Carbonate Clumped Isotope Lab

What are clumped isotopes? “Clumping” refers to bonding between two rare (heavy) isotopes within a molecule. For example, a 13C-18O bond within CO2 would form a clump. In thermodynamic equilibrium, these “clumps” of heavy isotopes occur more frequently at lower temperatures, and the heavy isotopes are more randomly distributed in the crystal lattice at higher temperatures. We use this relationship between temperature and bond ordering as a paleothermometer.

From Huntington and Lechler (2015, Tectonophysics).

The Carbonate Clumped Isotope Lab (CCIL) specifically measures clumped isotopes (∆47 and ∆48) in CO2 released during dissolution of carbonate minerals (calcite, aragonite, dolomite, and soon, siderite!). We are open to collaborating on projects with both internal and external users related to paleoclimate, paleobiology, geobiology, and tectonics. Contact the lab PI, Miquela Ingalls, if you are interested in analyses.


Thermo MAT253Plus dual-inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometer

Thermo MAT253Plus dual-inlet IRMS

Protium Isotopologue Batch Extraction System (IBEX): This is a gas purification line on the front end of our system. Carbonate samples are introduced into a common acid bath for digestion, and CO2 gas is transferred using helium carrier gas and cryogenically through a series of traps to remove water, organics, and other contaminants.

Vacuum lines: We have two glass vacuum lines; one dedicated for inorganic work and the other for organic molecules. We can do offline sample preparation to modify digestion time, temperature, and other modes of purification beyond what can be modified on the IBEX.

Cost per analysis: 

∆47, internal: $88.88

∆47, external: $142.20

∆48, internal: $177.75

∆48, external: $284.40

Note: We typically analyze 3-4 replicates per sample for ∆47, and 6-9 replicates per sample for ∆48. These rates include consumables, and technician time for sample preparation and analysis. If your samples have >1 wt.% organic carbon, we will need to pre-treat the samples to remove organics.