Week 6 – Wikis one voice many uses

Using Web 2.0 technologies, knowledge can be shared publicly or privately by way of blogs and wikis for consumption and interaction with published content. Class blogs allow for many authors to share their respective views on the prescribed topics while wikis afford multiple authors and one voice on a main topic. Depending on how it is organized for users, a wiki  might end up looking like a blog with many voices, instead of one. Entries can be archived for both blogs and wikis but the wiki platform is designed for collaborative writing, not so the blog. In using these platforms, organization of content is important in creating the intended learning environment.

A Wiki is different from a blog in that it is set up to contain different pages.  Schweder & Wissick,(2009) suggested many ways a wiki can be used to improve instruction, such as classroom wikis or subject wikis. For support groups in education where the administrative system is left to the respective departments to create, wikis can be used to create knowledge management systems (KMS). In our centre for e-learning (CeL) we have several teams. Each team is required to create  a KMS (one voice for their team) into the main KMS for CeL. When I first joined CeL, the KMS organization was poor, meaning users experienced frustration in locating information. But recently one of the assistant head took time to organize the massive body of information using a free version of mind mapping tool (http://www.mindomo.com) in the process of designing the new KMS on Google Sites. This KMS became a model sample which could be showcased during Google Apps training. It was an eye opening experience for many, including some department heads, who attended Learning Week for Non Academic Staff as they could see the potential yield in productivity. Several academic staff joined as they also needed to learn the how to. CeL is planning more Google Edu Apps workshops to address this need for academic staff.

Like Valerie Burton (wiki-centric-learning) we also use the Wiki to serve as an online filing cabinet for handouts in our training. See bitly.com/NonAcadLearningWeek

One of my work assignment is to create pedagogical tips for Blackboard. I am now thinking of using a wiki to design it with key concepts and short videos from academic staff sharing. Putting this information online will reach a bigger audience.

How are blogs and wikis different in how they shape our learning in this class?

2 thoughts on “Week 6 – Wikis one voice many uses

  1. Rachel H Tan Post author

    Dear Cheryl

    Is your school using Blackboard N9 (Blackboard Learn)? In this version, there are many tools including DF, Wiki, Blog, an alternative to Clickers we call iResponded, etc.

    Currently, we have information organized by our educational technologists under a tab ‘Guide for Instructors’ as follows:
    – Accessing (incl Bb Mobile, Change Password)
    – Build Course (Build Content, LAMS sequence, Copy/Export-Import Course, etc
    – Interact with Students (Annoucement, SMS, Course Mail, iResponded, DF)
    – Collaboration (Blog/Journal, Wiki)
    – Assessing Students (Test Survey & Pool, SafeAssign, Turnitin)
    – Course Settings (course management tools, groups)
    – Monitoring Students (Review performance, Adaptive Release, Early Warning System, Grade Centre)

    What I hope to do is to show the Why of using the tools while the above Bb PDF/videos shows the How. I haven’t yet figured how the Wiki will be organised but it will be to promote active and collaborative learning using the tools in Bb for teaching and learning.

    A reference I found in the web from CalPoly:
    Some videos from Blackboard on the How To’s

    P/S Like you I’m just getting the hang of blogs. For wikis we will get a better handle once we do the group assignment.

    Thanks, rachel

  2. Cheryl Burris

    Rachel stated:One of my work assignment is to create pedagogical tips for Blackboard. I am now thinking of using a wiki to design it with key concepts and short videos from academic staff sharing. Putting this information online will reach a bigger audience.

    First, I think this is a wonderful idea. I have never used Blackboard until last semester when my class was a test class for Blackboard Mobile. It was a little difficult for me so I did not use it and relied on my desktop/laptop instead. Good luck with this project – a worthy undertaking.

    Next, I think your idea of putting your Blackboard project as a Wiki is an interesting one. How do you see it proceeding?

    Finally, while I am getting the hang of blogs, I am still unsure of wikis since they are so new to me. Thought provoking question.

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