September 2012 eEducation Agenda 

The next e-Education Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 6th from 10-11:30 in 118 Wagner Building. I have started the agenda below and will look to round it out with your suggestions in the coming days. You can simply leave a comment on this post for items you are interested in leading discussions about. For our meeting, use the tag “September 2012” and if you create a new post, use the categories for 2012 and September. Thanks!

Proposed Agenda

  1. Welcome Back and Various Announcements — Cole Camplese and Allan Gyorke
    1. Campus Instructional Design Consultants
    2. Summer Camp Recap
    3. Yammer Status
  2. ANGEL Status and Discussion of Ongoing Initiatives — Terry O’Heron and Cole Camplese
    1. Panopto and ANGEL
    2. Maintenace Window
    3. Explor Repository
  3. iTunes U and Open Courseware Project with ETS and Arts and Architecture — Angela Dick and Megan Kohler
  4. ds106 at University of Mary Washington — Alan Levine