spanned 21 acres and caused the soil in the area to become unsustainable for any plant life to flourish (EPA, n.d.). In addition, PCB contamination occurred in the groundwater and soil in the mining area and the area surrounding it, posing a risk to the small number of homes living in the area (EPA, n.d.). PCB is an unnatural chemical that was widely used until its halt in production in the late 1970s (EPA, n.d.). Potential risks that come from coming in contact with PCB include skin conditions such as acne, nose and lung irritation, anemia, fatigue, depression, and in pregnant women, low birth weight in their children (ATSDR, 2014). It is also considered to be a probable human carcinogen, and more research is being done into its longer-lasting effects (ATSDR, 2014).

In 2004, the EPA stepped in to investigate the area and find potential areas of contamination that are mentioned above. After finding contamination in the surrounding groundwater, they deemed the area to be an active risk to the homes surrounding the area. After successfully implementing a plan for cleanup, the plan initiated in 2010 and has continued over the past 10 years. Some implementations included the construction of a horizontal drain system to lower the water levels in the area and a passive treatment system to filter contaminants present in the water. Cleanup is expected to be completed by this year, while safeguards were put in place to prevent further contamination in the future (EPA, n.d.).


ATSDR. (2014, August 27). Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) | Public Health Statement | ATSDR. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/PHS/PHS.aspx?phsid=139&toxid=26

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). CALLAHAN MINING CORP | Superfund Site Profile | Superfund Site Information | US EPA. Retrieved February 18, 2021, from https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/SiteProfiles/index.cfm?fuseaction=second.Cleanup&id=0101028#bkground

Australia’s Population Blog – Sophy Leiva

When it population control in Australia, this country may well be one of the better examples of how to manage a growing population. As Australia sees a growing population rate through immigration (McDonald, 2018), other policies are put in place to not only help the birth rate of native Australians but with the birth rates that come from immigration. While not enforcing a certain number of children to be born to a country, Australia does provide low-cost birth control methods, as well as funding parents’ paternal leave, subsidized childcare, and even having funding to assist children in being able to attend school (McDonald, 2018). Australia has also managed to succeed in the public health sector, allowing for public health campaigns to speak out against risks like smoking, and therefore effectively decreased the mortality rate of Australians from between their mid-50s and 70s to age 75 and beyond (McDonald, 2018).

However, policies do not come without their own setbacks. Although education about contraceptives and health keep the population steady, debates appear when the topic shifts to population growth via immigration. The immigration flow to Australia averages 200,000 per year (McDonald, 2018), which sounds like a large flux. This problem is leveled however because immigrants that arrive that are in the reproductive stage will be able to give birth to children, and see their children give birth to their grandchildren, essentially assisting in future population growth as well (McDonald, 2018). A big issue that does come from a population influx though is how the population should be distributed. In major cities, there tends to be varying population growth and shrinkage as a result of the amount of work available in the region (McDonald). A proposal that is being passed around is to send immigrants to small density communities away from the cities to more evenly distribute the population (McDonald, 2018).  A problem arises when immigrants move to less populated cities, as it forces native Australians to move into the city to look for more work, essentially replacing the immigrants that would’ve populated the region in the first place (McDonald, 2018). Whichever way one looks at the issue of evenly distributing the population, there isn’t necessarily a smart or even correct answer to propose, making it a hot topic for political discussion in the country.

For now, though, Australia has been able to get a hold of population control in their country. From education on birth control and human health to providing resources to new parents, to even providing a welcoming place for immigrants to stay, Australia is managing to keep its population growth at a steady pace and will continue in the same manner so long as its policies aren’t changed.


McDonald, Peter. (2018, Oct. 2). How Does Australia Manage Population Growth?. Pursuit. Retrieved 4 Feb. 2021, from https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/how-does-australia-manage-population-growth.

Our World in Data. (n.d.) Fertility Rate over the long-term, 1800 to 2017. Our World in Data. Retrieved 5 Feb. 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/fertility-rate-complete-gapminder?tab=chart&country=~AUS.


Ecological Footprint: Sophia Leiva

Japan was early to the idea of the Ecological Footprint. The concept of it was first discussed in a government document in 1996, almost a decade before the Global Footprint Network was adopted (Global Footprint Network). Working with the Global Footprint Network in the early 2000s, they were able to calculate their Ecological Footprint and plan accordingly. Over the years, their footprint has begun a steady decrease, with their plan being to decrease carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 (Global Footprint Network). The Mitsubishi Research Institute has also released a project to support an increased population in Japan in 50 years while being able to lower their Ecological Footprint. Such plans in the project include maintaining mental and physical health in their population, recalibrating social values, and utilizing biotechnology to satisfy the increased need for resources all while contributing to the sustainability of the planet (Mitsubishi Research Institute).

image of Japans graph demonstrating the difference in biocapacity to the existing ecological footprint per person

The graphs above demonstrate the difference in biocapacity, as in the amount of land and natural resources utilized to live, per person, and ecological footprint. As technology advanced in Japan, carbon emissions skyrocketed, as well as the use of land for shelter, causing the difference between the two to increase. Over the past 27 years, the difference has seen a steady decrease as a result of initiatives like the Mitsubishi Research Institute’s initiative with the Global Footprint Network.

In the years that come, I believe Japan will be able to lower its emissions and usage of resources by following the aforementioned initiatives and reach the use of one Earth by the planned date in 2070.


Global Footprint Network. (2020, Oct. 21). Japan: Two Decades of Ecological Footprinting. Global Footprint Network. Retrieved 28 Jan. 2021, from https://www.footprintnetwork.org/2020/10/21/japan-two-decades-of-ecological-footprinting/.

Open Data Platform. (n.d.). Open Data Platform. Retrieved 28 Jan. 2021, from https://data.footprintnetwork.org/#/.

Mitsubishi Research Institute. (2020). 50th Anniversary Study. Mitsubishi Research Institute. Retrieved 28 Jan. 2021, from https://www.mri.co.jp/50th/anniversary_research/.