Medicine, Diagnosis, and Treatment in the Middle Ages

Dr Alixe Bovey investigates the influence of astrology, religion and magic on medical knowledge and practice. – See more at:

“Papal Reform, Tithes, and Conflict in Medieval Europe” – A Talk by Dr. Kathryn Salzer

Kathryn Salzer, Assistant Professor of Medieval History, will give a talk this Thurs., Feb. 18, at 3:30 pm in 102 Weaver: “Papal Reform, Tithes, and Conflict in Medieval Europe.” The talk is sponsored by the Institute for the Arts and Humanities and the Penn State Society for the Study of Religion.

*See the flyer or add the event directly to your digital calendar through the EPSG events calendar.


DEADLINE EXTENDED: IAH/CEMS Call for Grad Student Applicants

Didn’t make the application deadline for the Institute for the Arts and Humanities Junior Scholar Residency Award? The deadline has been extended to Friday, February 19th. Check out the revised PDF for more information (CEMS IAH Residency 2016).