
Welcome to the course weblog for BIOL 463 General Ecology.  This will be the repository for all information about the course, including homeworks, exams, and announcements, and will be a site that you can collectively use to post questions or discussions about course content.

Lecture Materials:

The lecture materials for this course are available through the following links:

Lectures Part 1

Lectures Part 2

Lectures Part 3

The lectures are created using the Prezi software (http://prezi.com) and exist as a viewable slideshow (by clicking the left/right arrows at the bottom of the screen) or by clicking individual elements within the presentation to zoom into specific parts. The lecture materials can be viewed online or downloaded.

The lecture slides are also available below in .pdf form.  Note, these are big files, but any one lecture will only be a portion of this.

Lecture slides for Part 1

Lecture slides for Part 2.1

Lecture slides for Part 2.2

Lecture slides for part 2.3

Lecture slides for part 3


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