
[08/29/2024] Our DMREF website is live! Check it out here and stay tuned for exciting outcomes.

[08/16/2024] Congrats to Amir for successfully passing his comprehensive exam!

[08/14/2024] E-Bio-E lab welcomes Sajjad and Hossein, two new PhD students, to the team!

[08/12/2024] Our lab is awarded a DMREF grant, titled DMREF: Computationally-Driven Discovery of Designer 2D Materials for Biosensing! We thank NSF for their support; more information here:

[06/24/2024] Congrats to Aali for receiving the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Research Program Award for the FA24/SP25 Academic Year!

[06/17/2024] Congrats to Amir, Pouya, and Vinay for receiving the Melvin P. Bloom Memorial Graduate Fellowship in Electrical Engineering!

[06/14/2024] Congrats to Vinay for receiving the 2024 Leighton Riess Graduate Fellowship in Engineering, in recognition of his academic excellence!

[05/25/2024] E-Bio-E lab welcomes three undergraduate students: Scott (PSU, EE), and two Summer 2024 REU students (Camille and Myrialisses)!

[05/14/2024] Congratulations to Sajjad (incoming PhD student) for receiving the 2024-2025 Leighton Riess Graduate Fellowship!

[05/09/2024] Congrats to Pouya for successfully passing his comprehensive exam!

[04/24/2024] Congratulations to Caroline for successful defense of her MSc thesis!

[04/08/2024] Congratulations to Vinay for winning the 1st place in the 2024 Eugene B. and Lizy K. John EE Graduate Student Research Poster Competition!

[04/04/2024] Congratulations to Caroline for receiving an honorable mention from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)!

[01/18/2024] Amir passed his qualifying exam and is now officially a PhD Candidate!

[11/21/2023] Dr. Ebrahimi gave a webinar at the ASME MEMS Division Fall Lecture Series.

[10/15/2023] Our lab received funding from Murata Co. Ltd. Thank you!

[09/27/2023] Keren successfully defended his final PhD exam! Congrats Dr. Zhou!

[09/07/2023] Pouya passed his qualifying exam and is now officially a PhD Candidate!

[07/01/2023] We received another funding from NSF:I/UCRC ATOMIC for our work on 2D-based biosensors. Thanks for the support!

[06/15/2023] Congrats to Vinay for receiving the Bess L. and Mylan R. Watkins Graduate Fellowship in Electrical Engineering!

[04/15/2023] Congrats to Vinay for receiving the ECS: Sensor Division Travel Grant!

[02/03/2023] Dr. Ebrahimi received the NSF CAREER award! We thank NSF for their support!

[01/03/2023] Amir joins our group to start his PhD journey. Welcome, Amir!

[12/04/2022] Congrats to Monther for securing an internship position at Viavi Solutions!

[11/22/2022] Dr. Ebrahimi got promoted to IEEE Senior Member!

[10/20/2022] Dr. Ebrahimi received the 2022 Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research award. This award recognizes our lab’s interdisciplinary work and significant advances related to materials research.

[09/23/2022] Vinay’s paper titled “A Machine Learning-based Multimodal Electrochemical Analytical Device based on eMoSx-LIG for Multiplexed Detection of Tyrosine and Uric Acid in Sweat and Saliva” got accepted in Analytica Chimica Acta; Congrats, Vinay! [Penn State News]

[08/31/2022] Derrick passed his Final PhD Exam with flying colors! Congrats, Dr. Butler!

[08/10/2022] Congrats to Vinay for passing his PhD comprehensive exam!

[08/01/2022] Our lab received a seed grant from the Center for Biodevices (CfB) to work on a project titled “Label-free and Rapid Bacterial ID and AST with Intelligent Dynamic Holographic Laser Speckle Imaging and Raman Spectroscopy”. We are collaborating with Dr. Zhiwen Liu (Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Jasna Kovac (Food Science).

[07/19/2022] Vinay’s paper titled “A Machine Learning-based Multimodal Electrochemical Analytical Device Based on eMoSx-LIG for Multiplexed Detection of Tyrosine and Uric Acid in Sweat and Saliva” is available on ECSarxiv.

[07/18/2022] Congratulations to Vinay for receiving the 2022-23 Milton and Albertha Langdon Memorial Graduate Fellowship in Electrical Engineering!

[07/07/2022] Keren’s paper just got accepted in Advanced Healthcare Materials, titled “Electrochemical Sensors based on MoSx-functionalized Laser Induced Graphene for Real-time Monitoring of Phenazines produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa“. Congrats!

[06/29/2022] Our lab was awarded a Scialog Grant to do exciting interdisciplinary research related to Parkinson’s disease! Many thanks to the RCSA, Scialog, Paul Allen Frontiers Group, and the Cottrell Foundation! [RCSA press release][Penn State News]

[06/15/2022] Dr. Ebrahimi received the Thomas and Sheila Roell Early Career Professorship.

[03/18/2022] Derrick’s paper just got published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, titled “Rapid and sensitive detection of viral particles by coupling redox cycling and electrophoretic enrichment“, in press. Congrats!

[03/07/2022] Dr. Ebrahimi is co-organizing a symposium at 2022 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (NM06: 2D Layered Materials & Heterostructures—Ubiquitous Electronics, Sensors, Multifunctional Coatings and More).

[01/28/2022] Vinay passed his qualifying exam and is now officially a PhD Candidate! Congrats, Vinay!

[11/27/2021] Our book chapter titled “Agar-Integrated Three-Dimensional Microelectrodes for On-Chip Impedimetric Monitoring of Bacterial Viability” is published in Biomedical Engineering Technologies, Methods Molecular Biology (Vol. 2393), Chapter 23.

[10/28/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi is invited to give a talk at PREM-NCCU Seminar Series.

[10/22/2021] Pouya joined our group to start his PhD studies. Welcome, Pouya!

[10/14/2021] Excited and humbled for receiving the NIH: NIBIB Trailblazer Award! We aim to explore a high-risk, high-reward project on developing a novel point-of-care testing for single virus detection. Penn State News (top stories)

[09/01/2021] Excited to join the renewed MRSEC-PREM: NCCU-PSU! Our lab will be collaborating with the IRG1 team to explore biosensing application of various low-dimensional materials that are engineered within the center.

[08/22/2021] Our lab is featured in the Penn State Center for Biodevices video; Check it out here!

[08/20/2021] Congrats to Keren for passing his PhD comprehensive exam!

[08/11/2021] Our lab receives support from NSF-IUCRC ATOMIC (Phase II) to advance multimodal biosensors based on 2D materials. We are grateful for the support.

[08/05/2021] Sooyoung joined our group to start her PhD studies. Welcome, Sooyoung!

[06/07/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi will join the ECS team as Symposium Topic Organizer at the 240th ECS Meeting (Orlando, FL).

[04/16/2021] Big congratulations to Derrick for receiving the prestigious Electrochemical Society (ECS) Summer Fellowship! It’s a highly competitive international award given to only 4 students in the global ECS community. Penn State News

[04/08/2021] Keren received the Electrochemical Society travel grant to attend the 239th ECS Meeting with 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2021). Congrats!

[03/30/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi is invited to join the Technical Committee of the IEEE ICICICT-2022 conference.

[03/09/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University Los Angeles.

[03/04/2021] Congratulations to Cassi for getting accepted into the 2021 STEP-UP program by the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)!

[02/11/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi will deliver an invited talk at the 239th ECS meeting (to be held virtually on May 30-June 3, 2021).

[02/11/2021] Keren will give an oral presentation on his work at the 239th ECS meeting (to be held virtually on May 30-June 3, 2021).

[02/05/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi is invited to give a talk at the 2021 GrapheneforUS conference.

[01/19/2021] Dr. Ebrahimi is invited to give a seminar at the colloquia of the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

[01/01/2021] Congrats to Keren for receiving the College of Engineering Riess Graduate Fellowship in Spring 2021!

[12/16/2020] Adam and Lindsey successfully defended their Master Thesis. Congrats!

[12/02/2020] Congratulations to Vinay for receiving the Leighton Riess Graduate Fellowship! Penn State News

[12/02/2020] Our work at ATOMIC center is featured on NSF:IUCRC website.

[12/01/2020] Check out Dr. Ebrahimi’s recent interview with the Happy Valley Industry: Link

[11/28/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi joins the Editorial Board of the Frontiers in Nanobiotechnology as a Review Editor for Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences and Frontiers in Materials.

[11/24/2020] Congrats to Cassi for receiving the 2021 Virtual Travel Award to present at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting!

[11/10/2020] Lindsey and Keren presented their works at the Virtual 2020 Materials Day.

[11/01/2020] Our research projects funded by the ATOMIC center are featured in the CEP magazine by AIChE. Link

[10/06/2020] Ebrahimi group attends the PRiME conference with two works.

[09/28/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi delivered an invited talk at the 15th IEEE NEMS conference (virtual).

[09/18/2020] Keren’s work on DyRAST got accepted in ACS Sensors. Congratulations to Keren and the rest of the team!

[09/16/2020] Congratulations to Derrick for receiving the Travel Award to attend and present his work at the 2020 PRiME conference.

[09/13/2020] Adam’s work on reagent-free electrochemical AST using RZx crystals got accepted in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Congratulations to Adam and the rest of the team!

[08/12/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi is humbled for invitation to co-lead the Sensing and Diagnostic Devices Thrust in the Center for Biodevices at Penn State.

[07/24/2020] Congrats to Derrick for passing his PhD comprehensive exam!

[07/22/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi gave a (virtual) talk in a webinar organized by the Convergence Center for Living Multifunctional Material Systems. She also served on a panel on “materials for sensing/diagnostics”. Thanks a lot for the invitation.

[07/02/2020] Congrats to Derrick for receiving the Harry G. Miller Scholarship in Engineering! Derrick received this scholarship for achieving excellence within his area of graduate studies and research.

[06/24/2020] Congrats to Derrick for acceptance of his paper, titled “Single-Atom Doping of MoS2 with Manganese Enables Ultrasensitive Detection of Dopamine: Experimental and Computational Approach”, in Science Advances! It is a collaborative work with Dr. Mauricio Terrones group at PSU and Dr. Humberto Terrones group in RPI, and other groups from Shinshu University (Japan) and Nanjing University (China).

[05/22/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi did an interview with Penn State Collegian on “What does it mean to be a woman in research?”

[04/21/2020] Derrick has taken the initiative to form a new student chapter for The Electrochemical Society (ECS) at Penn State. The goal is to bring together students from across campus that are involved in the broad field of electrochemical research or are interested in learning more about electrochemistry in general. Dr. Ebrahimi served as the Faculty Advisor and mentor.
** Students interested in joining the student chapter at Penn State should click here to start the registration process. Please email Derrick Butler with any questions.**

[03/25/2020] Keren successfully defended his Master Thesis (on his path toward PhD). Congrats, Keren! [Unfortunately, we had to do his defense in Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic :/ ]

[03/19/2020] Rikki successfully defended his Master Thesis. Congrats, Rikki!

[3/12/2020] Adam has been selected to receive the 2020 Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School! Big congrats, Adam! [Penn State News]

[03/06/2020] Congratulations to Cassi for receiving the 2020 Erickson Discovery Grant! She will work on “Studying the Effect of Environmental Stressors on Bacterial Motion using Time-resolved Monitoring of Optical Scattering”. This is a highly prestigious research grant awarded to ~ 70 undergraduate applicants in College of Engineering across all PSU campuses. [Penn State News]

[03/04/2020] Lindsey has been selected to receive an Honorable Mention for the 2020 Joelle Award for Women in Engineering for her dynamic leadership, dedicated mentorship, and ambitious volunteerism. Congrats, Lindsey!

[02/26/2020] Congratulations to Cassi for getting accepted into the 2020 STEP-UP program by the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)!

[02/18/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi is thrilled for being selected to receive the 2020 SPARC Clinical-Research Exchange Fellowship for Stimulating Partnerships among Researchers and Clinicians at Penn State. [Penn State News]

[02/17/2020] Madison has been selected to present her research on electrochemical sensors for detection of water contaminants in the 2020 Undergraduate Research at the Capitol in Harrisburg. She is among the 8 selected undergraduate researchers who will represent Penn State at the Capitol in Harrisburg. Congrats, Madi!

[02/14/2020] E-Bio-E Lab will attend the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Spring meeting in Montreal, Canada in May. Derrick will give an oral presentation on his work titled “Tailoring Surface Chemistry of Graphene Ink for Highly-Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Down to 50 Picomolar”.

[01/24/2020] Krishnan and Jayasuryaa have joined our group as visiting undergraduate students. Welcome!

[01/10/2020] Dr. Ebrahimi is thrilled for being named as a Scialog Fellow, in the Microbiome, Neurobiology and Disease initiative. Scialog is jointly sponsored by Research Corporation for Science Advancement, the Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, and the Frederick Gardner Cottrell Foundation. [Penn State News]

[11/19/2019] Dr. Ebrahimi delivered a talk at the DTRA CBD S&T Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. Many thanks to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for the travel support.

[11/18/2019] Derrick did an excellent job in presenting his recent research progress to the sponsors at the NSF: ATOMIC semiannual meeting at Houston, TX.

[10/03/2019] E-Bio-E Lab will attend the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Fall meeting in Atlanta, GA in October. Adam will give an oral presentation on his work on rapid, electrochemical antibacterial susceptibility testing.

[09/17/2019] Congratulations to Cassi for receiving support through REU to work at E-Bio-E Lab. Cassi is selected by the PSU Center for Healthcare Organization Transformation (CHOT) to work on medical related research. Congrats!

[08/26/2019] Our Review Article is selected as the ACS Editors’ Choice. That’s an exciting news!

[08/22/2019] Madison, Cassi, Tang, and Kayla join our group as undergraduate researchers in Fall 2019. Welcome!

[08/20/2019] Adam and Derrick’s paper titled “Two-Dimensional Materials in Biosensing and Healthcare: from In Vitro Diagnostics to Optogenetics and Beyond” just got accepted in ACS Nano. Good job, guys!

[08/12/2019] Javier is selected to attend the 2019 NSF EEC Grantees Conference as an invited REU site participant (a highly-competitive selection process). Congrats Javier!

[08/01/2019] Javier presented his works during REU research symposium at Penn State. Here is a picture of Javier (left) with his mentor, Adam (right):

[07/29/2019] Our mini-Review on 2D materials for biosensing applications, Invited by Material Matters (technical reports series by Millipore Sigma), is available now:

[07/24/2019] Our lab hosted a Research Snapshot as part of the NSF:MRSEC Science-U program. This was our second year participating in the event. Thanks to Derrick and Lindsey for planning and organizing the hands-on activities for the high school students.

[07/01/2019] Our lab received funding from NIH: NIGMS to work on developing sensor chips based on graphene for studying bacterial conjugation in collaboration with Dr. Jasna Kovac’s group in Food Science.

[06/14/2019] Lindsey was recently interviewed regarding her Discovery Grant. Here is the link to the published story: Penn State News. Good job, Lindsey!

[04/17/2019] Lindsey presented her work on Bacteria-based Random Number Generation at the Undergraduate Research Exhibition. Good job!

[04/12/2019] Congratulations to Rikki for winning the 1st place in CERS 2019! His poster presentation was on “Printable Electrochemical Biosensors for Application in Flexible Point-of-Care Diagnostics”.

[03/25/2019] An article about our recently-awarded research project is featured on Penn State News.

[03/08/2019] Our lab received a CoE Multidisciplinary Research Seed Grant. Thank you! (Link to PSU News).

[03/01/2019] Congratulations to Lindsey for receiving the 2019 Erickson Discovery Grant! This is a highly prestigious research grant awarded to ~ 70 undergraduate applicants in College of Engineering across all PSU campuses.

[02/25 & 27/2019] Dr. Ebrahimi gave two talks at MRSEC Seminar Series and Engineering Science and Mechanics Department’s Graduate Seminar.

[12/10/2018] Dr. Ebrahimi delivered an invited talk and served on a panel (Sensor Commercialization – Challenges and Opportunities) at the Sensors Summit conference in San Diego.

[11/07/2018] Derrick presented his recent research progress at the NSF: ATOMIC semiannual meeting at Houston, TX.

[10/24/2018] Keren presented his work at the Materials Day 2018, Penn State University.

[10/17/2018] Dr. Ebrahimi was invited by the National Graphene Association to serve on a panel (Future of graphene in Medical devices and Telemedicine) at the Global Graphene Expo & Conference in Austin, TX.

[09/20/2018] Dr. Ebrahimi is organizing and chairing a special session in BMES 2018 in Atlanta, GA, on Oct. 2018. The session is on “Application of Two Dimensional Materials in Healthcare” with three invited speakers from Georgia Tech, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Texas at Austin. Join us if you are there!

[08/30/2018] Congrats to Keren for receiving the Milton and Albertha Langdon Memorial Graduate Fellowship!

[08/14/2018] Adam, Keren, and Tunan have joined our group. Welcome!

[07/25/2018] Dr. Ebrahimi delivered a talk to high school students at “Anything is Possible for Girls in Electrical Engineering (APGEE)”. It was a successful 5-day camp, tailored for girls interested in STEM.

[07/25/2018] Our lab host a Research Snapshot as part of Science & Leadership Camp (hands-on research experience) for high school students. They learned about electrochemical sensors for monitoring neurotransmitters and made a sensor to detect dopamine!

[07/11/2018] Our group organized a Science Booth (2D Carbon Conduction) at Art Fest. It was a full morning of science and learning with more than 600 attendees.

[07/10/2018] Chengye’s and Rikki’s works got accepted to BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, October 2018.

[07/06/2018] Dr. Ebrahimi delivered a talk at NSF MRSEC’s summer event for REUs and RETs. Thanks for the kind invitation.

[07/01/2018] Ebrahimi lab received a seed grant from Medical School, MRI, and Huck Institute to develop a novel rapid antibacterial susceptibility testing method.

[06/12/2018] Dr. Ebrahimi presented our work on in situ monitoring of E. coli metabolism in the 28th World Congress on Biosensors in Miami.

[05/14/2018] Derrick received the prestigious University Graduate Fellowship (UGF). UGF recognizes top-rated applicants in the College of Engineering. Congratulation, Derrick!

[05/07/2018] Our proposal to NSF-IUCRC ATOMIC center to study Fenton-based biosensing and catalysis using 2D materials has been funded (PIs: Robinson and Ebrahimi).

[05/01/2018] Derrick joins our group to pursue his PhD studies in EE. Welcome!

[04/24/2018] Rikki presented his Senior Design Project on Dynamic Laser Speckle Imaging of Bacterial Cells in the EE Project Fair, Spring 2018. Well done! Here is a picture of him explaining his work to Prof. Ram Narayanan:








[02/16/2018] Our paper titled “Gel-integrated impedimetric biosensors based on Au-Ni microelectrodes enable in situ detection of E. coli metabolism” got accepted in “28th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors“.

[02/06/2018] Our paper published in Biophysical Journal, titled “Analyzing Thermal Stability of Cell Membrane of Salmonella Using Time-Multiplexed Impedance Sensing”, is the Top Story in NSF Science 360.

[12/11/2017] Huck-MRI’s Common Vision is supporting our proposal on real-time study of bacterial communication. In this research, we are collaborating with Dr. Kovac’s group in Food Science.

[11/1/2017] Our paper on Electrical analysis of Thermal Stability of Cell Membrane of Salmonella just got accepted in Biophysical Journal.

[10/18/2017] Our proposal on 2D Material-enabled Antibacterial Susceptibility Testing got the Merit Award from MRI-Covestro. In this research, we are collaborating with Dr. Robinson’s group in Materials Science and Engineering.

[10/17/2017] Dr. Ebrahimi is presenting her research in Materials Day, Millennium Science Complex, PSU.

[10/11/2017] Dr. Ebrahimi is attending the BMES annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ.

[10/06/2017] Chengye Dong joins e-Bio-e Lab as a Visiting Scholar, jointly advised by Dr. Ebrahimi and Dr. Robinson. Welcome Chengye!

[09/21/2017] Dr. Ebrahimi is invited to give a talk in EECS Seminar Series.

[08/20/2017] Rikki and Lindsey join e-Bio-e Lab to do undergraduate research. Welcome!

[08/10/2017] Possible Grad and Undergrad research positions are available.

[08/10/2017] e-Bio-e website is launched. Welcome!