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Homework 4

Homework 4 is due on 19 April at 5PM.  Please put the homework file in the ANGEL dropbox. This homework asks you to read 1 website and 2 papers and answer the associated questions.  The homework file is :

Homework 4

The website and papers are linked below:

Montoya & al 2006

Cardinale, Science 2012





Lecture 21: Community dynamics of predation

    • Predation can produce similar community effects as disturbance — generating gaps that can allow persistence
    • Effect of predation on diversity may depend on resource availability
    • Specialist predators can permit persistence if the effect is biased towards dominant competitor
    • Apparent competition can occur in species that don’t specifically interact, but share a predator
    • Keystone Predators are those whose presence or absence can cause a large shift in community composition

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

It takes all types to change the world.  Some are speakers, some are doers.  And rarely, we are given the gift of a person who is both.  On this day, let us reflect on the words and deeds of Dr. King and those of all the many people that still form the movement that he symbolizes.


Fish seeking cooler waters

This article from the NY Times is related to Friday’s lecture:

This article raises many questions that we’ll deal with over the next few weeks:

  1. What determines a species’ (fish’s) range?
  2. Where are they now?
  3. Where will they be in 5 years?
  4. How many fish are there?
  5. How many can we take each year?

And the many non-ecology questions that ecology can help to answer:

  1. How to set national and state catch regulations?
  2. Who “owns” fish? or fishing rights?
  3. How to invest in fishing fleet? tackle?
  4. Where to locate purchasing/processing/packing facilities now? in 10 years?