Lecture 31: Patterns of Species Richness

With our new-found insight into the structure and dynamics of communities, today we’ll revisit one of the central questions in ecology: why do some places have more species than others?

  • A simple way to consider this is in terms of how to pack more species in an ecosystem
    • This can occur by expanding the niche axes (these might be resources OR conditions)
    • Each species can narrow its utilization within the available niche space
    • Species can minimize overlap within the niche space
    • Even the smallest gaps within niche space can be filled (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc8zCSQxBhM)
  • Island biogeography seeks to explain patterns of species richess in terms of the dynamic processes that form communities — i.e. establishment and extinction
    • The balance of establishment and extinction predict stable patterns of species richness, though not necessarily stable community compositions

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