If you want it. Manifest it. 


😆😆😆 #spirituality #money #manifest #wealth #lawofattraction #journalgirljaclyn | Funny tweets, Memes, Memes quotesI would love to say that I am an astrological sign fiend. One of those girls who “OmG yOuR RiSinG sUn iS LiKe tOtAlLy mY SeTtInG mOoN wHicH mEaNs wE aRe BoTh cOmpatIbLe wItH GeMinI’s!!!!” But quite frankly I think that it is a bunch of sugar honey iced tea. What I DO believe in is speaking things into action. Whether it is getting straight As or just making it through your shift at work, believing you can do it is 90% of your battle. 

I first came across the idea of manifestation in a slew of toxic relationship tiktoks — don’t ask why I was on toxic relationship tiktok.. Girls often told one another that if they manifested it enough their ex boyfriends, booty calls, and actual boyfriends would only want them. So, I thought to myself how many things in my life that I want to manifest and ways in which I could do it. I’m going to teach you three manifestation rituals which seem to work for me. 



  1. Vision Boards. There is a reason that these were a thing in most schools. Vision Boards give you a moment to actively reflect on realistic goals that you want to set and even helps you to see things you want for your future. In my vision board I did it timeline style I found small goals which eventually led to  my much larger goals. You can do these anyway that motivated you, but I found this to be most helpful.2,443 Likes, 68 Comments - Cori Spieker (@theresetgirl) on Instagram: “So are you ready for the party… | Vision board party, Vision board examples, Vision board diy
  2. Daily to-do lists. These lists do not simply have to have actual “work related” tasks on them. Create lists that include things such as “work harder in practice today” “laugh at least once” and any other things of a more motivational nature. I also like to reflect generally at the beginning of the day on things that matter to me. This can be done on physical written list or even through apps!
  3. Speak it into action! It goes a long way to say the things you want out loud. Speaking helps you to begin to believe yourself more and more. In my last post I talked about how I often speak my daily affirmations. It is the same theory and personally I feel as though this one is the easiest one to begin with. Saying what you want from each day outloud not only puts you in a better mood, but helps to bring your goals to life. Whether you decide to do this in prayer, in the bathroom or as soon as you wake up it is best to say these out loud and not simply in your head. 


Happy Manifesting!


  1. I really like the idea of creating a vision board! I have never created one before, but I think it is a unique and fun way to lay our your future plans and goals. I also find daily-to-do lists extremely helpful. Every night, I plan out all the activities and tasks that I want to accomplish the next day. This helps me organize my days and get what I need to get done without creating too much stress. I never really though about adding motivational points, but after reading your post, I love the idea! It serves as a little reminder that can boost your mood when you look at them.

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