This is my work for the neverendingUnity exercise. I struggled a little bit with finding some tools because they were in different places then they were in compared to photoshop and illustrator. But overall, I was able to follow the directions pretty well.
UPDATED: P4 | Sketch: Round Robin History and Prep
P5 | Exercise 2: variationsQuickMask
P5 | Exercise 1: variationsCloning
Artwork: roundRobinRemix
This is my final artwork for the round robin remix. I tried out adding all sorts of filters to the different layers of my images. One that I liked that I did not keep was an oil paint filter, I thought that was unique. Also while working on this project, I had a hard time incorporating the pillow image because I didn’t think it fit well so I used a few copies of the pillow to create a soft background of white before the mountain landscape.
Corpse Layer Collage
P4 Exercise 2: corpseTonalScale
Project 4 Exercise 1: corpseScanning
These are my photos for the Corpse Scanning exercise. For the old photo, I used an old family photo. For the photo I took, I used a photo of a mountain landscape that I took in New Hope. For the random internet photo, the word that I got when randomly flipping through a book was pillow and that was the fourth image posted. And for any photo of my choice, I choose a picture that I really liked that I took of raindrops up close.