The Special Interest Group on Digital Transformation at Penn State called Consortium for Digital Enterprises or CODE has an Industry Advisory Board (IAB) which is a select group of experts from the industry who provide guidance on academic issues, especially cross disciplinary issues, and current trends and future directions. IAB is a forum where ideas are exchanged and recommendations made. The IAB provides direct linkage and communication between the CODE and the industry.
To promote an exchange on the emerging processes and technologies in digital enterprises to enhance Penn State’s research agenda and improve the student experience.
The IAB objectives are:
- Advance knowledge of digital transformation and share best practices of digital enterprises throughout the Penn State student and faculty community
- Provide student access to experienced industry members
- Share industry career advice to students
- Provide industry insights on business trends and technology usage
- Drive collaboration between Penn State and industry through digital transformation topics
These objectives align to the following Penn State Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2020:
- The six Penn State foundations: Enable Access to Education, Engaging the Students, Fostering and Embracing a Diverse World, Enhancing Global Engagement, Driving Economic Development and Ensuring a Sustainable Future
- Two thematic priorities: Transform Education and Drive Digital Innovation
Current Members of the Industry Advisory Board
Former Members of the Industry Advisory Board