PPE Pointers

Hello everyone,

Dr. Heidi White and some of her colleagues in Durham, NC created this quick video to remind healthcare workers about the importance of facemasks and how to wear them properly. Please take a look and share with your staff.  Dr. White offers some helpful tips, like how to lower your voice while wearing a mask so your residents can hear you better, and how to smile with your words when residents can’t see your whole face:


Also, is your facility having a hard time obtaining PPE?

·       LifeSpan has them. Contact apbeacon@lifespan-network.org with questions or quantities of what you need. We have KN95 and non-surgical masks in stock now.

·       ALANA is so happy to offer face shields in limited supply to AALNA members for $6.00/shield + shipping with limit of 5 per facility for now.  To place your order please e-mail Calvin @ Calvin@alnursing.org . We will invoice you after we ship them for item + shipping cost. All our masks are re-usable and are provided unassembled, but are easy to put together. This makes it easier for you to sanitize them (and for us to get them to you!), and we have an instructional video on how to put them together. Here’s the video:

·       The government announced last week that FEMA will be sending a week’s supply of PPE to every nursing home, and then another week’s supply by July 4th. We shall see!

·       PPE Request form for Maryland facilities:


·       PPE Request form for Pennsylvania facilities:


Finally, we’ve attached a flyer that you can hang in residents’ rooms to remind them to remind their caregivers to wear a mask, wash hands and then not touch anything before caring for the resident!

Have a great week and be well!

Attachment: Resident flyer for COVID-19

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