Skincare for Dummies

I want to discuss the importance of skincare and taking the needed time to care for your body. Our skin is the biggest organ, it deserves to be treated correctly! Some tips that I prefer for healthy smooth skin is:

  • cleansing
  • exfoliating
  • moisturizing

Let’s dive a bit deeper!

Skin Layers

Your skin is made up of three layers:

  • The epidermis – This is the first layer, what you visible see and is there to protect your body.
  • The Dermis- This is the second and thickest layer, this layer is made up of fibrous and elastic tissue which aids will strength and support for the epidermis. This layer also contains nerve endings, sweat gland and hair follicles.
  • The Hypodermis- This is the final layer, the main purpose is to hold the skin to muscles and bones and holds fat and produces the hormone leptin. (Which provides the feeling of being full)

Now that we have the basic layers covered, it’s time to discuss why skincare is so important, and a possible routine to follow!

The Importance of Skin Care

It is important to take care of your skin due to it being the overall barrier to our internal system. You are more prone to infection when your skin is dry and irritated, causing it to crack. Skincare also aids with break outs and acne. As well as providing you with smooth, radiant skin. Finally, your skin protects you from the wrinkle warrior, UV rays! WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN!!

What is your skin type?

As a skincare enthusiast, I would recommend adapting a skincare routine. This first step is discovering what skin type you have. For the most part there are four types:

  • Dry Skin- Very flaky, tight, and dry.
  • Normal Skin- Well balances neither too oily or too dry (bless you if you have this type)
  • Combination Skin- Mix of both oily and dry skin. Usually in different areas.
  • Oily Skin- Glossy shine, filled and visible pores.

The needed steps to take

No matter the type of skin you can, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day. One in the morning and one at night. This way you wash off oily, dirt, makeup, and buildup. To find the right cleanser for your skin type follow this article.

Exfoliating is another recommendation. You have 10-30 layers of dead skin cells on your body. It’s important to exfoliate 1-2 times a week either through a scrub or loofa (with a body wash) to effectively remove this dead skin. To exfoliate your face, it is better to use chemical exfoliants like Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. Since your facial skin is much more sensitive than the rest of your body, avoid using harsh exfoliating methods.

Before I discuss moisturizing, there are also many other additives you can use for skincare. There are toners, serums, and creams that all will benefit your specific skin type. Through this link, you can further learn what ingredients and products to look.

Finally, moisturizing… This step is often overlooked and skipped. In my opinion however, this is the most important step. Moisturizer replenishes your skin and adds a layer of protection to it. No matter what type of skin you have (even oily), you should be moisturizing. Again there are specific types of moisturizers for your specific type of skin. This article will help you find your perfect match!

All in all, skincare is important. It’s the biggest organ and deserves to be taken care of. Wether its the skin on your face or on your body, it is recommended to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your skin!





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Skin perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant: Paula’s choice. Shop Paula’s Choice. (n.d.).

The importance of exfoliation – A womans health. The Importance of Exfoliating. (n.d.).